Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Thursday, April 30
7:17 PM

I'm tired.

Okay, screw that. I'm beyond exhausted.

The diagnostic exam is in two weeks. 15th May. I'm going to die unless I don't study. Oh God, please have mercy in me. 

PMR is really getting to me. I'm mentally and physically disoriented and tired. I sleep very late at night just thinking about PMR. Sometimes I think of myself with that certificate of STRAIGHT A's in my hands, waving it around and jumping from one point to another like a kangaroo and screaming like a monkey. There are times, too, that I think of myself with that result slip that states nothing more than 5A's.

I'm scared.

Getting the results for any other exam is just as nerve-racking, let alone getting the results for PMR. Oh God. 

If my classmate, who used to be not so good in history, can get an A -- a stinkin' frikkin' A -- for Sejarah during the last intervention exam, then so can I. If she can do it, why can't I? 

I'm afraid of Agama. I'm afraid of what topics are going to come out, and they're all subjective. If I can't answer a question then...*missile crashing to the ground*

I'm just tired. Period.

Wednesday, April 29
11:08 PM

Intervensi 2 sucked.

So not looking forward to tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 28
3:03 PM

Okay, bad news first.

I got a good look at my Maths paper today. I got to know my marks, and I must say that I was (and am) very disappointed. I guess you could call my marks as average, a little higher than 70. We were supposed to calculate our marks ourselves, and I did mine. When I saw the number "73" that flashed on the screen of my calculator, I froze. I counted the marks again, making sure that I was precise in doing so. No change. 

I was trembling, really. My trembling hands flipped the pages of the question paper while my angry eyes scanned each page. How could I be so careless? One more mark before doing the percentage calculation, and I could've gotten an A. A stupid rotten A. I don't know why these things happen. I always, always happen to be careless.

I know I was probably overreacting, but I couldn't help it. I was confident enough to know that I will get an A, but then life took a spin on things. It wasn't what I expected it to be, and it was very disappointing. It is disappointing when things don't turn out how you expect them to be. And that's why you should never, ever hope for the best. I nearly cried, knowing that I was careless. Well, it doesn't matter anyway. The question paper only consisted of ten stupid questions, which means that one question wrong; you'll get a higher percentage of losing your marks. There were no objective questions and obviously, the help from the objective questions would be very much appreciated.

On the contrary, I finally managed to score an A in Agama. Finally, after about two and a half years in secondary school, this is the first time I got an A for Agama. I worked hard, and this is what I get. I feel so blessed. I must say that I'm very proud of myself, because this is the highest achievement I've accomplished yet. Or in other words, the highest mark for a subject.

I've really changed, haven't I?

Monday, April 27
5:39 PM

Honestly...I had fun today. Haha!

Penyemakan buku was not stressful at all, nyahaha. I went to the Conference Room together with some of my other classmates to stamp the books and etc etc, simply because I volunteered to. I took Picklehead's -- yeaaa she calls me Chili-head cuz I'm hot tempered, hahaha -- place because I was looking for something exciting to do. Man, I was so hysterical in that Conference Room. I was suddenly hyper.

I overslept today. I ended waking up at 6.30 in the morning, all thanks to my sleeping-at-three-in-the-morning last night. It was a wonder how I could shower and get ready in twenty minutes...

My classmate invited me to celebrate her birthday in a few weeks. Obviously, it's going to be an outing. With friends. Sh*t. I stared, no, gaped, dumbly at her when she told me about it. All because I know that there's going to be a 50/50 chance that my dad won't let me go. Why...why? I told my sister about it, and she said she could tag along and keep an eye on me. Of course, my dad would let me go if my sister tags along, too.

It would be irrational...if my dad won't allow me to celebrate my classmate's birthday. I mean, come on, it's not like I go out with my friends every week. Hah. You know what I do on weekends? Stay at home, read a book, online, study, etc etc. It doesn't bother me, actually. It's just that, I don't see the reason why my dad wouldn't let me go when all this while I've been doing nothing but stay at home and mind my own business. It'll be like a treat for me, too, I suppose. I miss going out with my friends, I miss the thrill and excitement of it. Sigh. All I can do is hope and pray.

Sejarah class after school was simply boring. I was feeling very sleepy and then my mood got crankier and crankier as the minutes passed by. The tutor dragged the lesson until about 3pm, which made my sister worried since I told her to pick me up at 2.30. She even called Abg Azlan to tell him that I was "still not showing up yet". Sheesh. And, you know, I even fell asleep for a few minutes during the class. Haha. My eyelids were so heavy, each time I blinked, I'd have the difficulty of opening my eyelids back.

I hate PMR. What a fun-sucker.

Sunday, April 26
11:49 AM

I don't like you.

Enough said.

Saturday, April 25
8:28 PM

HA HA such bastards. Bunch o' blockheads going insane over their culture and crap. Either they're completely out of their minds or they've lost their balls or just plain lunatics, I don't know. Probably all HAHA. Suckers. Padahal korang masuk our country nak cari makan jugak. Assholes.

And hellooooo, the Malaysian flag has a fourteen-pointed star instead of five. And there are fourteen stripes of white and red, not twelve. Tsk tsk hahhahahahahaha.

Should we report this to the government? :/

6:02 PM

Ugh. Still can't find my KOMSAS book. And I'm still considering whether or not to start a new book. I mean, I do have to write a lot of things. There are like 25 pages to fill up completely! And hey, the book is the size of an A4 paper. How "great" is that? 

