Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Wednesday, November 30
10:34 PM

I don't care if people think I'm weird. Or dumb. Or crazy. I'm (most probably) gonna colour my hair like that....because I can! :D

Sunday, November 27
2:02 PM

Not really the genre of music I'd listen to but there's just something about this song that just got me glued to the screen just to listen to the whole song. And the girl is beeyooteefuuuul!

Saturday, November 26
11:32 PM

This song is one of the many F+tM songs that just happens to be my favourite. I don't know how they do it but this band never fails to come up with such good music! This song is from their second album, Ceremonials, and honestly I can't tell which album I like the most because both of F+tM's albums are fantastic! I like the use of heavy drums in their second album. It somehow gives you that ethnic, tribal feeling hahah. I swear, if they come to Malaysia, I'd do anything to get my hands on one of their admission tickets! Florence's eccentricity and boundless energy coupled with her epic music is surely not something I would want to miss!

Anyhow, lately I've been thinking about all those ups and downs I went through throughout the whole year. Sometimes I'd browse through old photos, sometimes I'd listen to the songs that I listened back then, and I'd instantly be taken back to the past. All of that make me realise how much I've enjoyed, and at the same time, despised 2011. 

But the thing I miss most about 2011 is how my Klassmates (and I) formed new bonds with each other. Hehe. Bonds. Ionic bonds. LOL too much of Chemistry haha. Sometimes we got sick of each other, sometimes we enjoyed each other's company and sometimes we just pissed the hell off of everyone. I can still remember when we had to cooperate for the interclass drama competition. We had so little time, it seemed like nobody wanted to cooperate, but in the end we pulled it through after many confrontations. At that point, we were already starting to get closer to each other. But then, we found out that we qualified for the finals, and those consequent two weeks were hell. Or maybe it was only one week. But anyway, we got closer even more during our preparations for the finals. Of course, we had our ups and downs as well. Our props didn't seem promising to be done on time and some of the scenes needed more rehearsals. But in the end, we finally pulled through. We were granted 2nd place and I think from that point, our bonds just got tighter and stronger.

Teachers didn't really favour our class either. I have to admit, we're not really the smartest kids in the school but our bond is nothing like others'. Yes, we were lazy, and naughty, we didn't like doing our homework (then again who does?!) but when we needed to be serious, we got serious. We knew when exactly to be serious and when to have fun. I think having fun constitutes about 90% of the time when we're in school hahah. Yes, teachers didn't like us, but that only made our bonds stronger because we've made a point to prove our teachers wrong. We made a promise to work extra hard and do really well in SPM, together. We pledged to go up on that stage next year once the SPM results are in.

I can still remember one of the last days of us being in class together, as a team. It was during our class party. It was a very bittersweet day for us. We had a lot of fun in the beginning, but towards the end of the school hours, things mellowed down as we sat back in our original places. Some of our Klassmates gave their own speech and all and that was a very, very emotional moment. I failed to stop the urge from crying. I was probably one of the few who really, really cried. The tears just wouldn't stop and my sobs grew louder and harder with each passing second. 

My senior life in school was a great journey that I will never forget. I can still remember those random moments we had with our teachers. Especially our class teacher Encik Suhaimi! Our "Papa" haha. Back then he used to be this really reserved and uptight person, but ever since he became our class teacher this year, he really showed his somewhat fun side and he treated us more like friends most of the time. Sometimes he'd make really awkward jokes but we laughed anyway hahah. I can still remember this one time when one of my Klassmates, Pei Ing, couldn't get the right answer to a math question. She had to answer it verbally, and when she failed to come up with the right answer, our class teacher actually mimicked her in his high-pitched voice! But of course, he wasn't doing it to be offensive. He was just trying to make a joke. The whole class laughed really hard haha.

I miss my teachers, too. :(

Aaahhh I miss being a Form 5 student! I still can't grasp the fact that I'm not a school kid anymore. Time flies by so fast when you're having so much fun. Going to school nowadays to sit for SPM is just not the same. Everyone's caught up in their textbooks/reference books, too busy to talk about anything BUT SPM. All those times when we could just mingle around in the morning before assembly, or during recess, not giving a crap about our studies while we're with our friends....all those times are just gone. We can never experience that again and it's rather sad to leave those good memories behind. I really miss being a school kid, no matter how sucky the school rules were and no matter how much I hated those really long assemblies. I'd go through all that again if it meant I'm able to feel the wonders of being a school kid again.

