Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Saturday, June 27
12:56 PM

Honestly, I don't even know how a human should look like. I think I have a sixth sense . . . I tend to see what's inside of a person's heart right to the core. And, honestly, I'm not liking what I see.

I see aliens, that's what I see. I think I can compare humans to aliens, honestly. Green, air-headed creatures, who speak of nothing but nonsense. Sounds familiar? Compare the word "rumours" and "speak of nothing but nonsense". Rumours are nonsense, no? Yes.

I can relate girls who love to spread rumours to Raja Mendeliar (Form One topic in Sejarah, Chapter 6). This bastard Mendeliar accused one of the people who worked in the palace of trying to take over the sultan's place by killing the sultan. And the air-headed sultan believed the idiot and went to kill this person and his whole family. Stupid. Think of this : Rumour-spreaders are like Raja Mendeliar, and the people who listen, who believe, are just like the sultan. Don't you think so?

And, don't you think that hitting people on the head is just plain rude? Me think so.

Son of a bitch.

12:03 AM

I've realised that I'm a perfectionist . . . which means that every single thing I do, even the ones that don't even have a cent of my interest, I'd do it with hardwork.

I've realised that I'm a clean, hygienic freak . . . which means that I love being clean. But, I have times when I like to get down and dirty, too, like lying down on the grass, or let myself be smothered in dirt. It's fun, really.

I've also realised that . . . I tend to clean up after other people. They don't realise it, hah, of course they don't. I'm a slave, that's what I am to them. I'm a maid, a cleaner, a janitor. Heck, I'm way better than that. I clean, yes, but that doesn't mean I like to do it for other people, just to fill up their positions. What am I, really?

Begging for mercy would be the last thing on my to-do list. But . . . it's just so . . . frustrating. I'm so miffed and pissed and angry and mad. Tense and stressed and strained and just . . . oooh. I'm so petrifyingly mad, it's just that I don't show it.

I've also realised that all this while, I've been demanding justice. I don't deserve this. I just don't. Just because I'm made of thick skin, that doesn't mean I'm made of a steel heart, either. I'm hard on the outside, yes, but I've realised that there's a soft, nougaty center on the inside, that is my fragile heart. Just because I like to do good to people, doesn't mean that there's a chance for them to step on my head until I sink six feet under.

I love to help people, yes. It's that so wrong? No. But . . . all this while, it's been me who's been cleaning up your mess. Me me me. I'm sick of being treated like a kuli, tell me what to do, demand me to do this do that. I'm just sick of it, you know? I'm on the verge of disappearing six feet under, now.

Yes, I cried at school today, for private matters. When it was after recess, I was supposed to pass up my history folio to my teacher.

But I lent it to my friend.

She didn't come today.

Phoned her twice, didn't pick up.

I told Pn Norrizan, knowing that there was a part of her that wouldn't even buy a cent of what I was selling. Because, really,

"Cikgu, saya dah betul-betul siap kerja saya, tapi kawan saya pinjam folio saya semalam, hari ni pulak dia tak datang."

Can that excuse get any lamer? It's probably one of the oldest excuses in the book, and since so many people are using that, teachers don't seem to believe it anymore.

But how could she not believe me? I was on the verge of crying, my eyes were getting prickly and the tears were really starting to annoy me. And plus, I didn't have that cheap muka 10 sen, so how couldn't she believe me? I was breaking apart. Shattering, right there in front of her eyes.

I walked around the class for a bit, blinking back tears. Sometimes, when something heavy lands on your shoulders, it doesn't move you. But then, even the smallest things can break you apart, just within the snap of your fingers.

I went to some of my classmates, already crying. They were shocked, yes, to see me crying.

Iman, eh kenapa ni?
Are you okay?
Iman? You sakit ke?
Eh, kenapa you menangis ni, Iman?

I fell apart in front of my friends. I cried for the smallest reasons, because those reasons were like a great impact with full force. It happens, you know.

I went to the toilet. Stayed there for about ten minutes, with one of my classmates with me. She was nice, to go there and comfort me, while I just stood there, not feeling so good. This? This whole crying thing? Yeah, I guess you could say that my "cleaning up after every stinking person" and "being treated like a slave" would be one of the most probable reasons.

