Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Friday, June 29
7:18 PM

So...this afternoon I was making some coffee for myself for a quick boost of caffeine since I was soooo sluggish. While I was mixing some sugar into my black coffee, I found this elderly cat sleeping calmly on one of the chairs on the backyard patio of my house. Curious to see if the cat would run away, I tapped the slightly tinted glass window of the kitchen. He woke up and just stared at me.

Cautiously I opened the back door of the kitchen that leads to the patio, and to my surprise, the cat didn't even run away! I called for him and reached my hand out, and confidently he came towards me. I meowed hahahah. The cat meowed back, but he sounded hoarse, and that's when I knew that he's an elderly cat.

He didn't even run away from me. He looked like as if he was searching for something, but of course I didn't know what it was. He seemed hungry, so I quickly looked around the kitchen for something that I can feed the cat with. In the end I took a piece of some leftover fried chicken from the fridge and tossed it to him. He contemplated a while before finally devouring the chicken.

So I watched as he took the piece of chicken in his mouth and brought it to somewhere else. I figured he didn't want me to watch him eating. So I left him for a while and looked around the backyard for a small bowl or a basin so I could fill it with water for the cat to drink.

Just as I turned around, he was standing right behind me, and then he meowed. Shocked, I walked over to where he devoured his chicken, and I put down the basin of water there. He looked at it, sniffed it, but didn't drink it. So I left him and sat on on a chair.

The cat started following me hahaha. I spent nearly an hour playing with this cat. At one point I wasn't afraid to touch the cat anymore, and it felt nice to stroke his head and tickle his chin. Cats love it when you tickle their chin hahaha.

So then I got up and walked around the outside of the house, just to see if he would follow. And he did! I ran far away from him, and I found him running to me, to my complete surprise. So for a few minutes I just walked around with the cat trotting beside me and it felt so nice. He wasnt my cat, but I wished he was.

Oh, and the coffee I made earlier? I totally forgot about it hahaha!

My brother says this must be someone's house cat, because the cat's already used to human touch. There was this one time when the cat trotted over to a small pile of sand on the grass (don't ask why we have a pile of sand at home), and when I called him, he didn't respond to me. And that's when I realized that he was doing his business. When he got up, I noticed a small patch of wet sand where he perched on. And then I thought, okay this has got to be someone's cat.

At one point I had to leave him because I had stuff to do, and it felt so hard to leave him. I couldn't let him into the house or my mum would flip hahahah. So, with a heavy heart, I slowly crept back into the house and closed the door. I looked at the cat through the tinted windows of the kitchen and he just sat there, staring at the door. I felt so bad :'(

An hour after that, I came back downstairs to the kitchen and I found him still there on the patio, licking himself clean. Ah yes, he also likes to clean himself hahaha. I really wish I could keep him, since he's an old cat and all. But he's probably someone else's cat and furry pets are not exactly welcomed in this house :( And thats why we have a small aquarium of fishes. Zzzz.

Until we meet again Mr. Elderly Cat!

Wednesday, June 27
10:50 PM

Valeria Lukasdfwiudbweo. Living Barbie Doll.

Interesting. I find it rather disgusting though. I mean, to have THAT much plastic surgery? That's just sick. I've Google-d this living being (whose name is Valeria Lukyanova) and I find that she's SOOOO much prettier before all that plastic surgery made her look waaaay out of proportion lol.

But who am I to judge? Moving on!

Tuesday, June 26
11:14 PM

When was this ever my preferred genre of music?! LOL never. Awkward vid. Awesome music though *thumbs up*

Monday, June 25
6:42 PM

To me, the best time of the day is during the couple of hours before the sun completely sets below the horizon, casting a beautiful orange-red glow in the sky. It is when the tropical air cools down from the hot, blistering afternoon, and from time to time you'd feel an occasional tropical breeze wafting your way and you can smell and feel how fresh the air is -- if you're in a suburban neighbourhood, I mean. It is when you can just unwind yourself and relax and enjoy the somewhat humid tropical evening as you gaze out your garden, a balm that calms you and brings you some peace of mind.

Home is where I love to be. Because during those couple of hours prior to dusk, it is when I sit on the massage chair in the front living area and just gaze out the garden as the afternoon slowly cools down. It is when I think of the things in life that make me happy/sad, and it is when my mind is at peace.

I love to be at home at this hour. But despite that, I'll have to move in to my hostel in UM sooner or later. I'm rather excited about living away from home, by myself. My hostel has a really nice garden and a mini-lake in on its grounds, and I'm sure it'd be really nice to take a stroll there sometime in the evening.