But of course, the past is the past. I now have a future to look forward to. (Well, not quite, SPM's still not over hahah).

Back to Chemisery! <---not a typo.

Saturday, November 19
11:51 PM

Found this on my newsfeed on Facebook and I. Am. Furious. How dare you insult one's religion in such a foolish manner. Seriously, don't you think this is just so rude and insulting?! Funny thing is, there are still some Muslims who clicked 'Like' on this picture. Why, I do not know and I do not care.


Such a dick.

Friday, November 18
10:58 PM

Condensation on the outer side of my window. My air-cond was switched on the whole night so when I woke up the next morning I was surprised to find some water vapour on my window haha. This was just after sunrise, as you can see from the bright glow in the center. This was actually shot using my camera phone since I don't get to lay my hands on a DSLR camera for now -_-"

And this was shot while my dad was driving me to my tuition center. How I long to see the sun again.

Thursday, November 17
4:42 PM know...I'm not really the most intelligent/knowledgeable person out there.


That still doesn't change the fact that I still do believe in myself and that I do have a respectable intelligence. I don't mean to boast but self-confidence really is one of the major components in trying to become better at something and frankly, that's exactly what I need right now.

Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts.

Wednesday, November 16
3:08 PM

Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. It's all about hoping and praying and hoping and praying until you've got nothing else to hope for.

3:00 PM

Just when I thought I did really well for a certain paper, something just had to come rolling in and demonically crush my hopes with its merciless feet.

And that frustrating I-should-have moment when you realize you got the answers right the first time but something in you just decided to change the whole thing and mess it up!

I'm losing hope with every passing subject god damn it! Everyone seems to be doing so much better than me and it doesn't help that some of them are just cocky enough to boast about it to everyone.

Bloody hell. *drowns in my own ocean of tears*

Friday, November 11
1:39 PM

A little food for thought.

Scorpios born on November 10 have so much strength of will that there is nothing they cannot accomplish. They possess a keen intelligence. However, they need to develop their spiritual side; if they do not, it becomes easier for them to be seduced by worldly attractions that bring little satisfaction.

Friends and Lovers
People born on this date retain a remarkable loyalty to friends, even if circumstances divide them. They have the ability to bond with others on a spiritual level. Romantic love is the most profound experience in their lives. They seek a soul mate, not just a partner. Even if hurt by the ones they love, they never lose their idealism.

Children and Family
November 10 people are devoted to their families and remain in touch with their childhood roots. They have a strict moral compass and rarely deviate from the values learned in youth. They expect a great deal from their children. They feel that whatever made good sense when they were children should still be respected now.

November 10 people have so much natural good health and vibrancy that it can be undermined only by their own actions. If they maintain a good health regimen throughout life, they are likely to live to a ripe old age. Although likely to be slim in youth, they need to increase their exercise level as they near middle age.

Career and Finances
People born on this date have a need to be involved in work that challenges them intellectually. They have a deep understanding of philosophy, science, and religion. Although they have the intelligence to handle their finances well, they have a generous nature and may often spend money foolishly.

Dreams and Goals
These individuals often have a hard time deciding on which goals they wish to achieve — the spiritual ones or the material ones. This dichotomy plays out in their lives over and over again. When November 10 men and women are in pursuit of a goal, they turn all their talents toward achieving it.

Hmm. Freakishly accurate.
( Source )

Thursday, November 10
9:04 PM

It's my birthday today.

I'm now officially 17.

How time flies by so fast.

My day was fine, I guess. Kakcik and Abg Afif took me out for tea at Delicious, Bangsar, this late afternoon. The food there is okay, I guess. So we just chilled at Delicious as we ate, and after that we went to CzipLee since Abg Afif wanted to buy some stationery for himself. I got myself a RM3.50 clear pencilbox so that I can use it to stuff my stationery and bring it into the exam hall during SPM. It's my own birthday gift to meeeeeeee! (It has a yellow zipper too!)

It was a good evening. The weather was lovely, although it was hot. It was a clear day and it was windy. It's nice to see the sun again after having all those downpours for the past few days. I really missed seeing the sun in the evening and it felt like a birthday present to me hehe.