I'm so satisfied with myself. Lately I've bought a shampoo from The Body Shop, and it cost me RM40. My own money. Mine. Woo, I'm rich, baby, rich! I really think the shampoo is worth the money. I mean, the smell is unlike any other. It's not flowery, not sweet. It kinda smells like nature, actually. Very light, fragrant, almost minty, and a bit earthy. It's not a common smell. And I like it. 

Heh, different. That's me!

Should I or should I not start a new book for the book-checking thing on Monday? I mean, surely the Panitia would understand, right? To be honest, I don't think it's worth the effort to sacrifice all the time I have to start writing 20 pages of crap JUST for the book-checking thing. It's already the middle of the year, and book-checking is only once. But then again, what if my BM teacher is going to make me start a new book and write down everything from the first index again? Because I'm sure we're going to use it in the future. Sigh...choices. So hard to decide!

Friday, April 24
5:18 PM

I am so glad school is over for the week. I've had a pretty rough week and I deserve the break.

Stressful day at school today. Everyone in class was busy with the book checking thing. In fact, we didn't even learn anything at school today. Well, except for KH. Ugh, KH. We got back our test papers, and I was SO NOT impressed with mine -_-"

Anyway. Everyone was busy finishing up their schoolwork for the stupid book-checking on Monday. Book checking, book checking, book checking. Those three syllables were the only thing you could listen to in class. 

I was so stressed. My KOMSAS book has gone missing, and I'm positive it's not with my teacher. Now I have to start a new book, and hopefully I can finish everything by Sunday. Oh, and my "not sleeping at all for the night" agenda yesterday? Uh'uh, it went down the drain. Note to self; never ever do your work on your bed, especially during at night. You can fall asleep that easily, you know. 

I was finishing up my Sejarah work on the last period. Everyone was busier than ever. I was so stressed that time. It was one of the most stressful moments in my life! I've never been that stressed before until I actually nearly fainted. Really. I was sitting down at my seat, and my desk was a total mess. Simply chaotic. My stationeries were scattered across the surface of the desk, some textbooks and exercise books complemented it. Then I had to finish some exercise. While I was writing, I suddenly felt like as if I was going to faint; light-headed, all the blood draining down from my face. It was just chaotic, today.

I'm so glad I'm home now. I'm so uber freaking glad that all of my books are done; except KOMSAS. Phew.

On the bright side...I'm a 35 again! Yay! Haha. My weight is back to its original state. Thirty five. Oh yeah yeahs.

Thursday, April 23
11:12 PM

I could be considered lucky.

Then again, I might not be.

I could be happy, laughing freely like there's no end to the world.

But then again, it might just be a facade on the outside.

It's like a thousand paper cuts, soaked in soap water. It still hurts, when I think about it. I can't believe I'm still not over it. It's been...four months since "it" happened. It still gives me that sinking feeling, like as if my whole body is attached to the ground.

In many ways, I can be considered lucky. But otherwise, I'm just a girl with bad luck in certain departments. I'm not perfect, no one can be.

There are times when I want to be in your shoes. To know how it feels like to be you.

Sigh. Life's a b*tch. But then again, life's gift.

6:53 PM

The hell with book-checking.

The hell with being a cluster school.

The hell with the possibilities of having the teachers nag at me.

The hell with school.

I'm so pissed. And mad. And angry and infuriated and stressed and chaotic. Book checking for my class is next week, and I'm supposed to pass up one of the books tomorrow. The rest, no problem, dah hantar. Or should I say TAK HILANG.

The hell with book-checking. My KOMSAS book is missing, I don't know where I put it or whether or not I even got my book in the first place.

*Me; in my room, OTP with my classmate*
Eh, have you seen my KOMSAS book?
Hahaha, nope, sorry.
We got back our books kan?
My book is missing.
Yikes. Banyak kerja tu kalau you nak buat baru.
I know!

Hah. Bila dah book-checking la buku tu nak hilang en? Celaka. I've decided to do a new book, start ALL OVER AGAIN from the bloody first month of the year. Synopsis novel tu, and then some useless crap on other stuff. MEMANG SEMPAT LAH NAK HANTAR TOMORROW.

Then got Sejarah. Must do notes. Stupid notes. Why is Sejarah so important anyway? I mean, it's doing zero effect on me. God, if I could transfer to a school in USA, I would SO do it.

I hate the education standards here. No offense la, but it SUCKS like CRAP. "PMR is one of the biggest exams." My foot. "SPM is even bigger!" Fine lah, true. It's like your testimonial to get to college/university. UPSR and PMR? Pergh. Seriously, the Ministry of Education now is becoming more and more ridiculous. Why can't they make the education as simple as before? Back then, during my eldest sister's time, everything was so simple. No "Handphones are prohibited" kind of crappy rules. YIKES.

Why do we have book checking in the first place anyway? Other schools don't.

Oh yeah, right. "Sekolah Cluster". My sore bum lah "sekolah cluster". EEEEEEEE GERAAAAAAM.

Why do I keep losing things? No, I'm not irresponsible. Sometimes they JUST GO MISSING. Oh, if I happen to SEE that stupid KOMSAS book next week or whenever, I am soooo going to burn it to ashes.

