Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Monday, May 31
4:01 PM

I had a pretty good Monday today, hehe, minus the part where the Bee buzzed us -.-

Anyway, I found out this morning that Tasha and I passed the prefect interview with the teachers. So, we'll be moving on to the next round, that is the campaign and the voting part. Hehe, honestly, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Datin Aslindawati announcing my name under the prefect candidates who've made it to the finals. I mean, my interview with the teachers were pretty awful, but I'm still thankful that I've made it this far :)

I knew Tasha would get to the finals all along. She's such a perfectionist and sometimes I feel like killing her for being so. She literally has the most merit points in class! And she's so good in addmath. Dang. Honestly, I pick her as my best friend because she is everything I've ever wanted to be. She's smart, a perfectionist, and she is literally a grown up. She is more matured than most sixteen-year-olds I know. And yeah, sometimes I'd feel like killing her for being such a great student. Haha, of course I wouldn't do that!

Don't worry, Ash, I'll write something nice about you later2 sikit okie? Haha.

I'm feeling very motivated to change for the better. I guess my name being mentioned this morning for the prefect candidates thing really opened my eyes. It made me motivated to stop fooling around and start disciplining myself. Oh, yeah, and you know what else I've learned? I've learned that when you fail, you should not blame others for their high achievements. Instead, look at yourself, the blame should be put on you for not trying hard enough. That is my motto at the moment. Stop blaming others for their achievements, and start blaming yourself for being so lazy. Hehe, I love that! Each time I play that phrase over and over again in my mind, I get more inspired and more motivated to try harder to succeed in everything I do. To me, good is never good enough.

God, I just love feeling so motivated to keep moving forward. Hehe.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some homework to be done and figure out what should be my logo for my campaign. Hehe.

Life is often unfair, but I guess these obstacles are what make you a better person. Call me crazy, but I'm kind of thankful for all the obstacles I'm facing. I mean, wouldn't it be so dull if your life is perfect all the way with nothing to challenge your abilities?

God, what is wrong with me today? I'm feeling so philosophized today. Haha.

Alhamdulillah :)

Sunday, May 30
12:13 AM

Yay! Free stuff!

I got a lot of freebies last night. I was hanging out with Kakcik and Kak Lea in Kak Lea's room. Kak Lea had some clothes that she wanted to give out, they're either not fitting her bodacious curves -- eceh, hehe -- anymore or she just didn't want them. So we chilled on her bed while she dug out her closet for the unwanted apparels.

I'm too lazy to go over the details, but in the end I was so happy with what I got! I left with two knee-length dresses, both of them are very cute and they fit my personality like a glove. I also got a bunch of t-shirts and tops. I have to say, my favourite hand-me-down item from Kak Lea has got to be the green knee-length dress with puffy sleeves and red and yellow flowers printed all over. It fits me just nice, not too tight but loose enough for some air to circulate around my body underneath the cotton fabric of the dress. Oooh it's gonna look so good with my flats!

I can't wait to bring it to Bali. Hehe. I'm not sure whether or not I'll wear it when I go to Bali next week, but I'll just bring it just in case. I mean, I'm not really a girl who would wear dresses, heck all this while I haven't even had a dress, until now. Now I have two! Hehe. I guess the green dress is appropriate to wear in front of my parents. The only body parts that are exposed when I wear it are my legs from the knees down, and just a bit of my chest, but hey, you can't even see my cleavage! Not that I have any -.-

I seriously can't wait to don that dress in Bali. Hehe. It'd be a great thing to wear to go sight-seeing, or taking a stroll down the beach. Wooo!

Just a few more days. Just a few more days and I'll be flying off with my family to Bali! I can almost hear it calling my name now, beckoning me to come sooner. Haha. Okay, now that's just exaggerating -.-

Can't waaaaaaaaaait!

Monday, May 24
5:55 PM

I've had a pretty good day today. I had a good Monday and I'm hoping I'll have a good Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as well.

My classmates and I have gotten back our Biology and English papers today. Hehe, I found out I got an A- for both subjects. Yay! My first A! Hahaha. I know it's not an A+, but what the heck, I got an A-. Good enough for me! I was also one of the three who scored the highest for Biology in my class. Hehe, sooo happy!

