Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Monday, February 28
12:13 AM

I have the strongest urge to come up with a horrendous sarcastic remark towards you, but you know what? I don't think I will. Sometimes keeping silent is the best thing to do.

You know what they say. Jealousy is a form of flattery in its own subtle way :)

Sunday, February 27
4:32 PM

I've missed the sun.

It hasn't rained since yesterday and I hope it won't rain later today either. It's such a wonderful, albeit not as bright as usual, sunny day, but it's mostly cloudy. Nowadays I just want the sun to come up again and I don't really care about the heat. I've missed the bright sunny days.

Let's hope it won't rain today. And tomorrow. And tomorrow tomorrow. And tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. And the list goes on :)

2:54 AM

It's 2.45am and I'm not asleep. Script-writing with Atasha. And Jared Leto's voice is swimming in my head. *drools*

And dude, what's with the crew cut hair? -.- Oh well. [My] Jared Leto still looks good anyway. HAHA.

Saturday, February 26
2:39 PM

Excuse my sarcasm, but I have no respect whatsoever for girls who don't know how to respect their own dignities.

I guess you can say that I'm prejudiced. But hey, at least I'm not prejudiced against other races.

Kau tu orang Islam ye. Maksiat itu haram :)

Friday, February 25
4:46 PM

Ahh, the day I snapped this photo was a beautiful day. It was a lovely, sunny day and I went to FRIM with my sister and a few of her friends.

Two things that I miss from this picture; FRIM and the sunny weather.

I feel like going to FRIM. It is an undeniably beautiful place. It's so cooling and relaxing to be there and you can appreciate the uniqueness of our tropical rainforests. Rainforests are like my favourite place to be because I love to be close to nature. I mean, come on, this world is such a beautiful place and you've gotta find a way to appreciate that.

Maybe after I'm done with SPM I'll invite my friends over to have a picnic lunch or something, somewhere where you can be close to nature. I'm thinking of Lake Gardens. And FRIM, too.

When oh when will the rain stop? :(

Thursday, February 24
7:22 PM

I sat for my Biology papers today and I have to say...they were quite easy. I'm not kidding! Paper 2 was easy for me, but Paper 1 was quite tricky. Okay, not tricky, they just had questions on the last couple of chapters of the Form 4 syllabus that I haven't read yet haha. Thank God they were basic commonsense -.-

We had another storm today, but it wasn't as bad as last week's massive downpour that caused havoc around the area. It was raining cats and dogs this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I do love the rain, but nowadays I just miss the sun, even though sometimes it can get beastly hot. But I just miss the sun. Cloudy days just make me feel so...gloomy.

Anyway, I'll be sitting for Biology Paper 3 tomorrow, and also Chemistry Paper 3. They're both experiments, so there's not much to read, yay! Paper 1 and Paper 2 for Chemistry will be on Tuesday, which means that I get three days to study for Chemistry ha ha! I want to try to get at least a B for Chemistry. Last year I either failed or got a D. Embarrassing -.-

Time to study! See ya.

Tuesday, February 22
6:37 PM

I've been through enough experiences to know that I shouldn't let anyone stop me from doing what I love, from doing what I want. I have a talent. Don't blame me if you just can't seem to grasp that.

To see the various inspiring looks on people's faces when I show them whatever I have created, you have no idea how much it fills my heart. There are times when I feel like crying in tears of joy just by listening to a compliment about my work, about something that I have created. An Iman Nedhiera original artwork. I mean, I create and design things because I love it, not because I'm forced to. Well, okay technically I'm forced to but it doesn't matter if I love doing what I do.

I don't mean to boast, but I admit that I do get a lot of compliments on my work. You have no idea how inspiring it is to receive a lot of compliments on your own work. Haven't you ever felt that? I don't know about you but when people praise me on my work, it motivates me to create something even better.

At the moment, I don't care about the consequences of me still holding the title as the head of the graphics department. I love doing what I do, and that is computer graphics. I want to design this year's school magazine, again. This is my year, my senior year, and I'm not letting anyone get in the way to ruin my moment to shine. I want to leave a mark in my school and I'll do anything to achieve that.

I have a talent. It's not my fault that you just can't see that.