My dad took Kakcik and I out for dinner. We just ate at the foodcourt since I didn't feel like having anything fancy. After dinner we went to Gelato Fruity and Kakcik paid for my ice-cream nyehehe. After I ordered my ice-cream only then did I realized that I left my wallet at home, so Kakcik had to pay for it teehee :p As we were paying for our ice-creams, my dad blurted out to the ice-cream dudes that it's my birthday today. To my surprise, the dude who entertained us with our ice-cream-flavour-decision-making graciously added a free scoop of ice-cream for me and told me to pick another flavour. At first I was sort of surprised, not sure if I should take it or not but in the end I took the free scoop anyway. I already had my scoop of peppermint chocolate ice-cream so I picked the mango ice-cream, knowing that that free scoop of ice-cream would go to my dad :)

Those ice-cream dudes were friendly. They wished me luck for SPM hehe. They made my day :)

I'd really like to say that I enjoyed my birthday today but that'd be an overstatement. I guess I'm just too caught up with the fact that SPM is in just four days that I keep forgetting that my birthday is today. Sometimes I find myself being caught up in a daze, just staring into space, being in my own world.

Very quiet birthday this year. Well, hopefully I'll be able to celebrate my birthday with my friends after SPM is over. I'd really like that :)

I also received a numerous amount of birthday wishes on Facebook, mostly from my schoolmates. I guess that made my day too :)

Well, before I end this post, which would probably be my last post before SPM is commenced, I just wanna thank you all for your kind, darling wishes. I really appreciate it a lot! :)

And now back to Sejarah.......

Sigh. Life.

Monday, November 7
7:35 PM

Second post in less than an hour.

I've been reading some of my posts back in 2010 and I can only question one thing...

What happened to me? Last year I used to be this really hardworking girl who worried about her studies and her job as the Head of Graphics for the school magazine in the Editorial Board. I was so adamant about completing my work that I sacrificed a lot of my sleepless nights just to make sure my work would be done on time. I'd get frantic and antsy whenever I couldn't do my work, and back then I just didn't seem to let anything get in the way to stop me from completing whatever task I had. 

This year...? Don't ask. I'd probably go hide under a rock of shame for losing all that determination and dedication I had.

7:10 PM

I was just reading my old posts back in 2009 and 2010 and I've just realized something...

I wrote so much better back then than I do now. Damn. Am I ageing too fast? O_O

Friday, November 4
10:03 PM

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? The stupid board of the education ministers are STILL abolishing PPSMI? Like...SERIOUSLY?! Even though there are millions of citizens going against the decision.


If you think that the Ministry of Education (MoE) cares about the education of the youth, then you're just thinking bullshit. The MoE never cares about OUR education. They're just a bunch of dirty politicians who only want control over everything by winning people's hearts. They're just politicians, not educators. What do they care about the education of the youths these days? Um, I can only think of none.

"Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia" konon. Bullshit. Alright fine, the MoE wants us to dignify BM, right? Well there are other ways to do that! You can't abolish PPSMI just for the sake of it! It's stupid! It's ridiculously stupid. I mean come on, you learn Maths and Science in BM when you're in primary and secondary school, and when you go to college/university, what will be the language for Maths and Science? English. ENG-frikkin-LISH. What, the MoE thinks that students can just adapt to learning all Math and Science subjects in English just like that? With all those scientific terms such that most of them don't even sound alike to the corresponding BM terms! They're going to have a hard time, and when they do they most probably won't do well in their exams, they won't graduate with flying colours, so answer me this one question...WHO WILL HIRE THEM ONCE THEY GRADUATE? Can't think of any? Exactly my point.

And excuse me, it's not "Bahasa Malaysia." It's Bahasa MELAYU. It's MALAY god damn it.

Abolishing PPSMI, no matter when, is a huge mistake towards making this country to stand up to the world's standards. I really love my country, but the politics here are just bullshit. I've never liked the politics here. It's all just about those selfish politicians. Yeah they might promise you heaps of wonderful things now, but how many of them will actually hold on to their promises once they win those pointless elections? Exactly.

I'm not sure if it's true but I heard that these people are abolishing PPSMI because some teachers can't teach Maths and Science in English. SERIOUSLY?! Mind my words but go f*ck yourselves. I hate when teachers teach just for the sake of teaching and with that said, go learn how to teach Maths and Science in English for the country's sake! We have all those Maktab Perguruan and crap, why not make full use of it? We still have our retired senior teachers who CAN teach Maths and Science in English, so ask them to help these bunch of new teachers who can't teach in English! 

And I bet the new Maths and Science syllabus is going to be far much simpler than what we have now, which is awfully bad for the youths' futures. What university would want to take students from Malaysia, whose education system isn't as great as other countries? I mean come on, those eighth-graders in the US are already learning about the Renaissance, and when do WE learn about the Renaissance? Yeah. Exactly.  