I even punched the hard, wooden door of the one of the cubicles. It caused a loud bang, which I was so grateful that nobody (especially a teacher) came to see what happened. The punch made my knuckles red, but I didn't feel any pain. I just felt like as if my knuckles were going to break, and the deep frustration that was boiling in my blood. I was just so aggravated and frustrated. I wouldn't have thought that I would shatter just like that, because I believed that I was made of steel. Turns out, I wasn't. Nobody is.

So, tell me, if you get everyone telling you what to do, and you have no choice but to clean up after their own mess, would you eventually crumble just like I did? After all these past few weeks, you have been nothing but nice, and all you get is . . . nothing? And people just don't seem to realise what you've done for them, the energy you forced on them from the bottom of your soul? Would you break apart like me?

God gave you brains. Heck, He even gave brains to animals. Tell me, are you a human, or an animal? To say you're not a human, would be a complete lie. Because, obviously, you can walk and talk different languages and can do many things that animals don't. And, humans have logic, too. But, to say you're an animal wouldn't be much of a lie, either. Uncivilized, no sense of logic, not using your commonsense and always being selfish.

I'm sure God gave humans commonsense and logic so that they would think of others too, instead of just themselves. I'm wondering, where are all these humans?

On the other hand, I could've said you're a human, with no sense of humanity whatsoever. Yes, that would be the perfect thing to say.


Am I the only one who thinks that I'm the only person in the world?

Wednesday, June 24
6:17 PM

What can I say? I'm floating on a cloud of pure bliss!

Can't wait to get my Converse! Heh heh.


Friday, June 19
6:17 PM

I improved! Major improvement! :)

I got hempap-ed for the . . . third time last night. Bastard. I couldn't even sleep properly. I remember the feeling of being paralyzed, frozen. I remember the feeling of not being able to scream, only a small cry could escape from my throat. I remember the feeling of the goosebumps that rose from my skin that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Go away, bastard, I thought.

I tried so hard to scream, but I could only hear an aggravated moan from myself. I wanted to sleep and all I got was that feeling again. Stupid. STUPID! Good thing I believe in God. The moment I imagined myself screaming some prayers, that feeling was gone. The thing was gone. Phew.

I finally managed to finish my KH project today. The end product was marvelous! Of course, knowing me, the end product would be in red and black. Yes, my project was in red and black, and it looked hot.

I liked the painting part. I used a can of black spray paint to spray it black. Yes, I did like the painting part . . . despite the fact that I was using some of my classmate's paint. Which she didn't even use. Which she charged me a high fare of four bucks to use that thing. Which I didn't even finish up half of the can.


Never, never have I met such a stingy, selfish, heartless person. NEVER. How could you charge your friends when they want to borrow something? That's utterly ridiculous! Kalau class kotor aku jugak yang kena bayar. Bukan nya kena bayar balik pon. Suruh orang buat tugas, tugas sendiri dia pegi neglect.

If it were me lah kan, if, I wouldn't charge my friends if they'd want to have some of my spray paint, or anything, for that matter. If I still want to charge them pon, I wouldn't ask them to PAY ME FOUR BUCKS FOR SOMETHING SO LITTLE. 50sen cukup ah! Sometimes I think that I'm the only one who is so unorthodox from the rest. JARANG jumpa orang yang tak kedekut.

Hey, your RM1.50 is up!
I'll just pay you later if you're still not satisfied, okay? *Busy spraying my project*

Oh, I gave her the most sour voice I had. In fact, my voice was so sour like lemons, acidic. Tsssssss. She came back.

Ey, don't use too much!
You pay me extra two ringgit lah.

Yeah whatever.

THE NERVE! I even waved my hand in dismissal to her, just to complement my voice that was so pedas. Ha. Menyesal aku mintak dia.

Don't use that paint. It's hers. You nak guna, you bayar.
Ya Allah, Iman, you bayar dia ke?
Berapa you bayar?
Four bucks.
Eee, *loud voice* mengira siot!
Tau takpe!