Ok I think I'm going to hide under a rock and cry now.

Monday, February 21
10:33 PM

Sejarah is so boring! I mean, the story's interesting and all, but the way they put it...BAH it makes me wanna sleep.

I keep on yawning after every few sentences. I think it'd be much much easier if this subject is bilingual. Screw all that memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia crap. Even the Sejarah textbook is filled with many grammatical errors. Sheesh.

I hate Sejarah, I seriously do. Somehow I just can't absorb all that shitload amount of information into my head and I forget them just as quickly as I understand them. It's frustrating.

See? I'm slightly awake now. A few minutes ago I kept on yawning every few minutes and it's driving me nuts! At this point, I don't care if I won't acquire a good grade for Sejarah, I just want to get this paper over and done with so that I can focus more on Addmaths and the other science subjects.

Apparently the writers of the Sejarah textbook didn't know that they're trying to convey all that information to a bunch of teenagers. We don't speak adult language. We speak our language. It'd be like trying to explain to a three-year-old about Newton's law.

I've never liked Sejarah. I like learning it, yes, but I hate sitting for the exam papers. Everything you answer has to be exactly like how the textbook says it. Well then it won't be called "learning" anymore. It'd just be another case of memorizing every word the textbook says. Which is dumb. Which restricts us from being creative to answer in our own words. Which makes us narrow-minded. Which is bad for the future. Which is all your fault.

I love my country, there's no doubt in that. It's just that sometimes I think the education system is so crappy. Trying to produce successful generations for the future konon. They're not even letting us express out answers in our own words. They're restricting our thoughts by telling us to memorize this and memorize that. Where's the benefit in that? For all you know some of us might get good results just because we have some superior photographic memory or something. For all you know we might not even understand what we're learning. How do you expect us to become "leaders of the world" in the future? If that happens, psh, hancur negara -.-

Okay I should stop ranting before I start slamming the keyboard. I have a date with Sejarah tonight. And I'll have brunch with it tomorrow. Oh, joy.

Sunday, February 20
1:40 PM

 Premature chicken eggs that my dad found inside a cooked whole chicken. Kesiannya :(

1:11 PM



I want this too! I've always wanted this kind of mixer. And it has a cute, vintage design on it too! Ahh yes this is my kind of stuff :D

And this one would go lovely with my room! :)

Saturday, February 19
1:41 PM

Clickity click for the full size! :)

I'm lurrrvvvinnngggg my new Mac...

...theme. My new Mac theme for Windows. Hehehehehe. My laptop is so cool now :D

Friday, February 18
9:18 PM

I'm not sure if other areas were experiencing what my neighbourhood was experiencing, but yesterday PJ had one hell of a storm. Strong winds, and I mean really strong winds, dominated the area and it caused a great deal of damage to the town.

I was alone at home yesterday evening, and the storm was so strong that I could only watch in horror as the big fat raindrops were nearly parallel to the ground. I saw the trees struggling to stay rooted to the ground and when I looked outside, it appeared to be as if there was a large white screen separating me from the storm. It was that terrible. Since I was the only one home, I had to take the clothes out of the clothesline so that they won't get wet, but by the time I realized what I had to do, some of the clothes were partially wet, some were totally soaking wet, some flew from one end of the patio to the other. Thank God there were not many clothes hanging out on the clothesline. I only managed to save a few shirts, the rest of them were either soaking wet or they've already fallen to the ground. So I put them in the washing machine to get them washed again.

And then I went upstairs to my room and my sister's room to check the windows. My sister's window was already wide open, thanks to the strong wind, and I was like, crap how the hell do I close this? In the end I ended up getting my hair and arms and shirt wet. My sister's floor was already wet, but if I hadn't closed her window, her room would flood just like how mine did a few years back :S

My window was open, too. My window was unhooked so the strong wind kinda opened it haha. Luckily my room didn't get so wet.

Yesterday was seriously one of the most horrifying experiences I've ever been through, and I was all alone at home, to boot! And then there was a trip with the electric current, so I had to light up a couple of candles or else I'd be staying in the dark, which is not cool! I was too afraid to switch back on the main switch at the fusebox because I didn't want to set the house on fire. 