Friday, June 22
7:29 PM

I can't believe it's only been a week since I've stopped working. My Friday last week was just wonderful. A week has passed by and it sure didn't feel like it. It feels like as if a month has passed.

It's been a while since I've let myself drift into the phase of walking into rooms and not knowing why I did it in the first place. The phase where I'm totally oblivious of my surroundings and I'm always in my own world. I can't recall exactly when was the last time I've been in this phase.

I guess, I just miss working and my colleagues so much that it's getting hard to concentrate on my studies now. When I first found out that I was about to leave them so soon, I actually cried so hard. I remember heading straight to the toilet at the office as soon as I received the news that I was about to start university soon, and I sat on the shut toilet bowl and just wept. And later that night, in my own room, I cried even harder than before. So many crazy emotions dominated my head and loud sobs shook my body and at one point all that crying gave me a migraine. It was really hard for me to accept it.

And now, a week has passed, and I'm replaying the events of last Friday in my mind. I really miss working at the office and I miss seeing my colleagues there. Hopefully I'll be able to start working part-time there soon.


Am I happy? Sort of.

Eh, I'm actually not. Go away.

Wednesday, June 20
7:55 PM

Alhamdulillah. So far my first few days as a university student in UM have been wonderful. I've already made a few friends :)

Massive pressure on me now. UM happens to be one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and having that said, I've really got to work my butt off to obtain at least a 3.5 CGPA throughout these two semesters. Nothing less. Or else when I go for my degree program, they'll kick me out of UM. Yikes.

Most people would say you're considered very lucky to be accepted into UM. I guess that's true. And with all these smart people around, maybe it's just the right environment for me to be in. I'm not really as hardworking as you'd think, but of course I still do try my best to become an excellent student. And with these intelligent students around me, hopefully they'll be able to influence me to work harder.

It's going to be hard -- and the fact that my Environmental Science lecturer is so mediocre further supports my expectations -- but it's not possible. I'm not going to excel for anyone else. I'm going to excel for myself.

I should stop getting so distracted so easily.

Just a random thought; I miss the time when my whole family and I flew over to Miri, Sarawak, for my brother's wedding. It was around this time of the month last year. Aside from the beautiful wedding, it was a short vacation for all of us. We stayed at Marriott Hotel and the ocean was just a few meters outside our rooms. There wasn't exactly a beach, just a bed of rocks overlooking the ocean. It was beautiful. I also got to witness the sunset that i'd been anticipating for weeks at that time! Everyone got to unwind themselves and just relax. Sigh. I miss that.

The month of July last year was wonderful, too. I miss that, too.

Study study study, you're so funny.

Thursday, June 14
7:09 PM

I think I let myself get too attached to things too quickly. And when it's time to let go...

Well. Sh*t.

*flips table*

Wednesday, June 13
11:55 PM

I've been seeing a lot of shared posts on Facebook concerning the constantly evolving tactics by robbers and rapists to get to their victims, whoever they might be.


Wtf ever happened to humanity? MALAYSIANS, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MORALITIES?! More and more cases of robbery and kidnapping and rape are reported and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of not feeling safe anymore wherever I go. I'm sick of hearing about people, particularly women, being a victim of such cases. I'm sick of these f***ed up hooligans creating chaos all over the country with their shenanigans. Sick of it all.


However, I can't argue over the fact that these hooligans are smart to think of such tactics. But as Malays would say, PANDAI TAK BERTEMPAT. Using their intelligence for the wrong purposes...why? Just, WHY?

Frikkin sick of this nonsense. Pardon me for my lack of prim and proper language. Because, really, I'm more ill-mannered when I'm upset on behalf of other people than I am when I'm upset for myself.

What happened to our country? I don't understand.

12:53 AM

I've realized that for the past few months, I've been hanging out with people who are...not exactly my age. These people are my family and my officemates. And, well, the idea of being friends with people who are much, much older than me is intriguing.

I like it, to be honest. After spending a few months with my officemates, I realize that I've learned a lot from them. Mostly character-building stuff.

I have to say, I'm happy to be who I am today. From time to time I'd compare myself now to who I was back then, before the people of Bake180 became a part of my life. I'm proud of what I've acquired from my self-assessment. I'm grateful to have met them.

And that's probably one of the main reasons why I don't want to start university...yet. It's too soon. I don't care if people are going to think I'm a slacker for starting university late, because it's my education after all, not theirs. And plus, it's not like as if I'm wasting my time away. I have a job that helps me gain more knowledge on website-development, I'm content with it, and I don't see the rush of getting my butt back in school (university).

