Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Saturday, May 30
10:54 PM

Woke up late today. Had lunch. Went shopping with my sisters and Abg Azlan.

Roamed around the bazaar. Nothing interesting. Got bored, nearly snored.

I bought a shirt, from Junk Food. You know, that American brand! Heh heh. I got it for only 35 bucks! For an American brand, and hey, that brand ain't cheap you know. The people who entertained us were really nice, we didn't even bother to bargain. After all, celebrities in the US even wear it!

Bought a locket for my necklace as well. It's a silver key. Ha, the key to my heart. Oh. Ha ha.

Went home. Showered. Prayed. Made dinner with Kak Intan. Ate them.

Played a stupid game of Clusterz! Got bored. Online.

And now I'm updating my blog! Weee!

A hot night, tonight. Hmm . . . jom pasang aircond, Kakcik?

Friday, May 29
11:33 PM

I went to school for the Teacher's Day celebration thingy, blah dee blah blaaaahhh. As usual, so many performances, same things each year . . .

You wanna know the one thing that really annoys the hell out of me during formal school events? Wannonnot? Haha; the stuffy hall, when the morning session and afternoon girls combine. Daaaannnggggg. Terbau semua ketiak busuk orang. Hahahaha. Dah lah stuffy, lagi lagi bising, PANAS. Sheesh.

Ya, ya, had fun, blah blah blah. So much for fun -_-"

School holidays are here! Two weeks off, YEAH BABY! Hehe.


Let's enjoy the freedom! No homework, no waking up early to go to school in the morning, no need to line up at the assembly for soooo long while listening to the teachers making their announcements. Woo!


Thursday, May 28
3:52 PM

I started off the day with . . . diarrhea. When I woke up in the morning to get ready for school, I didn't feel quite right. My tummy was uncomfortable and I felt like puking. Turns out, I had diarrhea, and I was so glad that it didn't drag on to the rest of the day. But, I did feel lethargic when I went to school this morning. The walking distance from where the car stopped to drop me off and the school was not really far, but I was somehow fatigued while walking. Sigh. I'm not as fit as I used to be anymore :(

I actually went to school to finish my wood project for KH. My teacher said we could go into the workshop -- bengkel, right? -- and finish up what had to be done . . . on one condition;

> The teacher in our class must not be present


> The teacher in our class is not going to teach us anything or give us any work


> There are no teachers in class at all.

So much for that. It turned out that I wasn't able to go to the workshop. *Groans* I nearly decided not to go to school after the diarrhea this morning, when I had the stomachache. But noooo, I just had to be so "goody goody" to go to school.

Come to think of it, I'm still having a mild stomachache now. Sigh. It can't be something I ate . . . Well, at least I'm not puking . . . *vomits* Ha ha. Kidding.

I improved on my Sejarah this time! Yay! Okay, okay, I admit, it is not an A but . . . SO WHAT. I improved! What used to be 40 something is now 60! Well, I wouldn't have gotten 60 for Sejarah if I didn't study, and if Abg Muizz didn't teach me a bit. Alhamdulillah :)

I can't wait to get the rest of my exam papers back. I'm so anxious about it. But I'm excited too. I wanna see where this is going.


Wednesday, May 27
4:30 PM

Ah, yes, midterm/diagnostic exam is finally over! Alas, we all claim our independence . . . for now. Trials and PMR await us as we anticipate them, anxious. God, if I don't get this over and done with any sooner, I'm going to participate in the explosion of stress. Can PMR come faster pleeeeeeease?

KH was easy today. Quite challenging, but I could do it. Konfom boleh dapat A. Kot. Haha.

I can't wait to get my results for the midterm/diagnostic exam. I'm so anxious about it. Sigh.

I've just made up a list of what I'd like to get when I achieve my goals ;

1) 8A's - a new handphone, or my first own pair of Converse!

2) 7A's - that Moschino perfume I tried at KLIA. The one that smells like summer ;)

3) 6A's - shopping! :D

Haha. InsyaAllah dapat 8A's. AMIN :)

Exams are over! Yay! Tak payah nak stress lagi . . . for now. PMR awaits!

Eh, just now, during the Seni paper, SO NOT FAIR! Class sebelah tu dapat notes from their teacher . . . who also happens to be our Seni teacher. They got the notes, from where or who created it I don't know, but we didn't get it. What we know was that, we didn't get the notes from our teacher, who happens to be their teacher as well.