Oh yes, yesterday was one of the most horrifying experiences I've ever had, but in a way, it taught me a few lessons. And those lessons are; to be able to adapt to your surroundings, to be calm and composed instead of being panicked to solve whatever problems you face, and to learn how to overcome your situations by yourself. Haha. 

After the storm ended, I switched back on the main switch at the fusebox so that there would be electric current again, and I went outside as the sun showed itself amongst the thick blanket of clouds. I inhaled the after-rain air, filled my lungs with fresh, not-so-polluted air. I could smell the trees and the air was so fresh that it made me happy haha. I even tilted my head back to really enjoy the fresh air that you can rarely get nowadays. After spending about a good twenty-minutes or so, I went back inside and that's when my father arrived home. Thank God he arrived before dawn.

The storm has ended :)

Later that night while I was having dinner with my father at the Oasis food court in Midvalley, my father told me about the damages that the storm has caused. Signboards were torn apart; many, many trees tumbled and fell to the ground which caused the roads to be tainted with dirt; a few cars were badly damaged after being hit by foreign objects; and many others. As my father was driving us to Midvalley, I noticed that the road was scattered with pieces of metals from God knows where. I saw what used to be a signboard laying at the side of the road, waaaaay off from where it was supposed to be. I wondered if there were any casualties, but I really hope there wasn't any. Death by storm. Now that's something you don't hear everyday here in Malaysia.

As inhuman as I may sound, I have to say that the storm yesterday was pretty cool, albeit it scared the life out of me. We haven't had a storm that heavy in many years! 

Thursday, February 17
5:45 PM

Today is a day of happiness :)

Earlier this morning I sat for my English paper. We had Paper 2. The questions were like crap but I think I managed to answer every question. After I was done writing for Paper 2, I still had twenty minutes left so I decided to take a short nap...

And I dreamed of baking. I was lovingly icing what seemed like yummy chocolate buttercream icing on a light, fluffy chocolate cake. Haha. I told Ash about my dream and she said it's probably a sign...that I should bake more. Actually, I do plan to bake (again) this weekend. And this time, I don't plan to bake cupcakes. Maybe a chocolate cake, or something else. But definitely not cupcakes. I'm starting to get sick of them haha.

I baked these, yesterday :)

This has got to be my favourite cupcake recipe (yet). The texture is really, really light and fluffy and oh it's like taking a bite out of a cloud. I gave one to Ezleen, Ash, and Atasha :)

After recess, I sat for Paper 1 of English, and I have to say the topics we had to write on were very interesting. The first one was compulsory and we had to write a letter to the newspaper on our views on the construction of a new hotel in our village and how it's going to benefit the villagers. I'm not sure if the place Tanah Merah exists? Haha.

For the second essay, I took some time to choose between the five topics given. So after having a mini battle in my mind between "Books" and "Good Grades Determine Success in Life. Do You Agree?", I decided to choose the latter. I was like, hell yeah! Finally there's something significant to write about in a test!

So yeah, the wait, more like the question, was Good grades determine success in life. Do you agree? And I was like, heck no. I have my own reasons to say that no, good grades do not determine success in life. I mean, of course, there are some people out there who might go, of course good grades determine success in life! What is this kid, a moron?! But I don't really mind if some people were to object. It's only my opinion after all.

Anyway, I was so determined to complete my essay and I was in such a writing-rush. I was so focused on writing my essay that I was literally about to tear apart my answer sheets from pressing the pen down too much. I managed to finish the essay when my teacher was already collecting the papers haha. In the end my hand was stained with blue ink and the bulge where I rest my pen on my middle finger when I'm writing was swollen. Hahah.

