Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Monday, January 31
2:44 PM

Oh, the weather is so cold and lovely right now. It's such a fine weather for a walk in the park, because it's so cold. Hehe. I just feel like getting out of this house and just...walk.

But of course, I can't do that -.-

I'm kinda stressed at the moment. I have to come up with a few designs for the school magazine but I just can't seem to do it. My creative juices aren't working and I don't know why. I've tried coming up with a few designs but eventually they all turned to crap. And the fact that I just can't seem to come up with anything is just freaking me out.

I NEED INSPIRATIONNNNN! I feel so futile and fruitless right now because I. Just. Can't. Seem. To. Come. Up. With. SOMETHING!

Maybe I should just stick to photography instead :(

Sunday, January 30
11:25 PM

I just thought this was worth saving and uploading. Wonderful, wonderful people in my life. Including you, Putri :)

I love these people so much that I just can't put it in words. Life is bliss.

Friday, January 28
11:59 PM


I had such a wonderful day with many wonderful people and I was so glad to be in school today.

We had our Hari Membina Azam today, and despite the fact that us prefects had to stand throughout the whole event which made my heels ache and turned my neck sore, I enjoyed it nonetheless. The guest of honour, who became the motivational speaker of the day, was a CBNer who graduated from secondary school in 1997. She was in the same batch as my eldest sister and guess what, they're friends, haha. When my sister came to pick me up from school this afternoon, I asked her if she knows the speaker. She does, and then I saw her friend walking from behind our car. Haha. And then my sister opened her door and called out to her friend, and they chatted for a while.

That was so cool. I like it when the guests of honour of a certain event are somehow linked to my family :B

After the motivational talk has ended, it was time for us to sing! The lyrics were projected onto the screen on stage and the hall was seriously filled with loud, energetic voices of CBNers, singing along to the songs. Hehe. It was like a concert in there. I stood with my two best friends, and practically the whole prefectorial board, and we sang like there's no tomorrow. We recorded silly videos and took silly photos of ourselves while we sang and had fun. Well, I know I had fun. After all the singing has ended, my voice already became hoarse, haha.

Our last Hari Membina Azam. Together :')

After recess, we went back to class to spend an hour with our class teachers. As usual, we had to cherish and talk about the good times we've had last year, sharing our experiences, and basically just having fun with our classmates. Our class teacher, Encik Suhaimi, was really cool throughout the whole session. He kinda broke down the barrier of the teacher-student relationship and became more of a friend instead of a teacher to us. Some of us snapped photos of our classmates, some recorded videos, just to capture that moment on camera. All of us had so much fun and some of us just laughed so hard. We also got a butterfly bookmark each from Encik Suhaimi and before the session ended, we took a photo of the whole class together with our class teacher, and also our butterfly bookmarks. And instead of saying "cheese", we even said "We love Encik Suhaimi!" Hahahaha. I'd really love to upload a photo of the whole class right now but apparently it hasn't been uploaded yet. Oh well. Good times, gooood times. Although the sucky part was that my camera died halfway throughout the session -.-

Oh God, I think I'm gonna cry.

I can't believe this is my last Hari Membina Azam. There'll be no more of this next year when I'm finished with SPM. Noooooooo :'(

And no, I am not crying right now. I just have something in my eye. *sniffles*

Tuesday, January 25
10:50 PM

Somebody stole my Mr Bump and Mr Happy keychains at school this afternoon.
And why exactly do I say that somebody stole it? Because it would be impossible for those keychains to just run off like that. I don't know, maybe the keychains got caught somewhere and they broke. But then again, the latter just doesn't make sense. Why? Because, first of all, the keychains were still tied to the zipper of my backpack after school. I had a meeting to attend, so I left my backpack in the canteen as usual. I remember, the keychains were still there because I wanted to take something from my bag before heading over to the Nazareth for the prefects' meeting. But, when I got back from the meeting, I suddenly felt like as if something was missing from my backpack. Then I realised that my cute adorable Mr Men keychains were gone. I have another keychain on my backpack, but it's more of a tag, actually. It says "Heimat" on it, which means home in German, and my sister got that tag for me from Germany. But that tag was still on my bag.