Hmm. Tengok la, 3T kan semua macam taik. Pergh. TENGOK LA SIAPA MEMEKAK MACAM MONYET SKARANG.

Whatever la. Seni's not important, anyway. Masuk PMR ke? Tak ennnn.

I just opened my Facebook. My goodness gracious, 92 friend requests! Haha. I haven't been logging in to FB for quite a long time. Oh, and 26 new notifications.

"Arlia Hashim commented on a photo of you."

Haha. Dannngggggg.


Tuesday, May 26
6:02 PM

Started off the day feeling groggy and frustrated. I managed to wake up at 5.40 in the morning, thinking I'd sleep for another ten minutes before I wake up and do a little bit of studying. Hmm. Last last, 6.30 baru bangun.

Gosh. I hate waking up late. Everything's in a rush and you tend to forget some important things.

Geography was pretty easy. I studied, of course. Two weeks before the exams even started. But . . . I tend to forget some facts in the process. So, I had to struggle a bit when I did that geography paper. Sigh. Science was EASY! Freaking easy. Paper Two was the bomb! I managed to finish those eight long questions in 35 minutes. That's like 30% usage of the time given! Muahaha.

The classroom we were in, I think it was playing tricks on us. The electricity kept on turning on and off, on and off, and it felt like as if someone was pulling a prank on us. Haha. I think the school is haunted. I think there was a ghost somewhere in the classroom. Is it just me or . . . is it just me?

Tomorrow is the last day of exam! KH and Seni. Screw seni. It's not in PMR anyway. I'm gonna go study KH later. I can't really focus in the evening. I need silence.

I'm so sleepy and lethargic. I've just had a two-hour nap and now I'm feeling groggy. In fact, I don't think I'm fully awake yet. I hate it when I fall asleep in the evening. When I wake up, I'd feel like as if there's a heavy rock on my head.

I'm prone to sleep nowadays. Haha. It's like my new hobby, and I hate it -_-"

Agh. My nose is blocked! It feels very cold. Very frozen, haha. It's like I'm breathing ice. Woo how cool is that? ;)

My annoyance level is nearly hitting the red mark. Nowadays I get annoyed so easily that I could just snap like that *finger snaps* I get annoyed just a little too easily.

Like just now at school. And yesterday. Gosh, so noisy la class sebelah. Tahu la semua nerds en, pandai2 semua, and then after exam nak menggelabah pasal exam papers tu. Jawapan semua betul, nak menggelabah buat apa? Tsk tsk. And they say 3T is a noisy class(?).

I hate nerds. Frankly, I admit that I'm a nerd, too, in spite of everyone calling me one. But I hate those kinds of nerds who'd fuss about one teeny weeny itty bit of a wrong answer. Get a grip, gosh. Dah tahu nak dapat A tu, DIAM LA. Orang kat sebelah je, nak jerit pulak macam nak cakap dengan satu football field.

Sumpah annoying.

Haih. See how annoyed and irritated I am?


Monday, May 25
9:03 PM

"SCORE A" is bullshit.
So is Clusterz!
So is Dell.

7:07 PM

Maths was a killer today. It required a lot of thinking, but I still managed to do it anyway. I hope I can get an A this time. Sigh.

Actually, it was so much "fun" during the Maths paper today. What with the hooligans in the canteen, screaming and shouting like there's no ickin' frickin' crackalackin' tomorrow, and the sound of the cheerleaders doing their thang'. Gosh, so irritating. Especially when all of us had to think a lot with THE NOISE.

Siap lah korang, next year / next next year. Nanti kena jugak dengan junior korang. Tak boleh concentrate during EXAMS, padan muka. Nanti rasa la apa kitorg rasa yeee? :)

R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Haha, tetiba je. Last year, bukan main lagi diorg suruh sesi petang diam, because morning session ada exam. This year . . . plerrrgggghhhghghheghrhg.

To make things worse, my head was hurting so bad during school hours. It felt like as if the gears in my head were all rusty and needed some tweaking.

I feel like puking. Seriously. Nowadays, I keep on having the sensation of barfing. Hmm. Must be from the stress. I'm having hiccups now, and I just swallowed back the bile that got up my throat. Haha. Disgusting, I know. Like YOU haven't done that. Ahah. I can literally taste the vomit on my tongue. Eew. How gross is that? ;)

Ah, I can't believe tomorrow is the second last day of exams! YA-A-AY! Science and Geography tomorrow. I'm gonna screw you Geo! I studied waaaaay before, and I'm gonna beat you down. Muahaha! Science? Jangan cakap la, tutup mata boleh buat, hahahah.


