Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Tuesday, June 28
11:36 PM

Enjoying the coastal breeze in Miri. I long for more peaceful moments like this :)

Monday, June 27
3:58 PM

The swimming pool at the hotel we stayed in. It's so much bigger than the picture suggests. Too bad I didn't go for a swim :(

3:42 PM

A great weekend has ended. It's so hard to get over the fact that my brother is finally married and we now have a new sister! Hehe. Congratulations to my brother and his new wife! Welcome to the family Kak Kath! :)

Friday, June 24
4:28 PM

Greetings from Sarawak! Enjoying the sunset offshore in Miri.

Wednesday, June 22
10:02 PM

Today was pretty uneventful, except when we had our co-curricular activities going on. 

Apparently one of our teachers had organized an activity for the cadets and scouts today. It was sort of like a survival-guide on what you can do to obtain food when you're in the deep throngs of the jungle. We were told to bring a handful of rice grains for the activity today and many people did. For some reason I was sort of eager for the activity today haha.

Us cadets and scouts assembled at the College Field with our rice grains at around 1.30pm after school ended. We sat in our respective contingents and gave our attendances and then the teachers explained about the activities that were going to take place. So basically we had to cook a bamboo stick. Across the field there was a bonfire for us to cook our rice in, and in front of us there were piles of cleaned, overturned bamboo sticks.

One of the teachers explained how we were going to cook the rice grains in those bamboo sticks. First of all we were divided into groups of five. We were supposed to clean the bamboo sticks but apparently some of the girls were kind enough to help everyone clean those bamboo sticks. We then had to take a fresh banana leaf, roll it into a tube, and insert it into the bamboo stick. Then we filled the banana-leaf-filled bamboo stick with our rice grains and an equal amount of water. And then it was time to cook the rice! Hehe. It took about an hour to fully cook the rice so while we waited, we just did our own work, fooled around with people, spent time with our friends. 

Apart from the rice, we also made bread. Seriously haha. The dough was made by a few of the female teachers, so our only task was to wrap the dough around a stick and cook it in the ashes of the bonfire. When I went to cook my dough in the bonfire, I had to be close enough so that I could occasionally turn the stick of dough so that it'd cook evenly. But as I got closer to the bonfire, it grew so hot and I could feel the heat getting to me. My face was burning and it was beastly hot that I nearly cried haha. But in the end, somehow, my stick of dough was stolen. One moment I was turning my stick of dough and the next thing I knew, it was gone -_- Oh well, more reason for me to get out of the ridiculous heat haha.

The activities we had today were pretty exciting, despite the heavy smoke that occasionally drifted our ways. At first I was reluctant to get so close to the bonfire, with the smoke and all, and I tried to stay out of it but in the end I just gave in. The weather was beautiful and I was having so much fun with my friends. So I thought, ah what the heck. I succumbed to the angry cloud of smoke :O In the end I didn't care about the fact that I reeked of smoke. My clothes, my hair, my skin...felt like I was barbecued haha.

It was a great way to end the school day today. Today happens to be my last day of being in school for the week, since I'll be flying off to Sarawak with my family tomorrow for my brother's wedding this weekend. But I definitely had a great ending to a boring week of school. I had so much fun spending time with my friends, the weather was just beautiful, and apart from that our co-curricular activity was held near the field next to the forest. It really felt like a real camp on its own, since we were all in our cadets and scouts uniform, and we were right next to the reserved forest of Bukit Nanas. 

Why can't the teachers organize more interesting and exciting activities like this one more often? It's such a good way to get the students to actually attend the cadet/scout meetings haha.

Tuesday, June 21
5:35 PM

Hello! Anybody wanna buy some books? I've got A Series of Unfortunate Events vol. 3 - 13 up for sale, EXCEPT Vol. 7 coz I can't find it haha. They're not paperbacks, they're hard-covered. I'll post a picture of the books soon.

I also have a few other paperback novels up for sale as well.

If you're interested, please email me at or contact me via Facebook. We'll discuss about the price later.

Thanks! :)

Monday, June 20
6:02 PM

Someone asked me this on my Formspring :
why do u always tukar best friends? semua tak pernah last.
I'm not so sure what you're aiming here, but it's really none of your business. You don't know my side of the story so I would really appreciate it if you would kindly keep your thoughts to yourself.

And by the way, I don't "tukar" best friends. Nobody does. It just so happens that things just didn't work out the way I hoped it would.

Just felt like sharing.

5:36 PM

I've just finished cleaning/organizing/dusting/sweeping/mopping my room and my back hurts haha. Ohoooo it was dusty. Very, dusty.

It's been about a week and a half since the last time I've properly cleaned my room. Just yesterday all that dust in my room was driving me insane so I decided to clean my room today. And I did. And I feel so satisfied now hehe.

I decided to move my bookshelf out into the "veranda" adjacent to my room, which is just a small area that connects my room to my brother's room. I don't really use that bookshelf that much and since it was gathering dust in my room I decided to move it to somewhere less dusty, which is that "veranda". I also transferred my novels on the shelf above my desk to the bookshelf so that I could make some room for my collection of 30+ novels stacked against the wall on my desk. My desk isn't that big, really, and I needed space to fit the laptop, my schoolbooks, important homework, etc. So that's when I decided to just shift those stacks of novels up onto the shelf above my desk to make room for my school-related books. I have more room on my desk now, and I can even fit in a small table lamp hehe.