The fact that my two Mr Men keychains mysteriously disappeared while I was away is devastating. I know I may sound like as if I'm overreacting but I really love those keychains because they were given to me by my sister and she got them from Singapore. I couldn't care less if I were the one who bought those keychains myself but the fact that the keychains were given to me by my sister, someone I love, just makes me angry and frustrated because I hate losing things that other people have given me. 

I know my keychains were stolen because it'd be impossible for them to be yanked out of the zipper. And if they weren't stolen, then surely the string would still be there right? They are certainly stolen, I'm a hundred percent positive. The knot I tied was the type of knot you'd use to attach a keychain to your phone, you know that one? I don't really know how to explain it but one thing's for sure, those keychains were securely tied to the zipper of my backpack. 

Another reason for me to believe they're stolen?

I told Tasha about my missing keychains, and we ended up talking about them being stolen. We were standing right next to our class's canteen table, where we put our backpacks. At the same table, there was a group of girls who sat there minding their own business. I'm not usually a nasty person but I purposely raised my voice about my suspicions of my keychains being stolen, and so did Tasha, just to diss them. I have a feeling that one of them stole my keychains because Tasha told me that when we were talking about it, one of them looked up at us and her face totally changed. I didn't see her face but Tasha did. I don't know, I might be wrong about my suspicions, but still.

I know I may sound like I'm making such a big deal out of my missing keychains but I just can't stand the fact that a couple of my belongings were stolen and I really adored those keychains. They're certainly not something you'd find anywhere. 


I'm sorry for this offensive phrase that's about to come, but I just can't help myself. May you rot in the firing pits of hell, thief. You stole something very valuable from me and I really hope you get your hands chopped off and die and burn in hell. 

I'm so sad! :(

Sunday, January 23
1:15 PM

Oh. These are by far the prettiest cupcakes I've ever baked :')

I baked these a few days ago because I felt like baking. They're just a batch of simple chocolate cupcakes with chocolate cinnamon glaze. The texture is so moist and the cupcake itself is just sooooo fluffy! Hehe.

Another job well done :)

Friday, January 21
10:13 PM

Putri Natasha Syafirah, I miss you a lot.

Like...a lot.


Thursday, January 20
3:33 PM

I'm just very, very pissed off at some people right now.

Ah. Crappy, crappy day.

And I foresee crappier days ahead.

Tuesday, January 18
6:38 PM


I wish the CNY holidays would arrive on my doorstep faster! The sooner the better. Coz I. Am. So. Not. In. The. Mood. For. School.

Two more weeks, Iman. Two more weeks. You gotta keep it together! Go to school, read a book, revise your Form 4 syllabus, go bake, sew, something to keep you busy!

Don't ask. Teenage blues kicking in again. I feel like a ghost, walking into rooms without even realizing it. You know how sometimes when you're all alone, your mind isn't with you? Your mind is completely detached from your body and you feel so disconnected from reality. You're completely aware of being where you are but your mind is just...empty. And you end up doing things without you even realizing it.

Ah, yes. I feel like a ghost. For all I know, maybe I am a ghost and I don't even know it :O

Haha. Okay, maybe I've gone too far. I'm reading one of Jodi Picoult's novels again, and this time I'm reading Second Glance. It's a ghost story, but it's not like those typical haunted house horror stories. This book is about a dude named Ross who lost his fiancee in a car accident and he becomes a ghost-hunter because he thought he'd be able to meet his Aimee again. He's so convinced about seeing his fiancee "from the other side".

Maybe that's why I feel like such a ghost. Because I can really connect with the characters in the book. Once again, Miss Picoult has fully engrossed me in one of her many compelling novels. She's a legend, I tell you. A legend!

Argh. This sucks. I become absent-minded a lot. Blaghaskdfahweifuas;awhofhi

You know, this was originally a short post, with only less than ten sentences. Buutttt...yeah.


Sunday, January 16
6:01 PM

Aha! I am so proud of myself today, haha. I've just finished 40 minutes on the treadmill and I managed to burn off 190 calories. Yay!