I think kan, I think I'm not gonna sleep tonight. Why? Siapkan kerja. Sejarah. BM. Buku hilang. Damn. Bring in the coffee, boys!


You wanna nag, nag lah. I don't even have the tendency to impress you in the first place anyway. SHEESH

Wednesday, April 22
2:33 PM




Oh, exams are over. It feels so good. I think I've worked harder this time. But, what can I say? Only my results can prove it :)

Kakcik picked me up from school today. HAHA. Kakcik, Kakcik -_-"

Agama was easy. Hell yeah Agama was freaking easy! Science was the last paper today, and it was a bit tricky. But, despite all that, I still managed to answer all questions. And honestly, some of the questions were crap. Some of the questions didn't even make sense!

Exams are over. I can finally rest now. Weeee! I'm already anxious about my results :/

Monday, April 20
3:22 PM


ISNIN, 20 April : Bahasa Malaysia, Kemahiran Hidup, Geografi
SELASA, 21 April : English, Mathematics, Sejarah
RABU, 22 April : Pendidikan Islam, Science

What am I kidding? Geografi was crap. It was hell. When I saw the first question, I was already frowning. Stupid government. Bagi peta tak clear, dia punya words semua mcm squiggly lines je. Sheesh. The first map actually looked more like some imbecile's doodles rather than a PROPER map. KH was easy peasy, all in the sense of logic. BM. Fuish. I was beyond satisfied with BM. Of course, I wasn't that happy about the ten objective questions, but my essay was pretty good, to me la. I've never written anything like that before. The ideas suddenly came to me, how I should put the sentences. I was satisfied with my work.

I'm scared for tomorrow. Two stressful subjects all cramped up in one. English? Hah! Stressfull my arse. I'm really scared for Maths. I heard it's just going to be ten questions, all subjective. And you know what that means? It means that I can't get more than two questions wrong in order to get an A. YIKES. And I'm soooooo not good at that locus/loci crap. Draw the locus of a point that is always 5cm from a fixed point O. What the heck, a circle lah! That's easy. Indices! I'm not good at indices. Na'uh. And to top it all off, no calculators are allowed to be used. Pergh -_-"

It's so cool that Abg Azlan is letting me take over his iPhone for a few days. Wooooo! 

During the last period at school today, I was shocked. My Science teacher, she entered our class. When we were done with our Geography papers, she went up to the class and told us something really unexpected...and shocking.

She just turned 56 yesterday, which meant that she could retire if she wanted to. But she didn't. She's not retiring, not now. She's still teaching us, because she cares for us. Her birthday was yesterday, and you know what she got? A bloody complaint from some parent saying that she's been harsh to her students. WHAT THE HELL? As far as I'm concerned and as far as I know, she has never raised her voice, not even one bit, while teaching us. And you know something? She actually cried in front of my class. She was so sad, and shocked...because she has never received a complaint in her 32 years of teaching. I wonder which bastard made up that false statement about her. Seriously la, come on. My Science teacher doesn't even whack us with a cane or something whenever we don't do her work. She actually cares for us and this is what she gets? Inhuman. Simply inhuman. If I ever get to find out who made her weep like that, that'd be so cool. I'd look at that person filled with pure hatred, simply because I loathe her so much. 

I felt so sad for my Science teacher. I mean, she's done a lot for us. Seeing her cry like that, just because someone gave out a false complaint, it made me feel very sad. Some of us actually cried, too, as we went to go and shake her hand begging for forgiveness. I? I wanted to cry, but I pulled myself together. I managed to contain myself. But I did go and shake her hand, tell her I'm sorry for any wrongdoings I've made. I was 100% honest. She's a good teacher, no doubt. Well, looks like I can only show her how much I appreciate her teaching us by getting excellent results in Science....

I'm pissed. Bloody hell I'm pissed. Fine. We'll see who'll be laughing when we get our PMR results. I'm sure yours is the same level as taik lembu. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hey, you're a cow dung! Ha. Ha. No! You're a poopiehead! HA. Cari pasal dgn aku lagi.

Friday, April 17
10:18 PM

My brother's coming home tomorrow! Yippee! On top of that, he's going to bring home his girlfriend for us to meet! DOUBLE Yippee!

From how my brother described his girlfriend, she sounds a lot like me -- and people say she looks like me too -_-" I'm excited to meet her, actually. And automatically, she's going to be sleeping in my room for as long as she's staying here. I don't mind, actually.

I just played Diner Dash Snack Pack...for FOUR hours! I know I shouldn't be doing that, but I couldn't help myself! It was so addictive! Since I was oblivious to my studies just now, I'm going to read a few chapters on history. I just hope I won't fall asleep like last night. Sighhhh...

Got school tomorrow. Huh.

Thursday, April 16
7:48 PM

It was a nice day today. The photography club meeting was hilarious. We had some kind of treasure hunt where we had to figure out riddles, and then take a picture of the answers. It was interesting and fun!

I was very sleepy during Agama today. And I mean very sleepy. I couldn't blink without falling into a high risk of permanently shutting my eyes. My eyelids felt so heavy, and slowly, slooooowly, I was drifting away from consciousness, the sounds surrounding me getting further and further away.

Eventually I fell asleep for only a few minutes after my teacher was done teaching us for the day. We had some free time, and usually I'd read a book during the free time. But I took advantage of it and decided to sleep for a while.