Sunday, May 24
9:28 PM

I have Maths tomorrow. Ickin' frickin' crackalackin' Maths.


Friday, May 22
6:04 PM

Last night, I slept at 4AM. Study Agama. Tengok tengok, TAK HABIS LAGI T_T

Today, Agama was quite tough. Since I slept late last night, my mind was close to blank this morning. But, but, but but but, despite all that, I think I can still get an A. I think. I don't know, I think. Sigh, I hope.

Sejarah was surprisingly kind of easy. KIND OF. The chances of me getting an A for Sejarah this time are . . . nil. Boleh improve leeeh.

Exams are over . . . for the week! Still have another three days of exam, and then I'm free, baby, FREEEEE! *Hula dance* Thank God, all the hard subjects are over. I still have Maths, Science, KH, and Geo to go. They're all kacang lah. Tutup mata boleh buat ;D

I am sooooo sleepy. I only got three hours of sleep last night. Buat apa lagi? Study lah! Tsk tsk.

I'm so glad it's the weekend already. I can rest and chill for a short while. Three more days of exams, and I'll be done with midterm/diagnostic! Yippeekayay!

I miss my brada. I can't wait for, another two weeks! He's coming home. Woohoo!


Thursday, May 21
4:57 PM

I'm so tired. Seriously. I'm soooooooo tired and I don't know how you people can deal with things like this. I beseech you dudes, seriously.

English was drop dead easy today, hands down. So many ideas popped in my head >.<

Everyone's complaining about the BM paper yesterday. Well, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THEM. The questions were like crap, anyway. If I can, if I have the power, I want to go to the JAMBAN -- please refer to my last post -- and tear and burn the whole place down. Muahahahahahahaha!

Agama and Sejarah tomorrow. I can score Agama lah, kacang only. Sejarah? Err . . . I'm not hoping so much. I just hope that my grade for Sejarah will improve this time -- I never got past 50 for history, hahahahaha! I think I can improve this time. Hey, don't gimme that look, I studied whaaaaat!

Ugh, my head is pounding. That bastard doesn't wanna pick up the phone. Coward. I hope your balls shrunk just like you, too, since you're soooo "kecut". Hah.

I'm gonna go study Agama and Sejarah now. No point thinking about that coward anyway. Pfth.


Wednesday, May 20
5:26 PM

Gosh, the BM paper was pretty tough today. We had two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2.

The first paper was okay, I could answer most of the questions -- THANK GOD! But, paper twoooo . . . ? The questions were tough. We had to do four essays in two hours, and I was really rushing to finish the paper.

It took my exactly two hours to finish those four essays. It was so hard and mind-boggling! I had no idea what I was writing. Oh, wait, I do have an idea of what I wrote on those papers. Crap. I was conversing crap, all thanks to panic + rushing for the deadline. Sucks! I felt like killing the person who made the paper. The person from the Jabatan. Jambatan. JAMBAN HAHAHA. Pfth. I seriously felt like burning the question paper down into a million pieces, all into nothing but ashes.


Huh, gettin' all tuff' on me now, eh? I'll show you tough!

Tomorrow will be English and Sivik. Ah, who cares about Sivik anyway? I'm sure I'll be fine with my supercool sense of logic. Muahahaha. Sejarah and Agama will be on Friday, and I'm quite prepared for it. Nothing will be hard if I study :)

Tuesday, May 19
8:24 PM

You think, people are not going to find out what you're doing?

You think, nobody's ever going to know your regret?

You think, you're doing nothing wrong?

Well, that's one hell of a way to live as a human. That is, if you call yourself a human, in spite of your inhuman attitude.

You think, this has nothing to do with us? Pervert, get out of our lives. We don't need you, and we certainly won't like you. I don't know who you are, but please, just get the hell outta here. Better yet, GO TO HELL.


Sangap. Kan dah kena maki hamun tak ingat dunia.

Go away, PERVERT.

5:11 PM

Exams are...TOMORROW-ow! :O

I am so tired. I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of diagnostic. And then got some more exams. Gaaahhh! Seriously, if you kiddos think that UPSR is stressful, HAHAHA wait till you get to PMR. Let alone SPM :| The pressure is just sublime.