I exercised yesterday, too, but I only managed to keep going for fifteen minutes. I don't know why I managed to double the time today. But still, I feel so good right now. I wasn't really jogging, but I was walking briskly at 5km/h at an inclination of 6%. Whenever I felt tired, I decreased the speed but kept the inclination. I was "hiking the mountain" today. Hahah. Yeah right. The inclination of the runway -- is that what you call it? -- was nowhere near a mountain. It was more of a hill.

Anyway, I'm glad that I exercised today. I'm not really aiming for a toned body, I just want to be healthy and to increase my stamina, apart from having a healthy heart of course. And plus, I've just read an article that if you exercise on the treadmill with an incline, you'll be able to get muscles on your legs! That's so cool! I'd love to have toned legs :)

Oh, not only that, there's one more thing that motivated me to exercise on the treadmill. My mum's running shoes. Hahah. She got these really cool pair of black running shoes with bits of purple on it. I've always wanted a pair of black running shoes but of course, where would I wear them la? Haha. Hey, appearance does count when you're exercising, okay. You'd feel Haha.

If I keep this up, I'll be able to have a healthy body in no time. I think it's time I start taking care of myself now, since I still have a fast metabolism. I want to live long and I don't want to die from a heart attack or a stroke. Gotta keep my arteries clear ;)

I feel so energized right now! Hehe. Treadmills rule!

Friday, January 14
7:14 PM

Yaaayyy the laptop's back!

The laptop that I've been using all year round last year has finally come back! Hehe. A couple of weeks ago it got fussy and refused to get the desktop working, so when I switched it on the desktop would be empty. And now it's back!

But unfortunately, all my files that used to be in this laptop are now gone (not really) and I'm left with nothing :( But but but, thankfully my dad asked the person who fixed this laptop to recover all the files from the D: drive, where all my files were kept. Hehe, so that means I haven't lost all my pictures, my music, and some other files. Sadly, the program I use for graphic design has been uninstalled. The dude reformatted the laptop so now I have to install back some programs that I need, like oh I don't knoowww...Adobe Photoshop! And my fonts are gone! :(

I can't find the CD for Adobe Photoshop. GREAT.

I'm still deciding whether or not to use this laptop or to use my father's other laptop. Both are his and the other one, the dark blue Vaio, does have Adobe Photoshop in it. The screen is also bigger so it'd be more convenient for me when I do graphic-designs. AND it has a webcam so that I can be vain and snap pictures of myself.


HAHA. KIDDING. You really think I'm that shallow? -.-

I still can't decide. Haha. Maybe I'll ask my dad first and listen to what he has to say, because some of his files are in the Vaio.

Anyway, it's been a very, very cold day today and I'm lovin' it! It's been cloudy since morning and it rained a couple of hours later. Thank God I was wearing my baju kurung so that my legs and arms were covered, because during the whole five periods before recess, I was freezing. It was so cold, and even when the fan's speed was dialed to 2, it was still freezing in there. Heck, even when the fan was switched off, I could still feel the cold. I regretted not bringing a jacket because it was so cold that my hands started to get stiff so it was hard for me to write.

After recess, it rained some more. It was raining quite heavily, and I still couldn't get warm even after walking briskly from one place to another. I was really wishing for a nice hot mug of tea or hot chocolate. Aahhh.

It started to get a bit warm when school ended and I could see the sun, but only for a while. When I got home it started to get cloudy again and it's even cloudier now, and I have a hunch that it's gonna rain soon. I love it when it rains at night. It's just so relaxing, especially if you pair it with a hot mug of tea or hot chocolate and a good book to read and a massive comfy chair. I think I shall do just that tonight. It's been a while since I've read my novel.

I am so tired. But I want to finish all my homework, especially the overdue ones, as soon as possible so I have more time to enjoy the rest of the weekend. And I'm planning to start studying for the intervention test next month. For some reason I just can't feel the pressure, yet, of sitting for SPM this year. And frankly speaking, it's stressing me out. Haha. Weird.

I shall be making fried chicken for dinner later. Yippee! I love cooking with my dad :)

Thursday, January 13
12:54 AM

I am so sleepy I can sleep while standing up. Haha. Hehe.