Yesterday I found out that the school magazine is already out, so during recess this morning I decided to ask my teacher whether or not I can take a look at a copy, because I poured my heart and soul into that magazine. I then found out that I get to take home my own copy and my teacher wasn't even reluctant to do so! Hehehehe. That's one of the many benefits of being the head of graphics heheheh :P

When my teacher took out the magazine from the envelope, my eyes bulged and my face split into a huge, huge grin. There it was! And it was slowly making its way to my hands...and I held it! I kid you not when I say that the magazine truly is a beautiful one. I'm not trying to praise my own work, but what I saw was was perfection. I didn't think it would turn out that nice, but the magazine is just perfect. Even though the colour ran a bit from the actual designs, the magazine still looks divine. When I flipped through the pages, the quality of the images and whatnot is just amazing! I gotta thank the printer for this :)

I brought Atasha along with me and she even shared the excitement with me! We were both grinning like weird clowns. But me? I couldn't stop grinning for like the entire period of recess. I was really smiling and grinning so hard that I thought my lips were gonna tear at the edges haha. It was truly a moment of absolute satisfaction, to see the product of a whole year's worth of hard work. There were nights when I cried and banged the laptop and cursed at myself because the pressure was just too much, but all my sweat and tears really paid off. Designing the magazine is tough, but it's worth all the trouble.

And of course, I couldn't have done it without the help of the two editors, Carven and Anne! They've been such wonderful people and I was surprised that we got along great! I mean, I was the only Form 4 student among those two, they were both in Form 5. Sigh. I kind of miss working with them. Hehe.

All this just makes me realize that I want to keep my title as the head of graphics and that I want to produce something even better, if not just as good, than last year's magazine. I've already tasted what it feels like to have to bear so much weight on my shoulders and then to be hit by the sheer satisfaction of seeing the product of all the hard work, so I want to experience that kind of satisfaction again this year. Eh, technically it's early next year but you get the point. And this time, the satisfaction will be double. SPM results maaaa :)

I really hope I can produce something even nicer for this year's school magazine. And I hope that, in years to come, my schoolmates will remember me as the girl who had designed the school magazine for two years in a row :)

Ah, yes, the school magazine looks something like this;

:) :) :)

I really hope I can score at least 7A's in SPM too. I want to leave a mark in my school, and I wish for my teachers to remember me as their student :)

Ah, speaking of teachers, I was so touched, when my ustazah who taught me Pendidikan Islam when I was in Form 1 until Form 3, came to me while I was sitting on the stage carrying out my prefect duty. I wished her Assalamualaikum and then she came to me, laid her hand on my back in a motherly gesture, and said, "Iman apa khabar?". You have no idea how touched I was at that simple gesture. The fact that my ustazah even acknowledges me is so...I don't know how to express it. When she left, that's when I realized what had happened, and I wanted to cry because I was so touched. No teacher has ever asked me, apa khabar? I used to have this feeling inside me that my ustazah didn't really like me when I was in Form 1 and Form 2, because I wasn't really the most respectable student then. Not that I am now, but back then I used to be...unfavourable. I used to be rude and disrespectful towards my teachers -- no wonder my grades weren't so good. And when I was in Form 3, I changed and I was trying to be a better student. So then I started respecting my teachers, I started doing my homework, I started studying so that my grades would go up. And I guess, by respecting your teachers, you earn a lot more than you think.

Sigh. Sorry for the really long post. It's just that I'm so overwhelmed by the amazing things that have happened to me today and I just feel like I need to let it out. Phew. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do some exercises for my Maths paper tomorrow.

Life is good. Life is really, really good. Without ALLAH by my side, none of this would have happened.

Alhamdulillah :)

Wednesday, February 16
5:31 PM

I changed my blog layout! Hehehe. I just feel bored with the old red & black one. This one just feels more...clean. Haha.

Goodbye ye olde' garbage.

Lately, I've been taking extra measures to take care of my skin on every part of my body. Well, not every part. Just my arms, legs, and of course, my face.

Somehow I just love slathering myself with lotions that smell so good haha. Nowadays, I'd slap on some whitening lotion on my arms before I go to school. Not only does the lotion smell so good, but it really makes my skin so soft and moisturized! My skin just gets so a baby's butt. Haha. I'm using a whitening lotion because my arms have tanned a little -- from what, I don't know -- so I want to brighten my skin again. Right now I'm dual-toned; my arms are darker than the rest of my body. Haha. Gross -.-

I'm also trying to make it a habit to cleanse my face with a facial cleanser every night before I go to bed. And I've been moisturizing my face, too. Hehe. My eldest sister told me that I have to start taking care of my skin now, so that when I get older, I won't be so prone to wrinkles. And it's true! My sister, she takes such good care of her skin, she always moisturizes her face and she always slathers on some sunscreen or some lotion onto her arms and legs. And look at her now! She's nearly reaching thirty-one this year and you don't even see a single wrinkle on her face! No wonder so many people think she's younger haha.