Kalau lembu tu dekat atas bukit...*lukis lukis on the whiteboard*
*gelak gelak*
Bukit apa ni? Bukit awak?
*The whole class laughs*
WHAT? I jugak yang kena!

Haha, mentang2 la I duduk kat depan cikgu en masa tu -_-" Ngek lah korang. Haha.

Finally I'm done with my PEKA! HOYEAH! Oh, yeah, still got Geo and Sejarah. Grrhrgarghrghhashghrhgah screw them! Who gives a crap about "Perbandingan Kuala Lumpur dengan Bangkok" or "Sejarah Bangunan Bersejarah di Kuala Lumpur" or something like that? SHEESH.

Haha, I don't care about homework anymore. Really. Book checking is over, exams are juuuuuust around the corner, and wouldn't you think it'd be better if I spend my "studying" time on STUDYING rather than SCHOOL HOMEWORK? Oddly enough, if I'm doing my homework, I won't feel good about myself, knowing that I could use the time to study rather than doing homework. Yelgh. It's like some kind of a plague. Homework. Huahuahua

I'll see you Third Formers at the gateway to hell tomorrow. Let's just hope that some of us get lucky enough to be wafted away to the gateway to . . . heaven. Hahahahahaha

Monday, May 18
5:15 PM

The clouds are back :) I've missed the clouds. So harmlessly calming, just protecting us from the ridiculous heat of the sun. Ah, yes. I've missed the boundless blanket of clouds. Haha, feeling skejap.

Exams are in . . . 2 days. The day after tomorrow. I'm sure it won't be that bad. I mean, I studied, right? Heck, I still am. Studying, I mean. There will be nothing wrong when I actually studied and put some more effort.

If I get to be in the top three in class for the diagnostic exam, also for the midyear exam, I want a pair of Converse. Forget the perfume my brother promised, I want my own pair of Converse! It's so unfair, my twin has a Converse and I don't! I thought twins were supposed to have the same thing...[?] Yeah, Acah, I hope you feel bad reading this. Really, really bad. Muahahahahahaha! >:D

I've finished reading Plain Truth yesterday. The book was awesome! It was so full of suspense, which just kept me reading for more. And, the ending wasn't what I expected it to be. Jeng jeng jeng. I practically beseech Jodi Picoult! Her writing and storytelling skills are so good!

I think it took me a week to finish the 500-page book. Cool eh? *winks* Right now, I'm currently waiting for The Sounds of the Humpback Whale, which I'm borrowing from my twin. Really, if you minus our appearances -- we don't look alike at all -- and add up our personalities together, you'd find it pretty easy to believe that we're so much alike, right, Twin? Heheh.

I'm going to go study now. I have a lot to go. I'm scared, anxious. But at the same time, I'm excited to see my progression.

Sunday, May 17
8:25 PM

Score A is crap. I don't know why I even bother to do it anyway.

Oh, yes, it's because my mum paid hundreds for that crap. HAAA -_-" Might as well make full use of her money for a load of POOP.

Typing errors, incorrect/inaccurate answers, an annoying voice saying "Good" or "Excellent" Or "Well Done" whenever you get an answer right. Score A? More like score E. Some of the questions are not from the text book, and, dear Jabatan Pendidikan Wilayah Persekutuan, how the hell do you expect us youngsters to score A's in our exams when you provide us with questions that do not involve the answers from the textbook? Whereas you tell us to always refer to the textbook.

Seriously, don't even think about spending your parents' money on that. I'd rather spend lots of money on reference and exercise books to study rather than having stupid online programmed studying system. **I made up the last part about the "stupid online programmed studying system. What else do you call it anyway?**

And, sorry Ma, but the next time this Score A thing expires, let's not renew it shall we? I'd rather spend my lovely time with books, thank you very much.

Exams are in . . . *pheeeewwwwwwww CRASH* 3 days. Three more days to hell. Oh, dear God, please close the gates to hell for me. I've been working my butt off to ace this one. If I don't improve...*speechless* I can't believe PMR is in five months. I can imagine myself with that Straight A certificate when I get my PMR results, but then again, I could just be dreaming. God help me.

Oh, I can't wait for 30th May! My brother's coming home! And, he's going to stay here during the whole month of JUNE! YAY!