I may not be a part of the upcoming generations that are going to have to learn Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia, oops I meant Bahasa MELAYU, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about how the MoE is seriously destroying the country by destroying the youths' education. And plus, sometime in the future we will all have children. And you want your children to get good quality education right? Yeah, I know I do. If all else fails I might just send off my children to an international school. Speaking of which, if the MoE thinks our education system is sooooooo great (which isn't that great at all), then why does he send his kids off to international schools? HAA!

I don't see the reason behind the abolishing of PPSMI. I just don't. Unless their main reason is to ruin this country, yeah, I guess that counts.


Thursday, November 3
12:52 AM

Today was a very emotional day for my classmates and I. We had our last class party today and the amount of fun we had was immeasurable. Funnily we had more drinks than we had food. One of our classmates brought her iPod and mini-speakers along and so there was music throughout the whole period, which was awesome. Haha. We ended the class party in a very emotional manner. After the class party we had to rearrange our tables in the classroom back to their original positions, and after we did I suddenly felt teary eyed. 

Long story short, after we were already settled back at our own desks, suddenly Amelia stood in front of the class and gave a short shoutout to all of us. And I guess it all started with Amelia, because after that a few more of our classmates started giving shoutouts to the whole class as well. It was a very emotional moment for us, because everyone started saying how much they've enjoyed spending their upper secondary life in school with each and every one of us, 5K girls. And yes, there were tears involved. Many of us cried. As far as I'm concerned, I just couldn't stop crying as my classmates conveyed their short messages. At one point I just started sobbing really hard and by that time the tears were uncontrollable. Today would most probably the last day for all of us to be in class, together, and there will be no more spending time with each other in that classroom of ours after this. 

It's hard to believe that we're ending high school soon. It's even harder to believe that even though it's only been two years, we've managed to develop a sense of togetherness over time. Yes, it's only been two years, but I can honestly say that each and every one of us 5K girls have gotten along really well compared to other classes. We've had many ups and downs, and we've had so much drama this year (literally), but time and time again at the end of the day we're still a family, no matter how much we annoyed and irritated each other. 

My classmates really play an important part in my life. I mean, yeah, sure, we often fought and annoyed each other a lot, but we're just so much closer than you think. So many teachers expect us to do badly in our SPM, but we're standing up together to prove them wrong. We might not be the smartest, or the ones with the highest grades, and we might be naughty and lazy and loud and noisy and ridiculous and annoying, but come on, what's 5K without all that? 

I think the sweetest memory that I will forever cherish in my life, is the time when we had our inter-class drama competition. We had a pretty rough start. Many didn't cooperate, we kept on changing our script, we had issues with our props, but as time went by we actually got on really well. We've managed to resolve so many problems, all thanks to the cooperation from everyone. I think that was the starting point that actually brought us all together as one. As a team. We had so many fights about the drama, but we managed to pull through. As time progressed we succeeded in cooperating with each other, and we bonded really well too. 

We managed to finish in second place ;)

So after the string of speeches ended, it was time to go home. We ended our forever memorable class party with a MASSIVE group hug and we sort of made a promise to each other to do well in SPM. The waterworks came again as everyone parted, and then we hugged each other individually. First Sabrina came up to me and hugged me tight and I hugged her back. And then someone came (can't really tell who it was haha) and hugged us, and then Aini came, and it became a group hug. We were all crying and sobbing and and it took us a while to let go of each other. We got a whole lot closer ever since the drama competition and I wouldn't have had so much fun in school without them. So then we parted ways to hug everyone else, so I went up to Sonia and hugged her. As we hugged she told me a little piece of advice that really touched my heart, because I remember there was this one time recently when I had a really honest talk with her. I told her things I wouldn't really tell just about anyone and she listened on, gave me the right advice. I cried even harder as she spoke and at that point I just couldn't thank her enough for being such a good listener, and a good friend.

My life in high school would never have been this fun if it weren't for my Klassmates. It's just hard to believe that we've reached the end of high school. All those dramas and fights we had, and all those good times we've shared, they're just impossible for me not to cherish forever. Teachers might disdain us, but no other class could have shared the bond that we have. At the end of the day, 5K is just a big family of 36, including our class teacher Encik Suhaimi and our two "mothers" Pn Aizan and Pn Gan. Ah, yes, did I mention that Pn Aizan and Pn Gan helped us a lot with our class drama? Yeah, they did.

5K 2011 and their memories will always remain in my heart. Forever and always.

SPM. Here we go.

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