I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a rush. I'm content now. I'm happy to be where I am today, and I'm proud to have gotten this deep into website-development and stuff.

A slacker, I am definitely not.

Hungry for knowledge, I am. But knowledge doesn't only exist in schools and universities. Look around you. Knowledge is everywhere.


Monday, June 11
4:00 AM

Just a picture of myself at fourteen years old, shot by my sister, that I edited at 3am. It's 4am now. Coffee's to blame.

3:02 AM

Girls, especially. Need I say more?

Not even sorry for posting this.

Sunday, June 10
11:08 PM

Hm. I miss Germany. I miss the cold weather there, no matter how unbearable it can get at times. I remember how each time I went outdoors, the cold wind would give me this unpleasant, sharp pain up my nose due to the dry weather hahah.

I liked what the weather did to my hair too lol. My hair was so much shinier and healthier and nicer-smelling and more manageable in the very dry climate. But the weather made my skin very, very dry until at one point my whole body smelled like dead skin (lol what?!)

Wish I could go back there again. Uncle Sabri and Aunty Rahizam, the very nice couple who hosted my mother and I while we were in Frankfurt and even let us stay at their cute home, even mentioned that they'd welcome me to their home anytime haha. Uncle Sabri even suggested that I come by and visit them in Frankfurt sometime lol. I would...if I had the money to support the flight ticket and whatnot.

Ah yes, they even tried to set me up with one of their sons hahaha. Awkward :p

Well, they're coming back to KL in a couple of weeks for their son's (not sure which one) wedding in July and my mother and I are invited yippee. I'd really love to see them again after so long. They've been really wonderful hosts during our stay in Frankfurt :)

Yeaahh I miss Germany :(

Saturday, June 9
3:27 PM

Can I just say that I'm hoping I won't get into UM? We'll find out in two days, and if I do get it, then that's the end of my working days at the office and I'll be leaving them IMMEDIATELY.

It's not that I don't want to continue my studies. I DO. Just...not right now. I want to continue working and I wouldn't mind starting my tertiary education a bit later. It's not a race, and it's my education after all.

I want to continue working, because for the past few days I've been working on quite a few important projects and I've learned so much from that experience. I'm interning, therefore I'm also learning, in a way. Well, designing websites might not have anything to do with architecture but it's a skill that I'm acquiring and I don't want to leave all that behind just yet. I need to earn money, too.

I really don't know what to do right now. The thought of leaving my colleagues so so so soon is bringing tears to my eyes.

I just hope I won't get it. I hope my parents would understand.

Thursday, June 7
8:28 PM

I don't want to know.

All I know is that I like where I am now and I'd like to continue working. I'm starting to get so much closer to my colleagues and it'd be a bummer to leave now.

It's not that I don't want education. Believe me, I do. I just want to live life as it is now. I mean, what's the rush, right? It's not a race.

Really had a great time today. After i was done getting ready for work, I got down to the kitchen and found that my mother has cooked some breakfast for me. She just grilled some hashbrowns and hotdogs, nothing fancy. But still, it's always a nice way to start the day with eating breakfast prepared by your own mother, no matter how simple it is.

Yeaahhh. Had so much fun today. Especially during lunchtime, when one of our bosses treated us to lunch at Mee Jawa. One of my colleagues, Nadiah, was so hyper hahaha. We laughed so hard at the littlest things! She's 10 years older than me but we converse like as if we're only a couple years apart lol. It's nice to be working with someone who can relate to you :)

And that's probably one of the reasons why I'm still not ready to leave Bake180. The people I've met there are wonderful.

Monday, June 4
12:27 AM

Often times I wonder what exactly it is that I'm really good at. Computer graphics? Photography? Baking? What?

Often times I'd think I'm pretty damn skillful when it comes to photography. But then I'd look around and find that there are many others, so much younger than me, and so much more skillful than I am at photography and sometimes that just deflates my hopes completely. I never said I was an expert. And I know there's always room for improvement in whatever I do.

I seem to barely feel adequate of myself. Maybe it's my perfectionism, maybe it's my ongoing drive to be better than what I am capable of. I dont know. Of course, there have been times -- although not many -- when my work completely astounds me and I'd feel as proud as a peacock of my work, and nothing could diminish my satisfaction of satisfying myself with my own work. I know that feeling, and I yearn for more.

Of course, life is an ongoing journey. No one was born an expert in something and you gotta go for what you really want, for what you're really passionate for. You gotta persevere and always have that diligence in you to keep improving yourself in whatever you do. You can't be shy to ask from the experts and if that doesn't seem to work, you gotta learn by yourself. Personally, I prefer learning something by myself, as I find that with every failure and every error, I get to learn more than what I initially could. Of course, some guidance from a skilled mentor would be helpful, but all that knowledge means nothing if you can't handle things by yourself.