10 Reasons Why it Would Rock when My Brother Gets Back

10. Heh heh, I can annoy him like I used to >:D
9. I can persuade him to pick me up after school, like he used to back when I was in primary school.
8. His sloppy peck on my head -_____-"
7. I can share my jokes with him! Bahahaha.
6. By the time I get my results for the Diagnostic exam, he'll still be here.
5. Which means that he can perform his deal he made with me >:)
4. I can hug him and squeeze him to death! MUAHAHAHHA.
3. OH! Can go watch movies with him and Kakcik jugak. The Loyal Movie Buddies!
2. Night at the Museum 2 *nudge nudge wink wink*

And the number one reason why it would rock when my brother gets back?

1. .............................

Honestly, I don't know. Haha! Welcome home brudder! Although, I know it's still early, way way early to say "welcome home".

Friday, May 15
5:14 PM

Ah, yes. For the past couple of days, it hasn't been so hot. Alhamdulillah :) Finally, God answered our prayers! The heat is no longer unbearable...I hope.

Time is seriously running out. Exams are next week and that's the only thing in my mind at the moment. I heard that the BM paper will be hard. Jeng jeng jeng. Requires some thinking. Fine, I'll do thinking. I'll show you what thinking is. Sigh. Another 162 days to PMR. Not so long now, huh?

I'm going to school tomorrow, due to the extra class for Sejarah. I wouldn't mind going, if it's for my studies' sake. But, the only thing that's bothering me now is what we have to wear tomorrow. Seriously, baju PJK and seluar track bottom CBN? Err, lame, much? For crying out loud, it's not like we wear a tube top and a really skimpy mini skirt to school. Yeesh. If keluar pergi Pavilion macam tu I paham lagi lah -_-"

There will be a carnival tomorrow, held by SRK CBN1, our little sisters. HAHA. They're having it at the school, so I might just drop by and hangout there for a while with my friends, provided if they're going.

I should be studying right now. But then again, maybe I should just relax. After all, you can't study with a tired body and a tired brain ;D **Saja cari excuse taknak study, hahahaha**

I stayed back after school just now. Pn Asifa was kind enough to give us an extra class on Agama, since she didn't enter our class for a couple of days. Well, only half of the population of Muslim students in the class showed up. Haha. It was kind of fun, actually, having Pn Asifa teaching us. She's not like those typical frown-and-scold-all-the-time type of teachers. Yes, she's strict and firm, but she's nice and fun, too.

Sigh. I feel the pressure now, and I ain't liking it.

Thursday, May 14
7:13 PM

I can't believe exams are next week. In less than 7 days, I'm going to hell. See you!

There are a lot to study for Agama. Ustazah Asifa just gave us the topics that would be coming out in the diagnostic paper, and hell, there were a LOT!

My head is pounding. All thanks to studying. And I'm lacking on my Maths, too. Bloody hell. I'm going to die soon if I don't catch up on my Maths as well. Especially algebraic expressions III. And indices. Eee I hate those two topics!

I'm going off. Study punya pasal lah ni.

Wednesday, May 13
10:39 PM

I can't think right now. I am definitely not in the mood to study. My mind is blank, as blank as a white sheet of paper. The hammers are pounding harder and harder in my head, but they're nothing compared to the rapid dup dup dup of my heart.

I saw something that I shouldn't have seen. More like read, actually. I just can't believe it. And I'm not gonna tell anyone. It was nothing obscene, honestly. Or scary. It was just...shockingly devastating. It wasn't what I would expect out of...never mind. Too much info.

My knees are shaking. I can't think straight. My mind is blocked by a black wall, preventing me from breaking through. My feet are cold, and I still can't get over my shock.

The questions are juggling in my head. Could it be...[?]

I'm trying my best not to believe it's true. But then again, a small voice inside me tells me it's true. The signs were subtle, but obvious enough to be noticed. It can't be. It just can't.

I feel like crawling underneath a rock. I just want to hide under my covers and stay there for as long as I live. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to be around anyone. I feel like puking. It's definitely not my problem, but it is affecting me badly. And...I don't know if what I read is true.

This is the moment when I want to cry. I don't want to believe that what I read is true. It just can't happen. Everything's too perfect for it to happen. But then again...

I don't want to know the truth. I don't. I don't want to know whether or not it's true. I just want you to go away and not bother her anymore. Who do you think you are, anyway? Just leave her alone and stop contacting her!