I kinda feel excited about it haha. I mean, I live in a suburban area, where there are not many cars to pollute the air and tall buildings to block out the sunlight -- except for that ugly sorry excuse of a house on my street -- so it's a pretty clean and fresh area. But still, our skin is exposed to smoke and pollutants every single day, especially when you live in the city, and pollutants do cause you to age faster. At least, physically. Haha. That's what my (cool) English teacher said :)

So, from now on, I'll try to take good care of my skin for that healthy glow. Hehehehe.

Monday, February 14
7:23 PM

Gah. I knew a three-hour nap was a bad idea. Now I feel so groggy and I feel like I'm gonna faint anytime soon. Maybe my brain's not receiving enough oxygen haha.

I had my BM and physics papers today and I guess they were both OK. Not that easy and they were more to the tricky side. BM was, obviously, lame. They always give us boring essays to write. Blegh. The physics paper was quite tricky and I made some careless mistakes where I forgot to change the units to the standard units. AAHHH *pulls hair*. My calculations were so, so right. But nooooo, the unit-conversion just has to ruin everything.

I'm so glad we have a day-off tomorrow. I can work my butt off some more for physics, since I have two more physics papers to sit for the next day. It is really important that I get to score the other two papers because when you total up the marks, provided if you get everything correct, you'll get 78%. The remaining 22% comes from Paper 3, the one I sat for earlier today. And frankly speaking, I don't think I did so well for Paper 3 :/

I think I can score Physics. Yeah. It's not that hard, come to think of it. I mean, yes, sure, there are tons of formulas to memorize but once you understand what you're learning, then everything will be fine. At least, to me it is. I still remember when I sat for one of the physics papers last year, when we were required to write an essay on inertia, I think...or was it force? No, I think it had something to do with frictional force. Anyway, since I missed a few lessons before that, I wrote the essay based on what I understood. In the end I managed to get pretty good marks for that essay haha. And I was blindly writing the essay :P

Gah I feel so groggy right now. I hate this! I've already swallowed a pill for headaches that my family doctor prescribed me last month and I really hope I'll feel less groggy soon. I'm going out for dinner tonight, we're probably going to Station 21 for some steak. Hmm, then again, maybe I'll order their spaghetti bolognese, which I'm sure is nothing compared to Upstairs Cafe's own plate of spaghetti bolognese :P

I've gotten my second customer today for my calculator-wrapping jig. I'm so excited! Hehehe. There are some other people who are interested but they haven't come forward :( Well, that's okay. Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit :)

Saturday, February 12
10:21 PM

I had such a delicious dinner tonight, courtesy of Kakcik and Abg Afif! :)

I cant even tell you how delicious the food was, because it was just that awesome! I mean, there are no words to describe it! I had spaghetti bolognese at Upstairs Cafe, above Bawang Merah, somewhere in Subang Jaya tonight. And really, I immediately fell in love with my dinner as soon as the first strands of spaghetti, together with the yummy sauce, hit my tongue. MMMMM.

The spaghetti was awesome. Just...awesome. The sauce was very meaty and hearty, and it was rich, bursting with all kinds of flavours! The portion was just nice. Ah, and did I mention that it was homemade? Every item in that cafe is homemade and you can really tell that they weren't just bought off a store rack. They were really, really homemade. You can tell.

My sister had spaghetti bolognese as well, but she saved some for her boyfriend. So when Abg Afif was done with the spaghetti, there was still some leftover meaty sauce on the plate, so what I did next was pretty predictable haha. I took the plate from him when he was done and I literally scraped all the leftover sauce with my spoon and I ate it. It was THAT succulent! Even the dude who came by to pick up our plates was like, "Are you finished?", and he said it in a friendly way haha.

So then we had dessert. When I went to the display of tempting desserts, I seriously couldn't decide what I wanted to have. Again, you can tell the desserts were homemade by the looks of them. There was a red velvet cake, a marble cake, some brownies, and many other divine things! In the end I couldn't decide between having the tiramisu, the brownie, or the quiche. So in the end Abg Afif decided that we get one each and share them among the three of us. Smart!