Hahahaha. I hope she heard that. Pedas tahap maxi tuuuu. I'd pay a hundred bucks to know she heard that. My classmates are seriously so cool. See? They were on my side.

When I got back to class, she was already at her seat. Miffed and peeved, I slapped the two bucks on her table, and I mean I really slapped the money. I didn't even look back at her when she said thank you. Sheesh. God, when will I ever learn to stand up for myself?

Iman, may I have some of your water?
Sure, ambiklah.
Thank you!
Yeah. At least I don't charge people to drink my water.



Thursday, June 18
6:30 PM

I can't say I'm happy. But I can't say it otherwise either. I'm just having a blast :)

I've gotten nearly all of my results, I'm just waiting for my Geography paper. I think I'm quite happy with my results this time. Quite an improvement, the product of hardwork. Woo!

My English paper sucked. I . . . I tried to crack my brain to use the most grammatical, high-level sentences I could think of. And yet . . . a 76% is not what I would call so clever. Honestly, I don't think I've made that many mistakes. In fact, I think the grammar for my essays was 95% correct. I think.

I don't know who marked that paper. But I was so pissed off when I got it back. Is that what you get for hardwork? No. And, here's the best part; the parts where I wrote my sentences correctly, the examiner seemed to mark it as "wrong". *twitch twitch*

Went home early today. Got a really bad stomachache, though I was surprised I didn't shed a tear. Seriously, when it comes to bad stomachaches that cause nausea, I'd break down, due to a really bad [and unforgettable] experience back when I was 12, stuck in bed for two weeks, kept on vomiting. Haha.

My siblings brought me to Saisaki again. I went there in school uniform, and my stomachache got progressively better -- after stopping by at a hotel to borrow the restroom. So I ate all I could; mushroom soup, sushi, sashimis, ice-cream, fruits, small pieces of cake, and oysters. Haha. Ate a lot today ;)

My room is seriously cool now! Kak Lea gave me an extra box of those twinkly lights you'd find twined around a Christmas tree, so I set it up in my room and guess where I put it? On the headboard of my bed. The lights are so adorable and so pretty that I feel like as if I'm in a princess's room, heh heh. Not only that, the lights make my purple feather boa even more beautiful. Because the LED lights are hidden behind the boa, when I turn the lights on, it would look like as if the boa itself is glowing. How cool is that? ;)


Monday, June 15
10:22 PM

It's happening again.

Again. Hah!

For the love of God . . .


2:19 PM

I can't believe school holidays are over. BLAAAARGGHHHRGHRGHRGHH!

Well, during those two weeks of pure bliss, I have accomplished . . .

1. Study : Not done.
2. Do revision : Not done.
3. Stop playing Sims 3 : Not done.

Hah hah hah . . . none of them! I couldn't stop playing The Sims 3, until there was this one time I slept at six in the morning [but still managed to wake up before noon!]. School holidays. Are over.


Oh well.

I don't know a single crap about the Geography folio. I'm done with the credits and the objectives and stuff, but now I'm completely lost. I don't know what to do! Yeah, the teacher is helpful, alright. Pfft. If by 'helpful' you mean 'let us do all the work without some guidance', sure, that's darn helpful. Right. And I'm supposed to finish all this crap due . . . say . . . tomorrow? Bye. I'm dragging myself to hell. Yeah, condolences to me, right.

I'm nearly done with my Sejarah folio! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Oh, did I tell you that I'm swamped with homework for Geography today? Yeah. SWAMPED. The teacher gave us so many work to do, it's like doing a one-thousand-word essay on some boring topic. Blergh.

I got an A for Science, again. Alhamdulillah. Improved from the last intervention, which sucked! Wee :) Not the highest, but so what! I'm so sick of aiming for the top, since I'm always falling onto the second or the third. Whatever. I just want to impress myself. As long as my grades are all good [by 'good' I meant A], then, fine, I'm satisfied. To everyone, good is never good enough. Pfft, ungrateful.

Wednesday, June 10
12:47 AM

God, I need inspiration. Oh, do I need inspiration.