God, please help me. I'm shaking. I don't want it to happen. I don't. Please make it go away! We don't deserve this!

I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. I just don't. I don't feel like studying, don't feel like touching any books. In fact, I don't feel like doing anything. I don't feel like seeing my friends, my best friends [who seem to hate me now], tomorrow. I want to stay. Here. I want to be locked up inside my head, be alone. I have never known this would happen. I just hope nothing goes bad. It can be saved. I hope.

Please, just go away! You don't have the right to....never mind. Go. Away. Don't touch her. Don't contact her. If what I read about is true...whoever you are...I just hope you go to hell. I really don't want this to happen. As if I don't have enough on my platter!

I'm just baffled. I want to be alone by myself, for now. And I don't think this thing is going to go away for the next few days.

God, help me.

7:38 PM

Left. Right. Left.

I'm conversing crap. I know.

I'm sooooooooo tired!

6:08 PM

First and foremost, I would like to thank my sister for teaching me how to put my hair up in a bun, looking like Mak Joyah. Thank you sista! *No sarcasm intended*

I am loaded with assignments. Well, fine, assignmentttttttt. I still have quite a lot to do for my history folio, which I find completely and utterly useless. I don't see what good it does to me. Heh.

Seven more days to the diagnostic exam. And my history and geography folios are getting in the way. Seriously, freaks, get out of the way! I've been staying up late at night, studying, of course. I'm really worried and anxious. What if I get blank on the exam day itself? What if I can't answer the questions? What if...[?]

Calm. Staying calm is the key, the answer and solution to everything. As long as I remain calm and don't hyperventilate, I'll be fine. Cool as fire. Hot as ice. Ehh, cool as ice, hot as fire. Ceh. Haha.

I'M SO LAZY TO DO MY ASSIGNMENTS LAH! If the stupid assignments don't have anything, anything at all, to do with my PMR results, I sooooooooo would just abandon it. Haha. Kena marah pon kena la. It's just a waste of papers, and ink, and time. Yeah, sure, "......juga untuk merasai kebanggaan terhadap keunikan dan kehebatan bangunan bersejarah ini......." I'm not feeling so "bangga". Haha. So I'm doing about an ancient building, so what?

Ditto to geography -_-"

Eh, guess what. You know, now I'm wearing kain batik with my t-shirt. And, my hair, nampak macam baru lepas pantang. Haha. Macam apa je kan? Gadis Melayu, eceehhhh HAHA. Memang I Melayu pon. It's in every cell of my blood!

Screw the assignments. I'm so tired and the only thing I want to do now is study for my exams. Not finish up some lame assignment. *Groans*

Tuesday, May 12
11:15 PM

Eight more days to the Diagnostic Exam. I think I'm ready. Yesssssssssssss.

Oh. My. God. Kebal and penyapu, the blockheads in Kakcik's world, are giving me a visit. I don't know why. They're so inferior and so problematic. Hypocrites.

Yes. Kebal and penyapu are real. They're real humans, yet so inhuman. Their human forms are just a silly [not to mention effective] facade of who they really are. And that face they wear? It's a mask that covers up the devil inside. One moment they're nice in front of your face, and the next thing you know, they're ready to push you off a cliff. And yet . . . you still cling on to the edge, still strong, not ready to let go.

It's amazing how mentally strong I am. Getting mad is getting mad. But no further. I'm not asking for peace, I'm just too lazy to think about it. Because, frankly, I have no association whatsoever with you. And, really, I don't have to and will not be so nice to you, considering the fact that you act like jerks behind my back. Haha. You think I don't know? You desperate for my help? Fine. I'll help. But that doesn't mean I like you.

I'm just too lazy. Paranoia is starting to eat me alive unless I don't set my mind on my goals, which has nothing to do with you people. I don't care. The shit that falls out like a smooth velvety stream of words from your mouths, might just be the same old shit you probably think about yourselves. Ha. How about that for a change? Think I'm too weak? Please. I may not fight back, may not stand up for myself, but I still have my dignity. And hey, I'm still standing strong here, just in case you're too blind to see. Since you don't know that much about me, I've grown really stable. Put me in the desert, with a sandstorm so deadly that it can snap you like a stick, and I'd still be intact.