I shall return to school looking like a zombie. Raarrrrrrrrr.

Bed. Fluffy pillows. Comforter. The scent of warm vanilla. I waaaaannnnntttt.

Tuesday, January 11
10:30 PM

You're so keen on seeing me fall, seeing me collapse to the ground and then crumbling into a million pieces.

This world is so black and white. You never even bothered to catch a glimpse of the things I've come up with and you're already condemning me to fail my SPM.

You don't know what I'm going through. You just don't understand and you think it's so easy for me to explain. Well, it's not. Try being in my shoes for a day, and see what it's like to be the one with so many people expecting wonderful, bombastic outcomes from you.

This is so frustrating.

I was told by a very wise woman whom I call my mother to grab on to every opportunity that arrives on my doorstep. And I did, and still am. I'm trying to make the most out of my school life, and why else do you think I'm signing up for all these extra-curricular stuff? Have you ever thought that perhaps this will look good on my resume? My testimony? Have you ever thought about the fact that the reason why I've signed up for this particular society has something to do with what I want to be when I grow up?

No. I don't think so.

I try to live a versatile, adventurous life. I try to grab hold of every opportunity that I come across. And is that so wrong? I may not be the most academically profound student, but at least I have other productive things to do. So what if I just happen to get straight A's for SPM? That doesn't mean anything if I'm not versatile enough for the outside world.

I have set my mind on what I would like to be when I grow up. I'm not like you. In case you haven't noticed, I'm very meticulous when it comes to doing what I do. And that means my work is nearly perfect and top-notch, and I'm not trying to be shallow by praising my own work. I do them voluntarily, which means I enjoy doing the things I do, even when it eats up so much of my time and it's making me so stressed that I bite people's heads off. But, coming from a graphic designer like me, I have to say that all the time spent, all the hard work, all the stress, they're really worth the effort. And then you see other people going "wow" and "ooh" and "aahhh" and other positive reactions when they see your work and I just can't express myself in words when I see people admiring my work in sheer awe. It's simply the best feeling in the world. For me, at least.

I may not be the most academically profound student who has umpteen formulas screwed to the walls of her brain, who has the mind of Einstein, who can instantaneously work out the answer for 29537x231+1057-25150. No. But you know what? I don't really care if I don't have the characteristics of a smart-ass mad rocket scientist. Being profoundly artsy and creative are just as equal and the terms "smart" and "intelligent" are not necessarily associated with science only.

I may be overreacting, but sometimes I think it's the best way to get the message to your head.

I LIKE WHAT I DO. I enjoy what I do.

It's so "nice" to know that the people closest to you are the ones who don't have faith in what you do and expecting that you will fail.

I'm so depressed. My mind is just so cluttered right now and it's so hard to think positively.

Just you wait. You'll see other people admiring my work that you'll decide to take back what you've said.

Monday, January 10
8:51 PM

Nyeeeehhhh. Is it Saturday yet? *Gasp* No? It's only Monday? But it felt soooooo long! :O

Hahahah. I can't wait for the weekend to come again. I just wanna stay at home alllll daaaayyyy in my own sanctuary and just mind my own business.

But of course, I have school. Pshh.

Today was fine, I guess. Nothing much happened.

Ah, yes. I cooked lunch for myself this afternoon! Haha. It's not that I've never cooked for myself, it's just that I've actually cooked what my mum would usually cook. When I got home from school I surveyed the pantry and decided to make ayam kicap. Or was it ayam halia? Ah, whatever. I had to do everything by myself because I didn't want to burden my dad. So I thawed the chicken breast by myself, cut it into bite-size pieces by myself, and cooked by myself.

I cook a lot with my dad so I really knew what I was doing. I chopped a pitiful amount of shallots since most of them were already rotten and I chopped some ginger and garlic as well -- the Food Network on channel 706 taught me how to slice and chop like a pro hahah. Then I started cooking and added a little bit of this and that and voila!

I think I did a pretty good job on the chicken. It tasted really yummy and I liked it. It might be a bit too spicy for some people but I liked it. I like spicy food. Hehe.

Maybe I'll post a picture of the dish I cooked this afternoon in a few days.