Eh, tak baca buku pon. Selalunya awak baca buku sekarang ni kan?
Saya ngantok la cikgu! *Senyum senyum*

Only 187 more days to PMR. I saw it on the countdown board outside of the school hall. The last time I checked the board, it said 200 days. Now....? It's 187. Not really a big number.

Time is running out! Aaaaaaa!

Wednesday, April 15
6:32 PM

Sixteen is the number of weeks until PMR trials, an approximate number. Four months; sixteen weeks. 

Today was a happy day, sort of. The highlight of the day was during Maths, the hilarious part of school today. I was sitting near the window in class, the windows were just about an arm's length from where I was sitting. So my teacher started to teach, blah dee blah blah. Then we took a short break, we ran away from Maths for a while. My teacher told us a story to make us realise who we are, etc etc etc. I noticed that there were a group of monkeys outside the window, they were pretty close. Monkeys aren't really a big shocker in CBN. I mean, sure, you tend to be like "AAAHHHH!" when you see monkeys at first, but now, it's no big a deal. Monkeys are what we CBNers see everyday. 

The monkeys were very loud, the squeaked and yelled like, well, monkeys of course. I thought they were rabid. Ha ha. It seemed to me like as if they were fighting over something, which of course they did.

Fine, I ignored the monkeys and listened to my teacher. Then they gradually became louder, and they managed to capture my attention. I looked at the monkeys for a brief moment, before I realised that two monkeys from the group were, well, making love. Really! Well, in my opinion, I think it was like a rape scene, the monkey version. A group of male monkeys -- how would I know? I'm just assuming -- fighting over each other to get the female. That kind of stuff.

The next thing I knew, one monkey got on top of another and they started to...well, do you have to make me explain? It was hilarious! Turns out, I wasn't the only one who witnessed that disgusting scene. Nearly the whole class was laughing along. My teacher laughed, too. But what she said made us laugh even more. 

It's not your time yet.
It's nature what! It'll happen to you someday. But it's not your time yet la.
*More laughter*

Oh man, I think that was hilarious.

Time is running out. My time is valuable. I only have six months left to study for PMR, and I don't think that's enough if I don't start now. Every second is precious. Time is money. Time is gold. 

I actually opened my history textbook last night and read it. I sat down on my bed in the middle of the night, with an open history textbook in my lap. I read it. Remembered it. Woo!

I have so many things to do now. I have to study, do my task as one of the members in the Editorial Board, etc etc etc. Tomorrow is the photoshooting session at school. Since I'm in the Ed Board, I'm going to help the others arrange and help everything. And then got fitness. Damn. 

Monday, April 13
4:11 PM

Stupid day. Stupid April. Pergh.

So far, the month of April sucks, despite a few interesting events. Especially during school. What does this month have against me anyway? It's like I'm blacklisted or something. Yeesh.

I started off this week with a stressful day. Sorry to say, but, my God! Baschturds! I'm being used around like a slave, again. And hello, is it so hard to say sorry when you've done something wrong? What if that stupid door of yours actually hit my head? Luckily I had sharp senses so that I could avoid that swerving door. If it hit me, gosh, I swear I'd punch your face. No need to be such in a wrath.

And they say Malaysians are nice, courteous, considerate, blah dee blah blah. Hey, tell you what, it's a load full of CRAP! C-R-A-P. Crap, crap crap crap. Like poo. Except worse. Courteous my butt! Hah!

Stop stepping on my head, I'm getting tired of it. Stop using me as a decoy, your own little slave. Stop telling me what to do, you're not my boss. Stop asking me for help in a rude way, no way am I going to help you with that 'tude. Stop demanding perfection, nobody's perfect and nor are you. Stop making me do things twice for you, you can manage it yourself can't you? Why can't you just be simple? Why must you do it in so many ways when there's a shortcut for it?

Why must it always be about you people? What about me? I have my own rights, too. I have my own feelings, not just you. How do you think I feel when you tell me to do things for you? Bila masa aku kuli kau? Pfft. How would you feel when I boss you around redundantly? Sakit hati en? It's not always about you, you know. I have my rights too, and I'm setting my foot down. 

Sh*t lah. Stupid April. Stupid week. And this is exactly why I like to stay at home.

On the bright side...

I FOUND MY WATCH! In my sister's yellow Kelisa, on the seat -_-" I thought I already lost it and it literally tore me to pieces. I love my watch because it's so valuable. And it's so valuable because it's bought by someone I love; my mum. 

Am I looking forward to school tomorrow? HELL NO I'M NOT.

My Flickr is updated. I've uploaded some photos I took yesterday at FRIM. And because of my going to FRIM yesterday, I've received a number of itchy spots; six on my arms, and about fifteen on my legs. Well, as long as I don't disturb them, they won't leave scars! 

Sunday, April 12
7:30 PM

I woke up early at 6.30 in the morning today. I had to shower with cold water, since the water heater in my bathroom is busted. It's been a while since I showered early in the morning with ice-cold water, and when the water ran down my body, I wanted to scream! I was literally shivering when I got out of the shower. Pergh.

I went to FRIM with my sister and some of her friends this morning. We had a picnic breakfast in the forest, next to the waterfall/stream. It was a very nice experience, actually. One I've never had. We ate in the midst of the beautiful greens, with the loud yet rushing sounds of the waterfall just a few meters away from us. I'd made cupcakes last night for the picnic this morning and I must say, last night's batch of cupcakes were the BEST ones I've made. Well, the best looking ones, actually. 