I'm not going to explode, or talk bad about you, or do the same crap you do to me. I don't have the time for that, because, literally, it's a waste of time. What's the point? It's not like as if it makes me feel so good about myself, knowing that I'm doing something so perfidious. Time is money and . . . I like money. I'm just going to sit back, relax, and "enjoy the movie". Whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to be there to change it for the better or worse.

I really built my character this time. And, honestly, I like it. A lot.

Monday, May 11
5:50 PM

The sun is up. It has always been up. It's just matter of whether or not it's being covered by a harmless blanket of clouds...And today, its nearly cloudless. The weather is so hot that I could fry an egg on my head.

I miss my brother! I hope he comes home this month. And, oh, I miss the Loyal Movie Buddies! I remember, during the school holidays in 2007, I'd go watch a movie with my sister and my brother. We practically saw every movie that we knew about. Oh, good times :')

Diagnostic exam is next week. Eee. I hate that phrase. Diagnostic exam. Sounds like as if you're being diagnosed with something. Haaa.

Eee the weather is so hot lah! It's like living in an oven. If it's hot during the day but cool during the night, that's fine. But, oh geez, at night also hot! I hate to sweat at night, especially before I go to sleep. It's so annoying.

I should be studying now. Haha. I'm gonna go hit Sejarah. Still got more to remember. Sigh.

Sunday, May 10
10:58 PM

I went to Malacca with Kak Lea, Kak Intan, and a group of her friends. Best! I bought myself a shirt. Haha. My own money! We roamed the classic original Malacca streets, all of which mainly consisted of shoplots selling antique goods. My sister ended up buying a really antique suitcase that probably first showed up in the 50s, and she's planning to refurbish it and then sell it.

Exams are getting closer and closer. I'm finally getting into my Sejarah studies. It's easier to remember the facts if you understand them. What's the point of learning them when you don't even know what you're going at?

Last night, I slept at...5.30am. I used the time to study, and then play a few rounds of Clusterz. Then I woke up at 7.30am. Took a shower, got ready, and started to leave the house by eight for the one-day-trip to Malacca.

I'm really exhausted. I had a really good time in Malacca, I managed to get a lot of fantastic photos, and the experience was just unforgettable. I had fun! I'm not sleepy yet, despite the fact that I barely slept three hours last night and then did a whole day of walking by foot around the town of Malacca. Phew. Good exercise.

I think I got a bit tan from the trip. A BIT only. Screw you if you think I'm overreacting. Your eyes, not my problem. Ha. Maybe I'm just a bit flushed. Burned. I don't tan, I burn. I burn, and then I peel. And then it happens all over again.

I think the tiredness is really getting to me. I'm getting cranky. Talam dua muka oh, korang. Whatever lah. Malas nak layan. I've got better things to do.

If you excuse meeeeee, I have goals to achieve. I'm gonna go study Sejarah now. Toodles!

Saturday, May 9
5:45 PM

I feel so, so have something that other people don't.

I really meant it when I said I was different :D

Oh, and, fab! Kak Lea told me the coolest thing today. Haha. Blood sisters are the real definition of cool.

4:34 PM

If I get 8A's for PMR, I'd like a new phone.

If I get at least 6A's for the diagnostic exam, I'd like that Moschino perfume I tried.


Friday, May 8
9:45 PM

Yay! I just returned home from Midvalley. Ah, what a lovely dinner. I ate a whole plate of Beef Ball Noodles at the Food Junction. I'm content!

I bought three new books, yippee! Well, two of them are reference books, actually. I bought Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. I would've borrowed that book from my friend, but I want to collect more Jodi Picoult books and add them to my collection of books. God, I sound like a nerd -_-" But who cares? Like it's your problem. Sheesh.

Oh, and I signed up for the MPH membership card. RM20 for two years. Hehe. I got out of the customer service with a huge grin on my face. My own MPH card! And guess where I put the card? It is proudly displayed inside my wallet, with my name written in bold black letters on a strip of white. YAHOOOO!

Seriously, the only best friend you can have is a book. And that's it.

6:45 PM

Wow. These past few days have been so hot!

It rained today. But only for a minute -_-" I was cleaning my room, and as I was rinsing off the wet rag, I heard some weird noise. Not weird noise. It was the sound of the rain! It was raining! And yet, I still had no doubt that it would stop any minute from then. Turns out I was right. It only rained for about a minute. Sheesh.

