Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Saturday, August 27
5:48 PM

I might invite my friends over next weekend for Raya, or maybe for some group-studying time. Or maybe both. Not sure if they're up for it though. Would be nice to have 'em around for Eid.

Wednesday, August 24
10:28 PM

Today was my last Sambutan Hari Patriotisme in CBN. I had tons of fun, despite my crazy moodswings, and I enjoyed each and every moment of it all. Us Form 5 girls were given the priority to sit in front of the hall instead of the Form 1 juniors, which was a super plus for us! Usually the juniors would get to sit in front during events like this where the afternoon session kids (yes, kids) have to combine with us morning session girls. This year the school invited a pretty cool VIP from the Integrity Institute Malaysia and he gave quite an informal speech about integrity and independence and etc. I have to say, the guy didn't get the respect he deserved to have. 

I'm gonna be frank, and I'm honestly gonna say that I don't like my juniors...which is why I never try to get myself close to a kid 3-4 years my junior. You can call me a snob, a bitch, an anti-social emo kid, whatever floats your boat, but you do not know how rude and selfish and annoying our juniors are. Maybe not all of them, but urgghh most of them are! I remember back then, when we were all the juniors of the school, we were so afraid of our seniors that we didn't even dare to disrespect them. Now...? Haih I don't have to tell you how it's like, do I? I'm not gonna get started on the rude encounters us seniors have to face daily in school, but what the juniors did in school during the VIP's speech was outrageously rude and embarrassing. 

Since the juniors (I'm talking about the afternoon session juniors) had to sit waaaayyyy behind at the back of the hall, obviously they weren't really paying attention to the VIP's speech. Then there was this one time when the microphone stopped working so whoever sat at the back of the hall couldn't hear the VIP's voice. Those of us who sat in front, we actually knew that the microphone suddenly stopped working so we knew that the VIP wasn't done with his speech. But then suddenly we heard some loud, boisterous applause coming from the back of the hall. From the juniors. Ha, they thought the VIP was done with his speech, when he ACTUALLY WASN'T AND THE MICROPHONE HAD A GLITCH. Us seniors, we were so appalled and shocked and embarrassed at what the juniors did, because it obviously showed that they weren't even listening. I mean come on, you gotta give the VIP some credit for at least trying to make his speech sound more informal so that it'd be more interesting for us. 

I think I'm not the only one who's upset with the juniors. Most of us seniors do. Personally, I'm grateful that this is my last year in CBN, so that next year I won't even have to face all this rudeness and immaturity equivalent to that of a five-year-old's. Seriously. They do not have an ounce of respect towards their teachers, seniors, and basically their elders. Like I said, maybe not all of them are rude and disrespectful, but you know what they say, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.

I do not know where these kids come from and what they're learning and where they got their horrible attitudes from, but they really have to do something about it, or someone will. I can't stand these kids anymore.

And no, I'm not as snobbish and hateful as the internet suggests. I am a friendly person, I just don't like dealing with rude people. Or kids, for that matter.

Monday, August 22
11:30 PM

Tonight's tarawih felt somewhat...different. Tears welled up in my eyes a few times when I was listening to the Imam reciting the Quran, and I've never had this before. But the Imam's voice was(is) so indescribably beautiful that it's hard to not be mesmerized. It made me realize even more how beautiful the sentences from the Quran are, coupled with the soothing, alluring voice of the Imam's. Nothing's more beautiful than listening to the Imam reciting the Quran. I can honestly say it's the best music to your ears.

It's amazing how you can cry just by listening to the Imam recite the Quran in such a mesmerizing, melodious voice. I love my religion. Everything about it is just beautiful. I love Allah SWT.

6:48 PM

I don't like her but damn this song is so catchy. Na na na na na na.......

Sunday, August 21
1:12 PM

Last night my sister's boyfriend asked me what I'd like to do after SPM. I told him that I'd like to pursue my studies in Architecture, and he suggested UiTM. Actually, that's not really a bad idea. All this while I've been planning to go to UiTM, since those private colleges have ridiculously expensive fees. So a few moments ago I've been surfing UiTM's official website to browse through the courses they offer. After seeing those courses, I think I've made up my mind on which programme I'd like to go with.

Right now I'm eyeballing ALUK, that is the A-Level UK Programme.

The A-Level UK Programme prepares selected students who have achieved academic excellence in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) to sit for the GCE Advanced Level Examination (Edexcel). Those who pass the A-Level examinations according to the requirements of the sponsors will qualify to further their studies at UK universities. There are two groups of students in the programme: (i) the students sponsored by the Ministry of Education, who will major in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics (ii) the students sponsored by the Public Services Department (PSD) who will major in Architecture <--- exactly what I plan to do.

The requirements are pretty achievable for me and this programme assists in getting students to be enrolled in some selected UK Universities.


5 years to get my degree in Architecture. Yes, right now I'm hoping to go for this ALUK Programme. And right now, I NEED TO STUDY FOR SPM SO THIS CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE POSSIBLE. Hopefully with my effort and prayers, I can go for this programme. InsyaAllah :)

Saturday, August 20
11:49 PM

Tuesday, August 16
5:19 PM

I don't like when I'm trying to concentrate in class and everyone else makes a lot of noise and distracts me from listening to what the teacher has to say. I don't like when I'm trying to ask my teacher a question related to the topic and then someone interjects and says something completely hypocritical and condescending to you and you end up not getting what your teacher has said and then you think to yourself...what the hell?! I hate I hate I hate. School is just a waste of time nowadays. Super long ASSemblies, teachers yapping away about THE SAME THING over and over again until you just feel like covering your ears and going, "Na na na na na I can't hear you!!!!" And now they're playing lame 1Malaysia songs through the intercom in the morning for EVERYONE to hear before and during our reading session. Ah ye, memang boleh concentrate la kan bila nak baca buku? 