I'd often feel pessimistic about my skills in photography and post-processing. I'm still learning and I will continue to learn and go deeper into the little nooks and crannies of my ultimate passion; photography. But like I said, no one was born an expert in something. You gotta start somewhere, somehow.

I haven't been paying much attention to photography lately. I think I've got some pretty good shots in my laptop but I often don't have the time to look through my files and select which ones to process. And even if I do, I'd usually be too tired and/or sluggish to do anything nyehaha.

Perhaps, if I don't have that much work this week, I can use some of my free time in the office to look at some portfolios of some expert photographers and find some inspiration, and then process some photos. :)

Learning knows no boundaries. Mm'hmm.

Sorry for the long post. Here's an imaginary potato.

Sunday, June 3
7:27 PM

Tomorrow. Neh.

A couple of nights ago, after work, I went to a hair salon at Publika and got a haircut. I paid 50 bucks and I have to say, it was well spent. It was originally RM65 for a hair wash as well as a hair cut, but since I'm working at Publika I got a 15% staff discount woohoo!

The stylist that did my hair really knew what he was talking about. He understood what I wanted and I'm so glad I went to that hair salon for a haircut.

As the stylist picked up strands of my hair in his fingers and held it in front of my eyes, pulling it slightly taut and then carefully snipping away my hair with his scissors, all I could think was that I needed a change. To be honest I wanted my hair to be shorter than it is now, but I guess this length will do for now.

He snipped off about two inches of my hair, which doesnt sound that much but the change in my hair length is significant. I watched as those loose strands of hair fell to the floor. Occasionally I'd see streaks of orange and light purple on the floor, the parts of my faded highlighted hair that were no longer attached to my head.

I was feeling a tad bit skeptical about getting my hair cut and I'd expected that with every snip of the scissors, with every strand of hair that was cut, I'd wince as if my scalp was stabbed with a knife, already in the early stages of regret. But I didn't. Instead, I just felt relieved. No regrets at all, surprisingly. I needed a haircut desperately, because I couldn't keep up with how my hair would get so dry and frizzy, especially while I'm in the office. You know, air-conditioned room and stuff.

I was also sick of looking so haggard and untidy. Coupled with the lethargy that I've been going through these past few days, the strands of flyaway hair that stuck out from my head in awkward angles made me look and feel unhinged, sloppy, clumsy, and messy. So I guess this haircut made my hair more manageable :)

Ah yes, it was also the second time in a week that someone commented how dry my hair was. The hairstylist said my hair was really dry and it was near the point of being brittle, so after my haircut I went to the pharmacy and purchased a new bottle of shampoo and conditioner meant for dry hair. It's not Herbal Essences, the stuff that's been making my hair smell deliciously good for a long period of time, but looking at the condition of my hair, I think for now I'll just put my adored Herbal Essences shampoo on hold while my hair regains its luster. Haha. Pfft.

I feel like getting rid of these highlights in my hair. They were once red and purple, but now my hair is turning orange and pink! The original colours have faded and I feel like reverting back to my natural hair colour. I'll have normal hair again nyehaha. There's this bright orangey-brown streak on the right side of my hair and it's annoying. Haha.

Hmm, then again, I do have some other plans for my hair.


Friday, June 1
10:37 PM

Today was good.

Stayed at work late. Got a haircut after that. And then my dad and sis came to where I work for dinner. Yeah.

Got home and my whole day is ruined. Scratched my car while trying to park it on the sloped porch. Well damn. This is like my...third time scratching that thing. Not much damage, it's just the edge of the bumper that got scratched. But still. I've been driving that thing for quite some time now and I still maneuver it like an uncoordinated retard.

So what did I do after my dad and my sister helped me to maneuver the car? Yes, it actually took two people to guide the way. I went up to my room and cried in frustration. I can't afford to scratch that car anymore and I'll whack myself on the head if it happens again.

So my RM150 heels gave me an unsightly bruise at the back of my ankle and I'm wondering how that happened. First there were blisters. And now a bruise! Well that's just great.

Also, my emotions become annoyingly doubled when 'that time of the month' is coming. So excuse me for being so negative about what happened today.

Sometimes I just hate being a girl. Known for temper tantrums during that time of the month and bad driving skills. Oh wait, didn't I just describe myself? :D

What 'wonderful' way to start the second half of the year. Goodnight.

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