Anyway, to my dear Tasha, don't be sad with your marks okay? I'm sure you'll do a whole lot better for Ujian II and for the end-of-year exam. Heck, I'm sure you'll do much, much better for SPM in all subjects! So, it's okay. Don't be bummed okay? We've all got faith in you :D

I really miss 2009. Especially the people in it who have made my life so much easier and so content. I really miss them and I wonder if they miss me too. Sigh. Guess not.

I'm going out for dinner tonight. Yay! I always love eating out for dinner.

Friday, May 21
10:37 PM

I failed my Addmath, by six marks -.- God knows what else I'm going to fail.

I guess it made me feel a bit better to know that I wasn't the only one in class who failed Addmath. I mean, think about it, if you were the only one who fails in something, talk about pressure!

Anyway, I had a pretty lovely day today, starting from after school ended. I chilled with my two girlfriends, we joked and laughed about balls and bubbles and the annoying orange and wasabi and the list can go on. I'm starting to like Fridays. The three of us always stay back until 2.30 :)

I'll be going to Bali for a vacation in about 12 days! Yay! I am so, so excited! And after I return from the four-day-trip to Bali, my girlfriends will come over to my house and we'll have a slumber party! Hehe. We've got it all planned out since weeks ago! It's gonna be amazing!

I have a pretty good feeling about my English paper for midterm. Yesterday (or was it today?) Miss Anusya told me that I'd written a pretty impressive and interesting essay for the paper. Hehehehehe. I LOVE English! Like I said, I have a pretty good feeling about the paper. But then again, I can't be so optimistic about it. Sometimes, optimism can lead to suicide. Heh.

I don't want to think about my exams right now. I just don't. My midterm is bad, BAD! Stupid school, they held our first monthly test THREE BLOODY WEEKS after school started. What were they going to test us la? Haiya. They got us totally unprepared for the first test AND our midyear exams, and I guess planning to have the first monthly test three weeks after school first started can be one of the factors why us fourth formers are failing almost every paper. We're so totally unprepared for crying out loud! I mean, we're still taking our time trying to adapt to this transition period. Some of us are still not used to be in Form 4, like me, and come on, you've gotta give us time to adapt to our own situations!

Last night during Addmath tuition, I asked a tuition mate of mine from Sri Aman when her first monthly test was held. She answered; sometime in March. Hoho, that's definitely not THREE WEEKS after school first started. God, my school is getting more ridiculous as the years go by -.-

Case in point, this morning. Single file, single file...I'll shove up my single file in your mouth of you say that one more time. Boleh tak, orang dah jalan suruh patah balik. Why? Sebab tak single file. Buduuuuu. Selama ni kitorang jalan berterabur OK je, tak ada nya nak kena patah balik. Ridiculous lah. Seriously, atrociously ridiculous.

I'm excited for tomorrow! Hehe. Kakcik's gonna take me to Ikea because I want to find a new duvet cover for my bed and some cool stuff to spruce up the dead corridor outside my and Kakcik's rooms. Oh, I will definitely not forget to eat the meatballs while I'm there! I haven't had them for so long! I love the meatballs with the brown sauce and the sweet raspberry jam, and the Daim cake, and the Delicatoboll! Ooooh heaven. Hehe. Can't wait!

Thursday, May 20
11:07 PM

I wonder why my loved ones are always taken away from me. One by one, they're picked, fated and destined to be far, far away from yours truly. One by one, they're disappearing into the darkness, leaving me with punctured holes that I know may never seem to be filled again.

Why? Why must the people I love get dragged away further and further away from me? I know it's not for them to choose, but why? Whyyyyy why why WHY?!

Wednesday, May 19
4:16 PM

Exams are over, for now. Phew! I'm so relieved...for now.

We had our last paper, which was Chemistry, today. It was not bad, I suppose. For the first time ever throughout the whole midterm exam, I felt that at least there were SOME THINGS that made sense. Chemistry was 5o-5o, it was neither hard nor was it easy. I know I won't fail this one :)

Anyway, I'm enjoying the freedom right now. Right now, just for now. I was so glad when I got home from school today. I had a pretty good time today, hehe. When I got home from school, just as I slumped my backpack on the floor of my bedroom, I thought to myself, Wow, no more exams to worry about! No more facts to memorize, no more formulas! No more no more no more! I feel so blithe today. I'm enjoying the freedom! Haha.