First Abg Afif's quiche arrived and the three of us shared it. It was so hearty and filling but it was very, very delicious and I had to restrain myself from eating too fast or else I'd get a stomachache. And then my sister's brownie arrived. It was dribbled lovingly with yummy chocolate sauce, topped with light whipped cream. The brownie was just so, so good! It had this kind of a crunchy crust to it, but when you scoop it up with your fork, the crust just gives way to a soft, moist heavenly goodness. It was so rich and divine and the taste was even better!

And then my tiramisu arrived. It wasn't as good as the quiche or the brownie but it was still delicious. When the first scoop of tiramisu hit my tongue, I was grinning like a mad clown. Hahah. It was really one those moments you see on cooking channels, where you see the chefs tasting their food and they close their eyes, tilt their head back, and go, "Ohhhhh." Yeah, I had that moment.

If I were to be in The Best Thing I Ever Ate segment on the Food Network, I'd say that the best thing I ever ate is the spaghetti bolognese at Upstairs Cafe in Subang Jaya.

We were planning on going there again this Tuesday but I don't know if that's gonna happen haha. I really hope we can go back there again, because the food is...I can't even find the perfect word for it! The food was...PERFECT!

I ate so much and I don't think I can eat another bite right now. My belly became so bloated -- and is still bloated --  that I think I can pass for a lady who's been pregnant for five months. Hahah. The food was just perfect. I think I wanna marry the dude who cooked my spaghetti. Haha. My future husband should know how to cook THAT well. Heheh :P

Friday, February 11
6:22 PM

A cupcake from Tasha. I honestly thought this was store-bought when I first saw it because it looks so wonderful! She's even better than I am at this! :)

A small gift basket from Ash. Includes a wonderful montage of us three amigos -- which made me cry, tears of joy! -- a packet of oatmeal, and three mini Mars bars. Beautifully done :)

I received these from my best friends today. Oohhh! And I got a new customer for my calculator-wrapping business. Yay!

Happy, happy day :)

Thursday, February 10
3:50 PM

I didn't go to school today because somehow I overslept and no one woke me up -.-

Anyway, someone requested I post a new picture of my decoratively jacketed calculator, and I just realised that the link on my previous post is broken haha. So here it is! :)

This one is for my first customer, Ashiqin, a best friend of mine. Hehe.

Remember, if you're interested, only RM5 per calculator! Not bad whaaaaat. Hehe. Also, remember to provide your own wrapping paper and make sure the paper you're using isn't too thick, and to also to clear the payment before handing me your calculator's jacket and the wrapping paper. I will only start working on it once you've cleared your payment :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on Facebook! Or if you're shy, you can ask anonymously on my Formspring :)


Monday, February 7
7:29 PM

So, about nearly midnight last night, I suddenly thought of the idea of earning money by making something for anyone who wishes for me to make something for them. Eh, yeah.

See that? That's my calculator. I wrapped with a wrapping paper, just like how I did with my phone. Haha. I seem to be obsessed with all this wrapping jargons. So I was thinking of establishing a "small business", whereby I wrap other people's calculators and charge them about RM5 each. I really need to start earning money right now so I think that this is a good idea, just that I don't know how to start it haha.

So, I just need your opinions. Would you pay RM5 to get your calculator decorated like how I did mine? I won't even need the actual calculator, I just need its casing because the casing is what's going to be wrapped with fancy artsy stuff. I already have two people who are interested, hehe.

If it just so happens that you are interested, make sure that :
a) you provide the wrapping paper that you want me to wrap your calculator with. The paper shouldn't be too thick and it should be 20cm x 13cm.
b) the payment is done when you hand me the wrapping paper and your calculator's casing. Which means that I will only start working on your calculator after you've made your payment. And don't worry, this can be done within a couple of days :)

Your responses are very much appreciated, so let me say thank you in advance :)

Sunday, February 6
5:33 PM

So, earlier this morning when I was in a state of being in between consciousness and unconsciousness, I was suddenly thinking of my tertiary education, like what I should do and where I should go. 

And that was when the term "pastry arts" popped up in my mind and blinked like a neon sign. 

