Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Wednesday, February 29
2:24 PM

I took pictures of a Nikon DSLR with another Nikon DSLR ;)

Sunday, February 26
11:49 PM

My iPhone whale plushy is finally done! Hehehehe. I had a good time sewing this little cutie. When I was done with my whale, I laughed. That was my first reaction; I laughed. But only because my whale looks so annoyingly adorable that it's hard to not be happy just looking at it! I know I sound like as if I'm praising my own work, but I just can't stop looking at this lil' cutie. And each time I look at my whale, I'm immediately enlightened and I can't help but smile at its irresistible adorableness. This was something that I worked on. I spent my time and money and energy on this whale plushy and they're all worth it. I love that feeling of satisfaction I get when I look at the finished product of something that I've been working on. 

Anyway, I was thinking of bringing my little whale to the office and use it as a cushion or a throw pillow, or something to let my office mates play around with. Hahah. But this is my first ever sewn product in a long time and I'd like to keep it for myself. And since I have some leftover blue felt and a hefty amount of fiberfills (the thing I use to stuff my whale), maybe I can use those leftovers to sew a smaller version of this whale. Hehe. That I can bring to the office :)

I hate how it looks in pictures. Hahah. I admit, my little whale is a tad bit hilarious, but it's cute and it makes me smile :')

Anyway, my driving test is tomorrow. Nervous nervous nervous wreck. Gaaaaahhhhh!

Saturday, February 25
1:39 AM


Friday, February 24
10:50 PM

Today feels rather...good :) I had a good day today, Alhamdulillah. This morning I woke up to a cool, cloudy morning, and I hate when that happens because it gets so hard for me to quit snoozing my alarm every 10 minutes. But when I got up I felt fresh and energized, since I slept early last night. So I went to work as usual.

Today also happens to be my last driving lesson. I managed to conclude my remaining 2 hours of my driving lessons and right now I have 'em jitters. My driving test will be on Monday and I am nervoussssss. My instructor told me that all in all my driving is okay and I'm well on my way to pass the test and get my license. Weeeeeee. Hopefully, if all goes well on Monday and I pass the test, by Friday my driver's license will already be established and I can drive legally already! Woohoo!

When I got home from dinner with my father tonight, my father parked his SUV behind the 13-year-old Satria, the car that I will most probably be driving once I get my driver's permit. I dont mind driving an old car at all. In fact, I'm quite excited about it. When my father parked his SUV behind the Satria I thought that the Satria looks beautiful. It's old, there are some scratches on it, but who cares. It's a really cute car, and it's red in colour too! I'm really stoked about getting my driver's permit and finally get to take that Satria for a spin. Whoopseedoodaaaa!

Just a couple days back I was starting to feel like I'm not enjoying work. My mind was just not into it and the only thing that came to mind as soon as I entered the office was, "I wanna go home!" But I suspect it was only the monthly blues. Depression kicked in. But after today I think everything will fall into place and go back to normal again.

Today was a good day indeed. I had fun at work and I managed to spend some time with my father by going out to dinner with him. Sometimes I feel like I'm the adult and my father is the child whenever I spend time with him hahah. He cranks up the funniest jokes ever and when he's in a really good mood, like just now, he talks a lot and jokes about everything. Haha. Oh Abah. My adorable father :')

Gonna Skype with my classmates later. Weeheeheeeeee can't wait to laugh my guts out with them again! :D

Happy happy happy :))))

Monday, February 20
9:50 AM

Insanely epic! The whole performance gave me the chills, but at 4:50 onward...ah I don't even have the words for it. 


Sunday, February 19
6:51 PM

That unpleasant feeling when someone says something nasty and hurtful to you right to your face and you feel offended and spoiled rotten inside and all you could do is shut up because you know that talking back would be pointless because you're the good person you know you are. So I shall tame this unpleasant feeling that I'm feeling right now by jamming my earphones into my ears and listening to Young Guns on full volume. Good day everyone. Good day.

Thursday, February 16
7:54 PM

My trip to Singapore was amazing. I managed to spend more time with my sister there since she didn't really have a lot of work compared to the last time I came to visit. Over there I noticed that my inner shopaholic self was unleashed after my sister took me to a few stores. I am now a fan of Zara, all thanks to my sister hahah. I managed to get myself a nice pair of black, heeled combat boots, a pair of blue sneakers that only cost me 15SGD, and three basic t-shirts of different colours.


Also, my sister and I got our mother a pair of winter boots for our trip to Germany, and some leg warmers as well. When I first got to Singapore, I brought a huge suitcase and it was literally only 1/3 full. But when I got back, my suitcase literally had no space left! My sister lent my mother and I her sweaters and other winter apparel for our trip to Germany, so I had to stuff it all in the suitcase. Thank God they all fit. Hahah.