I'm so proud of myself today. I can cook :')

I think I'd better get off this laptop now and resume my homework. I have a lot more to do, aaaaaah :'(

1:30 AM

It is now 12.54am, so I shall make it official that it's already Monday.

Yesterday I went to KLCC with Tasha and Ash because we wanted to go to the education fair. Before I left the house, I still had time to help my mum cook lunch and my dad to do the laundry. I left the house around 11.15 and then I met Ash at Coach in KLCC.

So we went walking around while waiting for Tasha to show up. We met her at Watsons while I was still deciding on whether or not to buy an eyeliner haha.

Then we crossed the park and went to the convention center, where the education fair was held. There were many booths there, even more than the one we went at Midvalley last December, I think. Anyway, I wasn't really in the mood to browse through the colleges there so I only took their brochures. We didn't stay there for long because none of us were really enthusiastic about the fair because we've been to the one held at Midvalley last December.

And now we know when a good-looking guy is near; Tasha will pound her fist on her chest twice. Haha. It happened like three times throughout the whole outing haha.

So then we walked back to Suria KLCC and had ice-cream. Ash and I were already tired and we were starting to get cranky while we were devouring our ice-creams but Tasha was so energetic. Haha.

After that we had an impromptu plan to go to Petrosains. Hahahaha. It was so unexpected, but we still went there anyway. I thought the tickets were gonna cost about RM20++ but luckily I was wrong. We only had to pay RM7 each :D

And while other teenagers were busy watching a movie or having lunch, the three of us were gaily being a bunch of jakun girls at Petrosains. Hehehehe. We had fun! You know how you have to ride that gondola and go through the tunnel of darkness -- I shall call it that -- to get to the exhibitions? Yeah, apparently Ash was scared of that. Haha. She kept on holding on to Tasha and she closed her eyes throughout the ride :p

Among many other things that we tried, we took a ride on that helicopter simulator, and then we tried the mindball game which, sadly, I lost to both Tasha and Ash. Haha. Apparently that mindball game tests your calmness and apparently Tasha and Ash were calmer than me -.-

Haha. I just think that us going to Petrosains is just so funny. It was so unexpected and so random, but I'm glad we went there. We managed to kill a couple of hours before we had to go home and at least we did something fruitful. We learned a few things...I think. HAHA. I guess we were too excited to even read anything. We were like little kids in a candy store. Going "ooohhh" and "aaahhh" at almost everything. And we blindly pressed all the shiny buttons before even reading what it is all about haha.

Oh. I also bought a small bottle of goat's milk. I shared with Ash but I drank most of it haha. It tastes just like normal milk, but it has this goat-fat aftertaste to it. It basically tastes like, according to Ash, blended steak. Haha. But it doesn't taste bad. It's still palatable enough for me :D

Overall I had a very exciting day. I realized that I got so exhausted when I got in my dad's car when he came to pick me up. I bought my dad a can of Coke for sending me and picking me up from KLCC, hehe. I dozed off in the car for a while and when I got home, I nearly zonked out on the bed when my eldest sister called me from downstairs and told me that she was gonna prepare dinner since I wanted to help her out.

We made burgers again, but this time we used store-bought patties instead of just making them ourselves. We pan-fried some mushrooms and I accidentally added too much chili powder because of the faulty packaging, so in the end the mushrooms got very spicy. Haha. But it tasted good nonetheless. My sister was so proud that she finally managed to poach an egg. Her first try wasn't as successful as the second try, but she got it right nonetheless.

And I am now obsessed with poached eggs. They just taste so...clean. It's not fried, so it's not oily and greasy. And it's not hardboiled, so it's not solid.

After that I immediately went to take a shower because I had to start working on my homework. I was already so tired so I decided to spend about a good half-an-hour at the massage chair before I started doing my homework. I felt a little bit rejuvenated after that and then I made myself a cup of coffee because I really needed the caffeine boost.

And here I am now! Hehe. I've finished half of my homework and I have a few more to do. It's not much and I hope I can be done by 2am. I need to wake up in four hours :p


Friday, January 7
4:29 PM

"You're pathetic." My so called quote of the day.