After eating, we played at the waterfall. Some of Kak Lea's friends bathed in the cold water, and some didn't. Like me, I didn't take a bath there. Anyway, I brought along Kak Lea's SLR camera, because that was my motive in the first place when I was going to FRIM; to take more photos. I'd filled my targets and I managed to mock some of my desired shots. I took about 300 photos there, haha.

When it was around 1pm, it started to rain. At that time, Kak Lea and I were already going up the rocks of the waterfall, being careful with each step. The current was very strong, so we had to be careful so that we wouldn't fall down. It wasn't so high, the waterfall. It was about five or six times my height. 

We were wet, but not completely. My hair was damp, my jeans were wet too. My shirt got wet but luckily it dried quickly. After that, we went to the Malay Tea House. We sat at the gazebo while it was raining outside. I took out a box of Uno cards from my bag and then we played a few rounds. I won second place twice, and last place once -_-"

I just can't put this experience into words. It was such a lovely experience that I'm missing already. FRIM was beyond beautiful. There were huge and tall trees everywhere, with a few buildings here and there for their research institutes. It's a nice place, believe me. 

I realised how I felt when I was at the waterfall in FRIM, when I was roaming the whole institute in the car. Bliss. It was pure bliss. Peaceful...

I miss my full-bass speakers.

I miss my black velvety watch. 


I misplaced the stupid watch. One moment it was with me, and the next, it was gone. I don't know where I'd put it, and I don't know where it'd gone. I WANT IT BACK.

I'm feeling so melancholy that school is the LAST place I'd rather be. Tomorrow is Monday, and I'm sure I'm going to dread every second of it. Nowadays, my mood is rotten in school. Partly because of the fact that so many people piss me off, and because of the fact that I was homesick. Very homesick. 

I wanna go home now, that thought will immediately pop up in my head as soon as I set foot in school. I'm really not in the mood for school. No, I'm not lazy to learn, it's just that I hate to be in school nowadays. I dread it. I wouldn't mind studying at home. Not if it means that I can stay at home.

12:17 AM

I still can't believe that I'm turning fifteen this year.

Nope. The realization doesn't hit me yet.

Before I even know it, I'd be sixteen next year. And then seventeen. And then university :S

I only see myself as a thirteen year old girl. I don't know why the number 13 flashes up in my mind when I say my name out loud. Huh.

I'm afraid of growing up, of the future, of what my occupation will be, of what my life will turn out like. And yet, I'm excited and curious to know.

The only cool part about growing up? I can drive. That's the ONLY thing I'm excited to learn. Heh heh

And you know what I really want? You really really wanna know? Are you sure you really wanna know?


Thank you. Ehem.

Friday, April 10
10:40 PM

Stop tiru aku la wei. Annoying la. Tak original langsung siot.
Dah aku cakap dgn kau baik2, kau kutuk2 aku. Hampeh. Mampus ah. Nasib baik aku tak jumpa kau everyday. Kalau tak, dah lama kena sepak dekat bontot. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Talking to you, it's like talking to a corpse. Your flesh is still FAT and healthy, still intact. Buuuuut it seems like your ears are not working, your face is paralyzed, blah dee blah blah. Long story short; you're a corpse.

You can never be me. I'm way different, TOO different from you. You can copy my hairstyle, my sense of fashion, my music, my graphic-designs, my sense of photography, etc etc etc, but you can never, NEVER be a girl whose name is Nur Iman Nedhiera; me.

Muka nampak je baik, nampak je innocent, padahal hati kau macam arang. Keras, hitam.

Don't test my patience. I can be as nasty as you wish, my words can slice you deep enough you won't even know what hit you. If you want to see the other side of me, how nasty and repugnant I can be, then go and cross the line and make me mad, if you're that curious. I mean it when I say this. A lot of my friends have seen me in a fit, a tantrum so huge that it hits like a thunderstorm. And when you say SORRY; it means it'll NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Sorry doesn't mean that you're guilty of doing something, and then you end up doing it again. LOOK. IT. UP.

Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas. Dah aku kata, kau taknak dengar. Ha, skarang siapa yang sakit hati?

9:14 PM

Justify Full
I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant! *Rolls on the floor and yanks hair like rabies*

My wicked-awesome-full-bass speakers are busted...

The lava in my lava lamp is busted...

The wall lamp in my room light up...

What else could go wrong? My speakers need to be repaired! The sound won't come out of it and I need music in my room! Nooooooo! 

And as for my lava lamp? Rest in peace, my love :(

I went to The Gardens with Kak Lea this evening. Since she had a course to go, she chucked me in Borders, where I'd prefer to be rather than out shopping for clothes. THREE books snatched my attention and they are;

a) The Undomestic Goddess!!!!!!! *The !!! indicates that I WANT it* - Sophie Kinsella
b) The Supper Club - I forgot the author.
c) Handle with Care - Jodi Picoult.

Never ever put me in a HUGE bookstore, ESPECIALLY when it's Borders and when you have a lot of money with you. You know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink. Heh heh

10:28 AM

I've updated my Flickr! Check it out at :)

I'm going to FRIM (again) on Sunday with Kak Lea and her friends. We're going to have a picnic breakfast there. I'm so excited! I can't wait to resume my photography there. I'm inspired!

Thursday, April 9
4:21 PM

Q: How was your day today?
I : Sucks.