On my last night in Singapore, my sister took me out to Great World City for some sushi, just like the last time I came to visit her. Haha. It was nice, but it was funny too, because we sat at the same table where we sat the last time we went there! LOL. And after dinner, we baked the chocolate cake that our family is known for. We've had that recipe for years in our family and everyone seems to love it! Mmm :9

I always hate the last nights of my stay in wherever when I'm on a vacation. There's just that gloomy, mellow feeling of knowing that it's your last night there and when you return home the next day, life resumes. I hate that feeling.

I wish I'd stayed longer. There were times when I joked around with my sister while I was in Singapore and it really felt like old times. There were times when I laughed so hard that I teared up and my stomach ached and I ran out of breath. I honestly can't remember when was the last time I laughed that hard. Sigh.

I like that it's safe enough in Singapore for young girls like me to just hop on the train and go wherever I wanna go without having someone to accompany me. There was this one day during my stay there when my sister had to go to work, so I had the whole day to myself. So after I was done with my Zuhur prayers, I hopped on the train and just roamed the city. It felt amazing and it was somehow therapeutic. In a way it taught me to be independent. I just wish KL is as safe as Singapore. Sigh. I mean, you don't see rempits and other kinds of buggers staring at young girls like myself in Singapore like how you do in KL, do you? Yeah. I don't mean to boast, but when I'm in KL, people tend to me. Sometimes it feels good but most of the time it just freaks me out. But when I was in Singapore, no one even looked. No one even turned their heads to look at me and stare, and I liked how safe it felt to be out alone. The public transport there is so efficient and do convenient! However, Singapore's not a city I'd want to have a permanent residence in. It's hard to find a surau there and whenever I wanted to explore the city I had to adjust my schedule so I could pray at my sister's apartment.

I told my sister that I don't really have that much to do on weekends, and so she suggested that I go and work out. Perhaps go to the park for a jog. I don't really find the park near my house that safe, so I'm thinking of going to the park at KLCC for a jog if I feel like it. I don't think I'd care if I were to bump into anyone I know when I'm all sticky and sweaty and oily and smelly hahah. For the past few weeks I've been meaning to go out for a jog on weekends, but lately my weekends were packed. I have about three more weekends before I leave for a 10-day trip to Germany with my mum, so I plan to go out for a jog these next few weekends. It's not that I want to lose weight, I just want to get myself in good shape and obtain a healthier body.

The last thing I need right now is people discouraging me and telling me that I don't need to work out just because I'm "too skinny" and that I "don't need to lose weight". First of all, I'm not intending on losing weight! I can honestly say that my body weight is average. I don't think I'm stick thin like Paris Hilton, and I certainly dont think that I'm fat either. My BMI used to be below average and at the moment it's just average and I like where it's at now. Secondly, working's self-love, you know. I have to start taking care of my health in order for me to obtain a fit and healthy body.

Right now I'm looking for new hobbies that I can indulge myself in. I already have work on weekdays, so that leaves me with pretty empty weekends. Lately I've become the type of person who just can't stay at home and do absolutely nothing. I'd feel so bored and useless. Not to mention all that time wasted on...oh yes, absolutely nothing. So at the moment I've decided to take up sewing again. During my school holidays back in 2010, I took up sewing and I managed to sew some plushies. I plan to do that again this weekend, and the weekends to come :)

Hopefully these aren't one of those daydream plans of mine that haven't really been successful hahah.

1:00 PM

Singapore souvenirs : 

Friday, February 10
11:39 PM

My Formspring is active again. I'm curious to see what kind of questions I'd get. Flying off to Singapore tomorrow noon.

Wednesday, February 8
8:30 PM

Today feels like a long day. Incredibly unproductive. Exhausted, drained. Unappreciated. Lack of appetite becomes more severe day by day. I know there are children in poverty out there who scarcely get to lay their hands on a proper meal, but lately the sight of food makes my stomach churn in an unpleasant way...and it's not hunger. I keep feeling like I need to throw up. With my growing lack of appetite lately, I think it must be gastric. I know I sound ungrateful. But I'm not. Believe me, I'm not even liking this appetite of mine that's slowly diminishing. It results in me becoming so tired and so I rely on energy drinks to keep me going. I know, it's not good. It's bad. I've been finishing my meals very rarely, so I opt for smaller portions whenever I have my meals. And my portions are really getting smaller each day. And no, I'm not becoming anorexic. I don't intend to lose weight. My appetite just hasn't been with me for the past few days and it's not like I wanna lose weight drastically like those anorexics you see on TV. I like my weight.

Self-love. That's one of the major things I've learned so far this year. And I certainly am sure that putting myself in devoid of proper meals isn't included in self-love.

I guess sometimes, or rather most of the time in my case now, I'm just too tired to eat. So many things going on that it's draining me out.

Anyway, enough of all that negativity. I know I've just turned seventeen three months ago, but in nine months I'm turning eighteen. I'll be legal. An adult. And now that I barely get to spend time with my family and friends lately, that pretty much leaves me standing alone on my own two feet. I can't rely on anyone anymore. People will start treating me like an adult. It might not be now, but I want to make sure that by the time people start taking me seriously, I'll be one step ahead of them. I'm using the time I have now to get rid of all the negative vibes that have been building up for the past few months. Cleanse myself of any pessimism, cruelty, and low expectations. Purify my soul with more religious activities and a positive mind. Become more matured than how people my age would normally act like.