Anyway, let's not ruin this lovely day shall we? The weather is wonderful today, albeit it's not sunny. It's been cloudy and cold since morning and I just love it love it love it.

I was thinking of skipping school today but then I remembered that I would be receiving my textbooks today, since I was blacklisted earlier because I failed to pass up one book last year. Psh. So I went to school in the end anyway, since I wanted to get my textbooks today.

It's been very cold all morning and I was literally freezing in class all day. I sit like right underneath the fan in class and it's not really the best thing to be doing when it's really cold outside. Haha. Even when the fan was switched off, I was still nearly freezing. My hands were cold and occasionally I could feel a breeze going up the bottom part of my baju kurung. And rubbing my hands together was such a futile effort. My body was just so cold, haha.

I also found out that Tasha and Ash were absent -.- Never tell me also! Haha. I just found out why Tasha didn't come to school today. She lost something very special and meaningful to her and her family and I really hope they're doing well now. I still don't know why Ashiqin was absent. Haha.

Anyway, Tasha, if you're reading this, I hope you'll feel better soon. I hope the education fair will keep your mind off things for a while, that is if you're still going. I love you.

I just love it when the weather is like this at this hour. The sky is just covered with a huge blanket of clouds, protecting us from the hot rays of the sun. And it is just so cool and chilly outside and it's the perfect weather to go outdoors and just breathe in the lovely air. It'd also be perfect for a walk around the neighbourhood, or at the park, or basically just anywhere outdoors. I wish this kind of weather can last foreverrrrrr. Siiighhh....

I am really tempted to go out and talk a walk right now. It's so cold and I looooove it, hehe. I wonder how I'm gonna shower after this. The water heater is crappy. It provides hot water, yes, but not as hot as I want it to be. Earlier this morning after I woke up, it was just so cold and the fact that the tiles in the bathroom were colder just didn't help. In the end I had to shower with the a really low water pressure so that it'd get hotter. And even that wasn't hot enough -.-

Anyway, I had a pretty good day today. I cooked lunch with my sister after I got home from school. We made fried chicken tenders, just strips of chicken dipped in egg and marinated with seasoned flour. Since there were many chicken strips, it nearly took me an hour to finish dipping them into the egg and then into the flour. It was tiring. Haha. The seasoned flour was homemade, and we made it ourselves. Hehe. We basically just put in whatever herbs and spices we had and I must say, it turned out really delicious! I couldn't stop snacking on the chicken tenders while waiting for the next batch to finish frying.

I think I'm gonna go and take a shower now. I'm laden with a lot of homework today and I just hope I can be done with it by Sunday so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend. I might be going to the education fair at KLCC, but I'm still not sure when I'll go. I'm supposed to go with my friends and they say that they're going on Sunday, so right now I just have to confirm with them.

Oh it's so cooooooooold heheheheh and I'm lovin' it!

Thursday, January 6
7:21 PM

"Everything happens for a reason. So you should break down that big, thick wall of ego of yours and think of the consequences that might happen if things went your way. Well, even if you can't, just know that God has already made plans for you in the future and that you're here in this world for a reason. God is great, and God is forgiving. Do know that God is the wisest of the wise and whatever He has planned for you is for the greater good."  -- Me, Iman Nedhiera :)

The paragraph I've just written has been playing on loop in my mind, over and over again. That's what I tell myself every single day. It's like a balm to my disappointment whenever things don't go my way.

I've been taught to be humble. To pick myself up when I fall down. And I have to say that that is the wisest thing I've ever learned in my life.

Alhamdulillah :)

Wednesday, January 5
9:14 PM

I feel nothing. Just numb.

Monday, January 3
3:37 PM

It's been nearly an hour since I got home from school and I must say that I am very, very sleepy. So this morning happened to be the first day of school. Nothing much happened, although the announcements made by the teachers were suicidally looooong.