I've been spending a lot of time in my room doing my work nowadays. Back then I used to do my homework and whatnot at the dining hall next to the living room downstairs, and it also used to be where I use the laptop for work and all. And then I've realized that I don't really utilize the space I have in my room, so I just decided to move my work and the laptop upstairs to my room. It's pretty lonely up here, all cooped up in my room doing my own work, but I find that I'm more comfortable in my room than I am at the dining hall. I get more privacy since people don't really come up here.

I admit, it's really lonely up here especially during the weekdays, but it's where I should be doing my work. Sometimes I'd pack my things up and move downstairs to the dining hall to do my work whenever I feel lonely, or whenever I need that secure feeling of having someone accompany me, albeit indirectly.

I think I should take a shower now. I have a hefty amount of work to complete and they're suppose to be done by tomorrow. Maybe I'll go out to the garden and just enjoy the evening sun for a bit before tending to my work. The weather's lovely for some late-afternoon lazing-around right now :)

Sunday, June 19
12:49 AM

My 57-year-old mother looks tired but she's still so beautiful. She looks so much younger than she is. I love you ma.

Friday, June 17
4:43 PM


Thursday, June 16
10:11 PM

So, apparently we have this Add Maths folio that us fifth-formers have to do....

My classmates and I, we were promised with some guidance and answers way before the school holidays started but yesterday -- or was it today? -- we found out that those promises were only a string of lies. Apparently we're supposed to hand in our assignments by next Monday, "or else". Well, yeah sure, of course we'd try to complete our assignments but there's just one slight teensy weensy problem...we're on our own. That promised guidance has vapourised into absolute nothingness. We have absolutely no idea on what to do and we're just clueless about this whole folio bull.

Of course, we'd gotten this assignment a couple of weeks ago, right before the holidays started. But we weren't informed in detail on what to do and we were fed with empty promises. We could just copy one off from the internet but the thing is...there's just so much to do and it's all due Monday. And this assignment is supposed to be handwritten. Not typed. Handwritten. Now isn't that just marvelous? :)

Hahaaaaa. Die.

Anyway, I added a little additional something here. Noticed those cupcakes? :)

Monday, June 13
3:16 PM

Crappy first day of school. The two-week holiday has ended and I'm so not in the mood for school yet. Oh well.

My classmates and I got back our exam results today and frankly speaking, I think most of us were very disappointed. Well, I know I was. Still am. My spirit and motivation to achieve at least 8A's in SPM has greatly deflated and I just feel so hopeless right now. SPM is in approximately five months and let me tell you, I'm screwed...if I don't start doing anything now. Just like any other SPM candidate, I feel this great burden on my shoulders and I don't know how I'm going to carry it. SPM is just months away and I don't know why I'm still not doing anything about it.

Which reminds me...I still haven't started on my Pendidikan Seni folio. And also Addmaths.

Okay I'm definitely screwed. Heh.

And I keep having these annoying episodes of me coughing in pure agony. From time to time I'd start coughing and the only way to stop these coughs is for me to drink water. Lots of water. It's driving me insane. This has been going on for the past few days and it got worse since I got back from Taman Negara. When I start coughing, oh all hell breaks loose. The coughs would come continuously, one after another, annoying the crap out of me. They're actually just dry coughs, no phlegm involved, which just makes it worse. My coughing's been so bad today that I'm starting to get headaches just from coughing excessively. I've downed a tablespoonful of cough syrup last night and in the end I got so drowsy. I'd take another heap of cough syrup right now but I'm just worried that I might get drowsy later, and I have Physics tonight.

These coughs are really getting to me and sometimes I feel like throwing a fit whenever I have these recurring episodes of sheer agony. Even my voice sounds so different. It sounds so deep and hoarse and weird haha.

Gonna take a shower soon before tending to my homework. I know it's only been Monday, but I'm just so exhausted from all these recurring coughs. 

Sunday, June 12
3:19 PM

Just got back from a trip to Taman Negara with my mum, Atasha, and Aini yesterday. Ah it was a wonderful three-day vacation, away from the city, close to nature. I don't feel like writing much about it but I had a splendid time with my mum and my friends. Yippeeee.

Taman Negara, Pahang. I'd love to go here again :)

Tuesday, June 7
1:52 PM

Gold Rush Steak House 

So in love with her red jacket 


Can I just say that I'm squealing in delight and doing my happy dance now? Okay.

That's pretty interesting! Not to mention creative....

Doing another round of delighted-squealing and the happy dance now....

them other brothers can’t deny 

Hehehe okay I'll stop now :B

Monday, June 6
6:55 PM


Why is this navy and white?
(via Wyatt navy stripe woven button down blouse at Bluefly)

Show me one way this shirt could possibly be wrong!

If this weren't so transparent I'd so buy it.

6:38 PM

Amazing. That's all I can say. I swear I've been listening to nothing but this song most of the day since yesterday haha. Paramore's back! Super duper excited to hear whatever they're gonna come up with next.

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