Im using the time I have now to prepare myself for the future. To be fully equipped with top-notch qualities of an intelligent young woman once I step into university so that no one and nothing can break me just like how many did back when I was in school.

Speaking of universities, I cant wait to be back in school. I can honestly say that I miss studying. I miss going into a classroom and be taught with what the teachers have to teach. Discussing tough questions with my peers and occasionally voicing out what I know about the discussed topic. I'm happy at work, but really, the only thing I want right now is to get my badonkey back in school. I want to learn what I want to learn. I want to meet people, make new friends, and engage myself in an environment that can keep me occupied. I haven't done a thorough research on the colleges/universities I want to go to but as far as I'm concerned the next intake would be September. That's a long way to go and I'm not sure I can sustain myself in my daily routine of going to work that long. I need my education.

I really miss equipping my brain with knowledge. I guess I should've applied for the January intake but back then I was too caught up with the thought of getting my driving license and getting a job to occupy my weekdays. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I want to get into a university and learn!

Back when I was in school I didn't really score good grades. They were either average or slightly higher and the only subjects I managed to score were maths and English. I can't say I wasn't very bright/intelligent, because i don't believe that I'm dumb. To me, there are many ways of being bright and intelligent and it's not just being highly educated. Anyway, I was educated enough. It's just that I was lazy and I took things for granted. And that has resulted in me not getting excellent results like how everyone else did. Which led to the constant disappointment my parents had to endure just because I didn't get good grades.

At one point I realized that I want all that to change. I can't be the lazy irresponsible teenager anymore. My parents are getting old, and they might not be able to stick around for a long time now (which I really hope not!) My father turns 62 this year and my mother turns 58. And here I am still at seventeen, still not in university. I still have a long time before I graduate from university and I want my parents to still be around, alive and well, to see me graduate and know that there's a bright future ahead of me. There's a small part of me that keeps on saying that they might not (which I hope not) be around, and the only way I can show them that I do have the basis of becoming successful like my siblings is to study hard in university and score excellent grades throughout the years to come. I will keep trying and fighting to achieve this tough but not impossible goal of mine. I've never really made my parents proud of my grades. I want to know how it feels like. And insyaAllah I'll be given another chance to do so. And that chance lies in me being accepted into a university. I pray and hope that my parents will still be around when I graduate from university...and when I get married too. Haha! Dang.

I hope that one day I will become the person I yearn to be; very matured, intelligent, bright, and inspiring. I really hope so. And the only way I can get there is by starting now. By instilling positive values and develop top-notch qualities in myself. There will be people who will try to bring me down, but I won't let them. I've been through enough to know that it's all a matter of the way you think. Interpret an obstacle with a negative mind and you'll end up worse. But override an obstacle with a positive mind and you'll end up being the better person you'd have never even thought to be. There will be times when I stumble and fall down, but all I have to do to keep on going is to get up and move forward.

This is one of those posts where I simply write whatever comes to mind. It's relieving, to be honest. Haha.

I am Iman Nedhiera and I believe in myself.

3:41 AM

I should be sleeping but Photoshop got the best of me. So far these are the photos from Hatyai that I've processed :)

My mother loves this one :) 

More to come :)

12:23 AM

Just got back from a wonderful trip to Hatyai. Tired. Exhausted, mentally and physically. Very satisfied with my purchases and the photos I shot there! Sacrificing a couple hours of my sleep to process some photos. Yay! Can't wait to share them :)

Saturday, February 4
4:46 PM

To be a part of a team, to be working with the team, is simply one of the most satisfying things in life that I never want to let go of. I've been working in my brother-in-law's web design company, Bake 180, for four weeks now, and within that time period I've managed to come up with a few minor designs (mostly slider images) that have been published for everyone to see. It's fascinating and satisfying. I mean, you're part of a team, and as a team member you contribute by sacrificing your time and energy to complete the task you've been given. And to see the results laid out in front of you for you and everyone else to see, I mean, there just isn't a better reward.

This is the kind of job that I pray and hope to have in the future. A job that enables me to see the result of my contribution to the team for everyone to see. It's not pride and it's not showing off, it's self-satisfaction. And self-satisfaction is something that comes with loving yourself. And one of the most important things I've learned this year is to love myself. It's not about being vain, it's not about being narcissistic, it's about having that strong sense of respect and confidence in oneself. And by being a part of a team, by occasionally showcasing my designs (even though they're never specifically credited, which is absolutely fine by me) through certain websites on the internet, that's how I develop the respect and confidence within myself.

I just love my job. And that equals to one of the major components in happiness :)

Bliss. Alhamdulillah. Leaving for Hatyai in a few hours :)

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