Q: Why do you say so?
I : So. Many. Rude. People! *Yanks hair*

Q:What did they do to you?
I : Took me for granted. Slapped on a pokerface which made me want to bitch-slap 'em. Snapped at me like as if she's the leader of the world and all that. Sheesh.

Q: So you don't like rude people?
I : No, I LOVE them. What do you think?

Q: What are you going to do after this?
I : Mandi mandi! Hey hey hey.

Q: What did you have for lunch?
I : Yong Tau Foo, and some ulam2 with very spicy sambal belacan.

Q: What's the highlight of the day?
I : Photography club after school tadi, haha best!

Q: Any upcoming exams?
I : YES :O

Q: When?
I : April 20th. In two weeks' time :I

Q: Are you scared?
I : *tiny voice* yes.

Q: Why?
I : Science; subjective questions only. Maths; ditto. Sejarah; BANYAK TOPIC! Geo; mimpi je laaaa.

Q: Do you think you can nail 'em?
I : Yea, sure. Kacang lehhhh

Q: What subject do you like the most?
I : Science, oh and Maths! :D

Q: Do you have anything to complete?
I : Yeah, my Sejarah, Geo, and KH assignments -_-"

Q: What are you craving for?
I : Ramli burger, yum yum.

Q: Who's the last person who made you mad?

Q: Why?
I : My words fell on deaf ears. It's like talking to a corpse like that. Hahihuheho

Q: What annoys you the most?
I : COPYCATS! *yanks hair, guling2 on the floor tak ingat dunia*

I'm just wondering...

Is it so wrong that one day I show up with a novel in my hands, and another one the next? Is it so wrong that I can finish a novel in a period of 1-2 weeks? Is it so wrong that I simply adore reading?

These comments are getting more and more annoying each day. Recently I've just finished The Memory Keeper's Daughter, which took me about one week and a half to finish it. The next day, I returned with Marshmallows for Breakfast, a novel that I got (courtesy of Kak Lea) the same day as I got The Memory Keeper's Daughter. I received so many comments.

Eee Iman, you ni suka sangat baca buku.
*Salah ke?*
Ni buku apa pulak?
Ya Allah, you ni hari2 tukar buku.
Lepas ni buku apa pulak?

So I adore reading. Big deal. It's so annoying! I like to read, means I like to read. And when I want to read, I want to read in peace. So...annoying! Must...control...angst.

Wednesday, April 8
7:56 PM

"You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are unique and rare!"

This. Is. SO. True. About. Me!

I've never really believed that those personality tests are actually true. But now, I do believe it's true! Every single word!

4:03 PM

As I was about to go home from school, I saw Mr. Ice-cream Man. I stopped at his motorcycle, about to buy an ice-cream. Sarsi...or Drumstick KitKat? I bought a Drumstick KitKat, one of my favourite ice-creams. As I was in the car, I was angrily gorging down on the ice cream, and when I finally reached the end bit of the cone, I munched and chewed on it harshly and violently, crushing away all those annoying bits. 

And when I reached home, I immediately started to clean my room, out of frustration and anger. I scrubbed the floor like I meant it, so hard until it left a raw spot on my skin. And when I was in the shower, I scrubbed my scalp like I REALLY meant it, my nails raking into the skin of my head.

I am sick. Just sick sick sick of everything.

I'm so sick of people taking me for granted. Like for example, the extra pair of hands I offer them would eventually turn into a thousand pairs of hands. Or in other words; they seem to be getting more from me than I actually do myself.

I'm so sick of people not acknowledging my help. I'm so sick of them stepping on my head like I'm some kind of an insect, just bound to get killed by a devil's giant foot. 

I'm just sick and tired of helping people, for now. It's not like they thank me or anything, sheesh. I'm not asking for anything in return, just a little SINCERE "thank you" would do the trick. What's so hard to say those two syllables anyway? It's not like I'm asking you to pronounce "Methylchloroisothiazolinone" or something, which by the way, "Methylchloroisothiazolinone" is a word I found at the back of my shampoo bottle, heh. 

I'm always sincere when it comes to helping people. To me, if I help people without being sincere, it doesn't mean anything at all. 

It's bad enough I'm doing you a favour without being thanked properly here. You don't have to step on my head and make things worse for me.

What is so hard? A simple "thank you" is so...ridiculously simple! Or unless you're terribly lazy, "thanks" is a short form of "thank you".

I'm sick, ridiculously sick, of being bossed around, stepped on like a hopeless insect. I'm so sick of reminding everyone to do their duties in class, and in the end I have to pay the fine, and it's not always I get to reclaim my money back. I'm so sick of being treated poorly. Always having people treating me so rudely, like as if I, a human being just like YOU, don't have any feelings. REALITY CHECK; I HAVE FEELINGS TOO YOU KNOW.

And when people need my help, would it be so hard, if not excruciating, to ask nicely? Manners, where the bloody hell are your manners? I'm so sorry it flushed down the toilet, together with your smelly feces and urine. Sorry la, nak mintak tolong, tanya ah baik2 sikit. Perrgghhhh.