I asked my classmate Atasha to book a couple of seats for me and one of my best friends, Ezleen, in class since both of us are prefects and we always enter the class a few minutes later than the other students. I asked Atasha to book for us a couple of seats that are waaaay in front of the class, and thank God she did. Hehe. But, what surprised me was the fact that she booked for me and Ezleen two seats that are right next to the teacher's table. Which is kinda scary, if you ask me. Lucky Ezleen, she didn't get the seat that is so close to the teacher's table, haha. So unfortunately for me, I got the seat that is positioned just a meter away from the teacher's table. Well, at least I got what I wanted; a front-row seat. Haha.

So then we found out that our class teacher would be Encik Suhaimi, the teacher who taught us Mod Maths last year. He's actually quite nice and friendly but obviously if you go against his orders then he'd be fuming. And then we also found out that some of our subject teachers have changed and what really scared me the most was the fact that our BM teacher will be someone very strict and stern. And I just happen to sit right next to the teacher's table -.-

Apart from that, nothing much happened in school. I'm still getting used to being called a Form 5 student, but hey, it's only the first day of school. We'll be getting our textbooks tomorrow, which is relatively quite early as opposed to last year.

And I'm terrified of being chosen for PLKN :S

Anyway, I think I'm gonna take a shower now and then pray before getting down to my homework. It's actually last year's holiday homework but somehow some of my classmates -- and also me -- didn't get the worksheet, so yeah. That sucks. Haha.

I'm looking forward to...the day SPM ends. I'm so not in the mood for school right now.

Sunday, January 2
8:55 PM

Tadaaaaa! Last night my sister brought the whole family -- there are ALMOST nine of us now, if you get what I mean hehe -- to a restaurant called Serai at Empire Shopping Gallery somewhere in Subang Jaya. And look what I got after that! A Spongebob popsicle! Hehe. It costs like RM3.80 each but it's SO worth the money. It tastes like Nerds + Kool-Aid. Yummmmm.

Hey hey, remember this one episode where Spongebob threw a peanut at an oyster, or was it a clam, and it cried and bothered everyone in Bikini Bottom? And the Patrick decides to investigate and there's this one scene where Patrick says something about something being so close that he can almost taste it, and then Patrick licks what appears to be Spongebob but it's actually a Popsicle that looks like Spongebob instead? Hahahah. Looks like the Spongebob popsicle thing came true :P

I sound like such a nerd. HAHAH. But seriously, how can you not love Spongebob and the whole gang? Especially Patrick! Hahah.

School is starting tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to it. I remember seven weeks ago when school holidays have just begun and I was so bored and stir crazy just sitting at home allying with futility. Basically I was just bored to death and had nothing to do. Haha. I was so looking forward to go back to school but that was BEFORE I found cool stuff to do like sewing, baking, cooking, reading, photography. After a while I started to enjoy myself just sitting at home doing my own things. I learned how to sew, I baked yummy cupcakes, I read books that were so inspiring and it changed my perspective of life, I learned how to cook many other things; thanks to watching the Food Network channel everyday. Haha. And now look, seven weeks have passed by so fast that I didn't even realize it. 

I have a feeling I'm gonna be really homesick tomorrow.

But, apart from all that, I really look forward to be back in the groove when it comes to my studies, if you know what I mean. As geeky as it sounds, I can't wait to be laden with homework and other assignments and I can't wait to nurture my brain with more knowledge and to revise back everything that I've learned. I can't wait for all these to happen because first of all, it makes it seem like as if time flies by so fast that a few months have passed before you even know it. Secondly, hopefully if I get good grades, it has its own privileges like a little celebration with friends or a little reward from my parents. Thirdly...I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO FINISH MY LAST YEAR IN SCHOOL!

Well, good things come to those who wait. Eh, does the last sentence seem to be a little bit irrelevant to you? Hahah.

Anyway, it's a brand new year and the beginning of a brand new decade. I look forward to what 2011 has in store for me. 

Saturday, January 1
1:30 AM

Haha I feel so vain. Sorry, I just can't resist the urge to share with you my newly acquired skill in using an eyeliner! I'm probably so outdated coz I bet that there are other girls my age who have already known how to do the cat-eye trick waaaaay earlier than me haha. I've always known how to use an eyeliner but I could never get that cool cat-eye trick until a couple of days ago. Thank you, YouTube! Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year everyone! Have a great year! I know I will...I think. Aww, I miss 2010 already :(

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