This "job" on the ed board is pretty much tiring, for the mind. It's just like homework, technically. Gives you headaches, requires a lot of thinking.


And yet . . . I'm loving my position on the ed board. I think it's quite an accomplishment, for me. I'm barely fifteen -- I will be in exactly five months! -- and I've got me a "job"! :)

Isn't life wonderful?

Monday, June 8
2:06 AM

I am happy. Euphoric. Hysterical. Felicitous. Blessed. Elated.

I am sad. Melancholy. Bummed. Bitter. Cheerless. Dejected.

I am annoyed. Peeved. Irritated. Agitated. Badgered. Bored

I am angry. Outraged. Mad. Completely loco. Affronted. Resented. Sore.

I am insane. Crazy. Out of my mind. Moonstruck. An unsound mind.

I am . . . nothing like you. Humble. Quiet. Peaceful. Absent-minded, just like I always am.

In my world, I am everyone. In my world, people don't exist. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can jump from the edge of a 500ft cliff, and still live when I crash the bottom.

I am indestructible. Invincible. Independent. Unable to be destroyed. Incorruptible.

I can sleep and still have lucid dreams, another life in one. I am unique, positively different than what I see everyday. I have a world, and it is a world that I live in. My world, is not Earth.

I am not scared. Fearless. Brave. The one with the guts. Courageous. Daring.

I stand here today on the membrane of the Earth, physically here, yet my mind is in another world. I'm stuck in a world I created, and I don't have any problems with that. I don't have any problems at all. Unlike you. Problematic. Outraged. A heart so black like coal, so hard like granite. Is it even beating?

I am myself. I don't allow anyone . . . anyone . . . to have the capability to change my nature. Who I am. My hobbies, my looks, my hairstyle, my taste in fashion, etcetera, only I have the competence to change that. I'm living in my own world. Under my own shadow.

I . . . am myself. And I sure as hell don't give a sorry one cent on what the world thinks and knows.

I don't like you. I don't care if the whole world knows, especially you.

Thursday, June 4
1:15 PM

I'm so not in the mood today. I'm fasting, again.

I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. I don't feel like putting up a conversation. Hell, who would I want to put up a conversation with? No one. I don't feel like talking.

My head feels like as if it had been hit by a rock. My stomach groans for food, but I must wait for a few more hours before I can buka puasa.

And . . . some dudes are installing the aircond in my brother's room, next to my room. Goodness gracious, the noise is literally the last thing I need, what with my head pounding and all. I'm gonna watch 17 Again with Kakcik and Abg Azlan tonight. I just hope the movie is good -- by good I meant the whole thing, not just your stupid "boyfriend", Zac Efron.

I think I'm gonna go lie down . . . right after I shower x)

Wednesday, June 3
3:48 PM

My sisters are SO going to love this!


[ Click to enlarge ]

[ Click to enlarge ]


Can you believe it? I was in Standard 4, that time. Kelas 4 Orkid, that's me! Oh oh! Guess who those two girls are beside me! ;)

Ya Allah, haha. I didn't see that coming!

Pictures; courtesy of Sonia Jivarajan on FB :)

Monday, June 1
7:22 PM

I'm fasting today. I managed to wake up at five in the morning, ready for sahur.

For sahur, I only ate a small plate of baked beans + a glass of milk. Okay, fine, I didn't drink the glass of milk. Gosh, what a waste. By the time I finished those beans, my stomach was getting upset. It mourned and whined in pain, and I had to "go", fast. I drained the milk down the sink, knowing that by the time I'd finish "doing my thing", I couldn't eat or drink anymore.

I'm at Kak Intan's studio now. Below her studio is a restaurant, and I swear I can smell fried onions. Ooooh my goodness. I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow. I went downstairs just now, went to the bakery, bought some bread and a can of Milo, ran back upstairs. Now I'm waiting for Maghrib so that I can EAT!

My sister's doing a countdown for her yoga students now.











I wish that countdown is for Maghrib. Hmph.

Just a few more minutes! Oh oh, gonna make gingerbread cookies later! :D

I miss Picklehead. I don't know why. Haha.


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