I don't know why people are so rude. Rude when asking people for help, rude when buying stuff at some place, rude in all departments! Recently, I was walking, and then suddenly this hooligan showed up of nowhere and pushed me, hard, with her elbow. She pushed me to the side, so that I'd make room for her, KONONNYA LAH. Eh, kau manusia ke alien weh? PERLU KE TOLAK WEH? I nearly fell, but luckily I could still obtain my balance. But still, she pushed me with her elbow and it hit my ribs. Bloody hell, SAKIT LAH. And the only thing I did was stare at her with my vicious dagger-eyes, until she was out of my sight, apparently still in the oblivion.

All day, most of the time, I had on my best deadpan attitude. Too...annoyed...must...not...lose...control! What do you think I am? Some kind of a robot that does everything you wish? I'm sorry, but I've had it! It's about time I'm putting my foot down, and set things straight. I'm just sick! Sick sick sick beyond words. 

You know, so many people have been taking me for granted until I once abandoned my work to help off someone. STUPID MISTAKE. What about me? What about what I want? 

This world is a cruel place,
The more we give it seems the more we lose, yeah.

SO TRUE. I got that phrase from one of my favourite songs. I'm not asking for much, I just want RESPECT. I have my own work to complete, too, not just you. You can't just step on my head like as if I don't know you're even doing it. My theory is simple; you be rude to me, I be rude to you. You don't respect me, then fine, I won't respect you. I depend on a lot of principles, mainly MY principles. It's just a matter of give and take, really. I mean, a sincere "thank you" is enough to keep me cool and not feel used. 

THAT'S IT, I FEEL USED. Aha! I feel used, being taken for granted, being stepped on repeatedly, being treated like a slave, etc etc etc. Am I the only one who is going through this? No, I'm not. There are many other people who are going through the same thing as me. But please, please please PLEASE LAH STOP TAKING ME FOR GRANTED. I'm so sick of it! I'm so agitated right now, bloody pissed. 

Tuesday, April 7
4:50 PM

Nothing much to update. I'm pretty much living a boring life right now.

All that fun and excitement -- a.k.a. Kak Intan's engagement's preparation week and the engagement day itself -- have passed. So, the only fun things I can do are attending my extra curricular activities; the editorial board and the photography club. Well, technically, they are fun. 

I've been starting my day without caffeine for two days in a row, which is an improvement. It proved that I don't need caffeine to start my day; a bowl of fresh cereal or a PB&J bread will do just the trick. 

The next intervention exam will be in two weeks; April 20th. I'm quite anxious about it. Okaaay, fine, I'm VERY anxious about it. I want my results to improve from the last exam. My ranking in class doesn't matter, but what matters is my ranking throughout the whole form. And of course, my results are more important than that. I'm going to push myself to the limit. Trrrrrry and stop me!

I've been feeling very pensive lately. Always in my own world, stuck and lost in it. Well, it feels nice to be alone sometimes. Not that I want to be always alone, I don't. My friends help me put out the feeling of loneliness in me, and they're doing a really good job. There are times when I just feel pensive, when I just want to be by myself for a while. It's like I'm in a daze, you know? Ah yes, peacefulness pours over me like a tidal wave :)

I really hate it when people are so inconsiderate, heartless, and simply selfish. I hate it when people "accidentally" push me without even saying a simple two-syllable word like SORRY. Oho, I am very revengeful when it comes to this. Don't take things seriously, I'm not that evil. But hey, when people push me or something, there is no doubt that that person would end up being pushed, by yours truly. Or when someone elbows me on the ribs, etc etc. . .well then, be prepared to say hello to my awfully bony elbow right down in your ribs! Heh heh. I put an extra umph when I'm agitated, hah hah hah!

Monday, April 6
5:36 PM

I feel so, so, so relieved that I'm at home again! 

All day at school, the only thing I felt was homesick. I was so lazy to go to school, I wasn't in the mood to learn anything. Seriously. No mood at all. Even my favourite subject, which is Science, I didn't want to open the text book. But luckily, we didn't learn a new topic today. We did an exercise in class.

Ever since the first period, I've been counting down the hours until I get home. It was like hell, I tell you. I was in no mood for school, let alone be around people. I kept myself pretty distant today, not bothering about listening to my friends' conversations and etc. I acted pretty much like a kid, yearning and begging to go home. 

I managed to go to school without having coffee in the morning today. Which, obviously, was a stupid mistake. All the way at school, I was frequently yawning and my eyes felt prickly and tired. When it came to the Sejarah tuition after school, I was barely listening to what the tutor was saying. I only managed to pick out a few sentences. I became claustrophobic for some reason, always fidgeting and moving my legs because I felt so uncomfortable and uneasy. Long story short; I WANTED TO GO HOME!

I'm still not in the mood for school tomorrow. I just don't want to go to school, but what the heck, I have to. Succcckkkkssss

For some reason, I'm really starting to miss the preparation week for my sister's engagement two weeks ago. I don't know why, but I really, really miss it. I remember the time when my sister picked me up from school on Thursday, and then she brought me to have lunch at Ikea with a couple of her friends. And then she did the same on Friday, except that we went to Central Market instead. It was fun. I really miss it. 

Sigh. . . .back to school -_-"

Sunday, April 5
6:39 PM

Say something nice.
Something nice.

*A local female celebrity who's supposed to wear a tudung shows up on TV with only wearing a scarf that revealed her fringe*
Wow! Tak nampak rambut dia!

My sarcasm just keeps on getting better. Ahah!

How's my hair?