And then I went back to sleep. Haha. 

So when I finally woke up again, I was immediately thinking of getting a diploma in pastry arts/baking. I remembered this one booklet that I received at an education fair last year so I decided to leaf through that booklet. It was from the Malaysian Institute of Baking and when I googled it, I got some pretty positive comments about it. 

The thing that matters most to me is the fees. It's pretty steep, I think. I don't know. But the registration fee is approximately RM2000 and you'll receive an iPad, which is yours to keep for forever -- which is so SO cool! -- and some other equipments for the whole course. As for the semesters, you'll have to pay approximately RM6600 for each semester. Eep!

I am really interested in this but I just think that the fees are just too steep for me. I can't really expect my parents to pay for it so that's why I'm deciding to take up a real part time job as soon as I'm done with SPM. I mean, insyaAllah, maybe I can even juggle both work AND the course so that I can pay for my education. 

There are always scholarships, yes I know, but what if I'm just not competent for a scholarship? I'm not really the brightest kid in class but still, that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to work my butt off to get kick-ass results. 

I think this idea of mine is achievable. Tough, maybe, but not impossible. I'm already thinking of ways to make money. Sell my clothes, bake, make something for people; for example, the wrap-your-calculator thing. Haha. I'm not even sure you know what I'm talking about.

I know, there are some people out there who might think that I'm wasting my life with such a course. But remember what I said a couple of months ago? You don't have to be a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant to be successful. And if it just so happens that you end up with a very respectable career, well then congratulations! I'm being honest here. But what if you're not happy in general? I mean, I'm sure anyone would be happy to have a high ranking job, with a very good salary and all, but what if all that just makes you exhausted beyond your limit and you end up being depressed and unhappy? What's the point of living at all if you're not content? I thought the purpose of living is to be content with your life...apart from devoting yourself to God of course. 

All I'm saying is that I do not want to end up with a career that I'm not happy with. I want to be someone who looks forward to go to work everyday and do what she does best. Some might think, yeah well good luck with that, but you know what I think? I think you should just stop being a pessimist and think like an Spongebob! Haha. 

Anyway, I'm really considering to become a professional pastry chef in the future and I don't care if anyone thinks I'm heading towards the wrong path. I won't let anyone take control of my life because then it won't be mine anymore. I know what I'm doing and I know the consequences of me choosing this career. I really enjoy baking, you know. I enjoy computer graphics too but not as much as baking.

My heart is bearing more towards becoming a pastry chef than a graphic designer. Heh. 

Yes, I think this is possible. I just need my parents' blessings. 

Saturday, February 5
5:23 PM

Hahahahahahahahaha oh my god I just laughed so hard looking at this I think I peed a little.

Singapooore! :)

Tuesday, February 1
5:05 PM

Tadaaaaa! Hehehee. Last night while everyone was sleeping, I was working on this. I basically applied the same idea from my calculator, the one where I used a very fancy wrapping paper to wrap around it to make some sort of a second skin, to my phone. I've done this thing, whatever you call it, to my phone a couple of months ago, using the same wrapping paper. But last night I decided to change it because it was really, really mediocre and it was already ripped haha.

This time I made sure that I did it really really carefully and voila! This is the outcome. Basically I just took some wrapping paper and I smothered it with PVA glue so that the glue acts like a barrier to prevent the wrapping paper from fading and ripping. That stuff's great, I tell you. It adds shine, too! Then I waited for the wrapping paper to dry before simply wrapping it around the back cover of my phone and also the front part. It's really fun to do and it surely adds a personal touch to your phone! Hehe. 

I also applied the same idea to my iPod too and it looks awesome! 

I stayed up till 4.30 last night working on this and it was worth the time spent! My fingers were tainted with glue and I had glue stuck to a few strands of my hair haha. Not only that, I also nearly snipped my hair and the cord of my earphones, but luckily I didn't. Clumsy me. Psh.

Moving on.

These are the cupcakes that I baked last week, I think. Vanilla-lemon cupcakes with pink buttercream icing, ahhh. I brought a few to school to give out to my best friends, and I really hope they like it. Well, I'd be really glad if they like it, because their opinions matter the most...apart from my family of course :) 

I love baking!

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