Mother's Day is coming soon. I've bought my mom a little present, not much, but it's the thought that counts right? Well, she's given me everything. It's time I give her something.

Teacher's Day is coming soon, too. There was this chocolate/roses request in school where you can request a chocolate or a rose to your favourite teachers on Teacher's Day. I've decided to request some for a few of my favourite teachers; my Science teacher because in a way, she's so motherly and she cares for us like nobody's business; my Maths teacher, because she makes Mathematics fun and easy; and my KH teacher, because even though sometimes she gets cranky to us, she still has a soft spot in her and never fails to make us understand what she teaches. Yeah. Haha.

Twelve more days to the Diagnostic Exam. I'm scared. Yikes.

Oh, I'm back in the top three in class for Intervensi 2. Yay! Haha. I was so, so relieved to hear my science teacher saying that Invervensi 2 doesn't really matter, which was just like what I thought. She said that it's just another way to make us study even more, since most of the papers were subjective. I was so glad to hear that. Because, literally, my grades for Intervensi 2 dropped drastically :'(

Going to Midvalley for dinner with Abah soon. Then we're going to MPH, I'm gonna buy a few books, if I have the sufficient money. Wee! I am desperate for a new novel. Really, you'll never know that life is boring without books unless you really get into the passion of reading. Ha. Nerd much? -_-"

Wednesday, May 6
8:59 PM

I should be studying!!!! I blame technology for this -_-"
My lower abdominal pain is getting worse. It feels like as if someone jabbed a foot on it. And, dah lah headache. And, I have to do the Maths homework. Which requires a lot of thinking. Which is really bad for people with headaches. Yippeekayay!
Ooh, American Idol is on. Haha. Troodles!

4:55 PM

KH was fun today! We went to the Bengkel to continue our wood-project. I was already done with cutting the materials and stuff, so I started to do the nailing. I had fun. Haha. My project's turning out great!

I love Wednesdays. You know why? Because we get to go to the Bengkel and do some wood-project, and by the end of the school time we'd go to the Bilik Seni and practically have fun during Seni. Yeah.

Encik Ruzailan took over Encik Azra's class for Seni today. We were supposed to draw a picture of some fruits and colour them the way they should be. I liked my progress. Hehe. I had fun.

After returning home from school, my dad bought some delicious lunch. He bought gulai perut & rebung and some seafood cooked in chili. It was tasty! I couldn't stop eating the gulai. In fact, the smell is still clinging on my fingertips right now. Haha.

I followed Kakcik to Midvalley after lunch. Obviously, I took a shower first. I followed her to search for my greenbean seeds for my science experiment, and I was so relieved to find them. After that, I bought some delicious Tako Tao, this Japanese food. It's really nice! I haven't eaten them in ages!

As soon as I got home, I immediately started to work on my science experiment. We're supposed to investigate the conditions needed for the germination of seeds, so I did what has to be done. I still remember the time when I was in standard six. We had to put some greenbean seeds on some wet cotton wool, and wait for them to grow. About a couple of days after I'd done the set up, I went to a sleepover at a friend's house. When I returned home the next day, I was unable to find my experiment. Well, I did, technically. But it didn't turn out correctly. Somehow, someone managed to replace the growing seedlings with the soft stem from a plant.

I was naive enough to believe that that was my experiment -_-" Haha, thank you, dear siblings, for pulling that prank on me. Ha-ha. Now that I'm done setting up the experiment, I already warned everyone to not pull that prank on me again. It's not gonna work. Heh heh.

My lower abdomen is really painful. It feels like as if someone pushed a fist into it. Ow!

Tuesday, May 5
10:43 PM

Fifteen days to the diagnostic exam!
I can do this! I have faith in me. Bahaha.

God, you people are dumb -_-" Ingat I tak tahuuuuu?

Monday, May 4
7:02 PM


Friday, May 1
5:02 PM

It's May.

1st May.


I've made an effort to start studying now for the diagnostic exam in two weeks and of course, for the PMR exam in 5 months as well. I feel so nerdy O.O

Sh*t. Sh*t! Trials are in three months. AAAARGH!

My throat is sore. Itchy. Haha. If only I can just grab it and scratch it...Okay that'd be called bullimic. Minus the scratching part.

I can't stand pouts. You know, that thing you do with your mouth. Yea, sick of that. So annoying lah. One more pout I see and I'm gonna explode! It's like so overrated. Haha. Sorry chicks.

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