Thursday, April 2
2:59 PM

PTI -- stands for Parent-Teacher-Interview -- was held today. I was nonchalantly calm as I got up in the morning, showered, dressed, had breakfast, go to school, etc. I believed that I did good, so what's there to be afraid of, right?

My mother came to pick me up from school because she was the Parent, and my class teacher was the Teacher, and they had an Interview about my progression in class. So when my name was called up in class by the prefect, to inform me that my mother had arrived, I idly picked up my bag and my books and walked out of the class after bidding my classmates goodbye. I wasn't nervous, not yet.

When I got to the school hall, where the thing was being held, I searched in the sea of people for the face of my mother. When I found her, I sat beside her. We had a little chat about my progress, how I improved a lot on my results. Okay, so I was starting to get nervous. I bounced my leg, drummed my fingers, tapped my knuckles, etc. I mean, I know I'm not a bad student and all but it's just so. . .devastating. I wouldn't be so nervous if my father had come, because he is less strict than my mother. 

So it's our turn. My class teacher explained to my mother how I behaved in class, how I'm committed in everything I do. He handed me my result slip, and then my mother and my teacher started talking. When my mom saw my results on the paper, I didn't even see her frown. She was like, Wow! Sejarah D! When she said Wow, I thought she'd say, Wow, banyak nya A! Right, so I was wrong. Har har. But all in all, my mother was impressed. She didn't give me such a looooooooong lecture, which I was definitely thankful for. I'm so glad it's over! I just hope I can keep this up until I finish PMR, and then SPM.

When I got home, the house was empty, as usual. My mom stayed for a while to do her prayer, while I went upstairs and immediately crashed. I suddenly felt so sleepy and restless, so I went and took a really nice nap. Then I went downstairs, hungry. I checked the kitchen, but there's nothing appetizing enough to eat. So I ordered McDonald's! Yay!

The house still smells like a Malay wedding, if you know what I mean. You know, when you go to Malay people's weddings, there's this sort of earthy smell to it. Well, the house still smells like it, in spite of my sister's engagement last week. Oh, I miss last week. It had been a week when I had many things to do, with so many adventures and errands. It was fun. I miss it. A lot.

If you excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my Ayam Goreng McD, huahuahua.

Wednesday, April 1
2:58 PM

It's April already. It's freaking April! It felt like as if January was just yesterday. Dang.

March had been hectic. Obviously, the highlight of the month was Kak Intan's engagement day. We were so busy preparing for the engagement!

I don't know why people have to be so rude. I mean, it's just a matter of having a smile and a gentle voice. Is that too much to ask? Just now at school, I was in charged of keeping the bloody class bloody clean, since I'm the freaking Ketua Kebersihan -- yessss, say those italicized words in disgust. I have my own duty, too. So I reminded one of the girls who had their duties today to do her duty. She avoided eye contact, pulled off this really bastard-ish pokerface and muttered something that I couldn't hear. Bloody hell. It's not like I was bossing her around. Like as if I wanted to. Sheesh. And that, dear readers, was what spoiled my mood and got me in a bad temper tantrum throughout the day at school. I literally screamed when people got in my way.

Sometimes it's hard to choose sides. Options are always very crucial. One person says this, one person says that, it's all a jumbled mess. How do you know the truth? How do you know which person is telling the truth? Well, you can't. What they know, and what we know, it's different. They know the truth, we don't. Period.

Yes, choosing sides are crucial. But then again, sometimes you just don't have to choose any sides. Be mutual. Hey, I'm Swiss dude! I don't intend to be labelled as a hypocrite, or a back-stabber, and I don't like it. I'm not a hypocrite, nor am I a backstabber. Like I said, I'm Swiss! Mutual. When people are fighting and they tell me what they know, it's hard to choose whose side I'm on. I don't know, maybe that person might be telling me lies. But then again, maybe he/she might not. Sometimes it's just better to hear other people's opinions and POVs, so you can know who's lying and who's not.

As for the truth, I don't know. I just don't get why people who take other people too seriously, turning intended jokes and puns into realistic facts. I don't get why people would listen to a story and then spread it out to the whole world after exaggerating the truth. It's either they heard it wrongly, or they just want stupid attention. Spreading rumours, I don't know why people are so heartless to do that. You know, it's like this game, where you're in a straight line, or some kind of a shape that links one human to another, with a head and a tail. The first person would whisper something to the next person, and he/she would spread it to the person behind of what she heard, and so on. And when the last person says what he/she heard, the story would always come out wrongly. This is just like that game.

To grab attention, there are many ways. But spreading rumours to get it? That's...that's crucial! So insensitive, heartless, dumb and just plain dumber.

And to put the blame on someone else? That's as crucial as spreading rumours. Sometimes we know what we did wrong, but we just decided to put our blame on someone else, just so that we'd look good and innocent. Bullshit. What my mother once said to me is true, "The way we see people is how we see ourselves." She got it from a book she read, and man, that particular phrase is beyond true!

I'm Swiss. I'm on nobody's side, and I don't wish to become a hypocrite. I wish to help people the best as I can, but without involving myself too much. Because once I'm too deep in other people's lives, they're the ones who can truly, really stomp their feet on my precious heart and make it shatter into pieces. I obtain a lot of relationships with other people, but not too deep or too much. Being friendly, I like that. Greeting people who are nice, I like that too.

And oh God, is it SO HARD to slap a smile on your face and not be rude? You're lucky if I don't slap your face.

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