Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Tuesday, October 30
10:57 AM

I hate my past. Need I say more? I just hate my past.


"Sometimes people with the worst past, create the best future," -- Sayidina Umar bin Al-Khattab RA.

Needless to say, I don't regret my past. If it weren't for my past, I wouldn't be who I am today. But that doesn't stop me from hating it, from hating who I used to be.

I'd like to believe that I'm among those 'people' as mentioned in the quote above.

12:46 AM

I know I start things late. Studying two/three days before your next paper probably isn't the right way to do it but it works for me. I cram everything into my head and that's how I've been studying for my finals. Most people would condemn me for it but I forget easily. I forget faster than I can to understand. I understand things easily but I forget even more easily. I'm like a sponge, you know? 

I just can't wait for finals to be over. It's possible that I'm having low blood pressure at the moment since I keep feeling light-headed and my heartbeat is irregular from time to time. My face keeps breaking out, pimples here and there, eyebags and dark circles are more severe, appetite deteriorates gradually, and I'm starting to become a zombie. I've never been this stressed for exams before, not even for SPM. 

At this point I'm just hoping for a >3.0 pointer. I think 4.0 flat has gone with the wind ==' 

I can't lose my determination.


Here we go.


Tuesday, October 23
12:57 AM

So uh yeah I'm having my final exams now. First paper done, and Alhamdulillah it went well. Three more to go.

This music video never fails to inspire me. So much playing around with bright, colourful lights. So in love :o

Friday, October 19
2:24 AM

Finals on Monday. Still have a lot to study and I'm starting to panic. Starting to get worried that whatever I've revised so far won't remain in my head until finals are over. I'm terrified and i'm panicking and omg can I just dig a hole and hide there forever? T_T

Worst part is, the closer I'm getting to finals, the lazier I become. NOOOOOOO!!!!!! >:(

Monday, October 15
1:03 AM

Whoa I abandoned this thing for so long hahah.

Life has been treating me well. Alhamdulillah. Finals are in about a week and I'm kinda having a tough time trying to concentrate :p

Along the way I've met such wonderful people and I'm so glad to have them in my life. I love them too much to let go. :)

For the past few days I've been in a love-hate relationship with myself. What concerns me most is the "hate" part. I've been worryingly unproductive for the past few days, and with finals coming in a week, I have to do something about my futileness. I kept on condemning myself, insulting myself, bringing my own self down for not being the responsible student that I'm supposed to be. I kept on having this negative mindset and it's been bringing me down. But after talking to a dearly beloved about it, I think I'm finally pulling through. Right now I'm determined to keep a positive mindset so I can constantly motivate myself to excel in my finals. 4.0 FLAT IS WITHIN MY REACH! ... I just have to find a way to get there hahah.

Currently obsessed with this song. Reminds me of so many things. Pretty much explains what I'm going through right now. Heh.

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