I'm starting to get seriously annoyed and peeved at everything and everyone right now. 

Monday, August 15
11:11 PM

Incredibly futile day. I'm hoping tomorrow will be more fruitful.

Sunday, August 14
12:19 PM

Rough morning. Insomnia the whole night. Addmaths class was supposed to start at 9am and end at 11, but it started fourty minutes late and ended at 12! An hour later than the allocated time! So I guess you can say I'm pretty much pissed and annoyed and everyone's testing my patience and I just don't give a shit anymore. All I need right now is solitude, some time alone by myself to clear my head.

Saturday, August 13
6:50 PM

I don't usually....okay, I NEVER wear dresses but this is one dress I would love to wear!

(Source :  Cath Kidston)

Friday, August 12
9:00 PM

Last night I had a terrible dream. No, it wasn't a dream. It was a bloody nightmare.

I dreamed of seeing a family member getting hurt. We were having a family vacation and somehow we ended up in the woods. I remember (in my dream) being surrounded by huge, tall trees, densely packed together. The whole family were there. And I remember seeing a huge alligator appearing out of nowhere, and then it opens its huge, deadly mouth, and snaps it close right as it bites into my sister's leg.

My sister screams. I scream. She tries to tug her leg out of the beast's mouth but fails. Everyone starts to panic. I remember standing there, witnessing the horrible incident, stoned as shock and horror swim through my veins like an adrenaline rush. My brothers start to beat the alligator with a couple of huge branches they found somewhere.

That nightmare led to another nightmare. This time, I dreamed about losing a family member. Not just any family member though, but the same one whom I dreamed about getting bitten by an alligator. The whole family is in the densely packed forest again, taking a hike. We lose track of my sister. We panic, we try to call out for her, we retrace back our steps, but it all leads to nothing but futility.

I can't remember what happened in my nightmare after that, but I remember everyone being in a state of hopelessness. We're giving up on hope, we're hopeless. Nothing seems to work anymore, and my sister can't be found. Somehow we make a conclusion that she isn't with us anymore, that she's already in another life. Hidden by the bunian.

......After a long time my sister finally comes back to us. She seems fine, but she admits being lost. All of us are just overjoyed that she's back.

I'M GETTING GOOSEBUMPS JUST BY REMEMBERING ALL THIS. But I swear, that was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. I woke up with a start in the middle of the night and my heart was beating so rapidly against my chest until my own heartbeat became deafening to my own ears. I breathed rapidly as I tried to convince myself that it was all just a dream. That it wasn't real. Alhamdulillah, it was just a dream.

I want my mommy. 

Thursday, August 11
10:50 PM

Gehehehe Florence is so cute ♥ How I wish I look as good as her when my expression's like that.....

Wednesday, August 10
10:02 PM

Another F+tM song I can't seem to get enough of. Goosebumps all over.....

5:21 PM

Such a cool concert! :o Florence's energy is contagious. Florence + the Machine foreverrrrr

Sunday, August 7
10:48 PM

Another Marguerite sneak peek.

Saturday, August 6
11:01 PM

"Most of the time I'd find myself deprived of sleep in school or taking a long afternoon nap as soon as I get back home. Exactly the way I imagined my Form5 life would be like." -- Malik.


2:08 PM


old wicker headboard + can of spray paint = awesome

I'm in love with the flooorrrr!

Toilet Monster Decal
Bahahahahah maybe I should do the same thing to the toilet bowl in my bathroom. I hope Kakcik doesn't freak out :p

I want this to be my 17th birthday cake :D

TV dinner cupcakes
TV-dinner cupcakes

flower pot cupcakes!
Flower-pot cupcakes! ADORABLE!

The pillows ♥


Tuesday, August 2
7:20 PM

A couple of days back I'd set a target for my SPM trials, and i've targeted at least 7A's. The subjects that I hope I can score for my trials are BM, English, Math, Addmath, Chemistry, Physics, and Pendidikan Seni. I'm targeting no less than a B- for the other three subjects.

I really believe I'm capable of achieving this. But this afternoon i've been doing some exercises on Physics and Chemistry and I'm starting to lose hope. I haven't been really getting the most applausible results throughout the year, in fact they were just downright disappointing. Right now I'm motivated to push myself further to achieve my target, but like I said, i'm starting to lose hope. Trials are in less than 5 weeks and I'm not prepared at all.

I'm scared. I really am. If I screw my trials, then that's it. My life is screwed.

Monday, August 1
6:53 PM

My brain started getting rusty from being stuffed with lots of facts on Chemistry and equations and formulas from Addmath and I could literally feel the gears in my head starting to slow down, so I decided to edit some photos to de-stress myself and get my mind off things for a while, since nothing else works anymore. So I found this random photo that I took a couple of months ago at TGIF in KL and....

Voila! Not really happy about the composition of the photo but I'm proud of the outcome anyhow. I think this has got to be the best edit I've done so far :)

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