I also managed to get 42 out of 50 questions correct for Biology Paper 1, the objective paper. Honestly, I didn't expect to get that much! Haha. I was also the one with the highest marks for that one in class, eee so happy! Dah la all of my classmates semua pandai -.- Well, we're still waiting for our Paper II. I'm just dying to know what my total marks will be.

Right now, now that exams are over, I don't want to think about anything else. I don't want to think about the homework that is piling up on my desk, I don't want to think about the work I have to submit by tomorrow. I just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy my total freedom for now. I'm already sick of facing my revision books and school textbooks, watching them staring at me like hawks.

I've recently finished reading another one of Cecelia Ahern's wonderful novels, The Book of Tomorrow. This author never fails me, I tell you! All of her books have a little bit of magic in it, at the same time keeping it real and very close to reality. At first I thought that the storyline of the book was quite boring and it was like as if it had no flow, like as if the story had no objective, but towards the end I ended up loving the book to pieces. It was magic and suspense and a tiny bit of romance all in one. The story got more and more interesting as I read and flipped the pages of the book, and only then did I find out what the story was all about. The ending, or should I say the conclusion of the whole story, is so unexpected that it made me go, WOW.

I'm so glad I found this author. She really knows how to capture people's hearts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink my Thomas Kemper Vanilla Cream and eat a packet of Mamee while watching the Annoying Orange on Youtube. Haha, what a way to celebrate and enjoy the freedom after having exams -.-

Tuesday, May 18
5:08 PM

Addmath was a.t.r.o.c.i.o.u.s.

Enough said.

Monday, May 17
6:18 PM

We had Sejarah paper today.

Tasha Squared -- a.k.a Tasha and Tasha -- along with me and Ash were rushing to run through the four topics that came out for the paper. I hadn't studied a thing for Sejarah during the weekend. I had no mood whatsoever to fill up my brain with all those facts, and as soon as I opened my revision book for Sejarah, I immediately slammed it closed shut. That showed me how mood-less I was in studying for Sejarah.

Kakcik picked me up from school today! Hehe. It's so fun when she picks me up from school. Just like last year, hehe. Last year, kind of around the same time of the year, she'd pick me up from school, get lunch, and straightaway watch The Biggest Loser at home while having our lunch. Hehe. This year, she'd pick me up, get lunch, and watch a movie :D

Kakcik Me

So, how was your Sejarah paper today?
*the sound you get when you try to hold back your laughter* mmcchhkk.
Oi, ape ni ha?

Yeah, I gave out that reaction when she asked me about the Sejarah paper today. I managed to summarise a few topics, but I had such a limited time that I could only cram so little facts into my head. I guess the paper was easy, but since I studied so little I couldn't answer most of the questions.

God, I'm hoping not to fail this one!

Tasha and I have been discussing about our worst subject ever; physics. We'd found out that a girl from the classroom next door had dropped Biology, and we figured, hey, if she can drop one of the science subjects, why can't we? Of course, we'd have to come up with a really valid reason to drop Physics. No offense to the teacher, it's just that we really hate physics and we just don't get all the calculation parts. We understand the concept, the laws of physics and all, but we just can't get the calculations right! It's not that we hate counting, it's just that we really don't get what all the calculations in physics are all about and we'd end up getting the wrong answer EVERY TIME.

I already know what I want to become, and I know for sure that my future occupation will not require me to ace physics. Tasha wants to become a chef, and I don't see where physics apply in that. My parents won't like it, but hey, I know what I'm doing. I can't take risks by taking physics when I know it'll totally corrupt my SPM results later.

Anyway, I have Addmath tomorrow. I'm kind of excited, hehe. I love all these thinking and calculations! I love math because it's one of my best subjects. I love cracking my brain to get an answer. I just love to think, but this doesn't apply to physics. Hehe.

I'm going to do some exercises now! Weeeee!

Friday, May 14
7:07 PM

I had Physics and Agama papers today. Agama was pretty easy! If only they'd only count the marks in Paper 2, sure dapat A punya! Haha.

Physics was torturous. Physics was suicide. Physics was...hell! I just don't get physics. I mean, I understand the concept of physics, like the forces acting upon an object and etc., but I just hate the part where it comes to calculating! I despise it, I disdain in, I dislike it! I hate when we have to calculate the acceleration of an object, or the impulsive force and blah dee blah blah. I would've liked physics if it weren't for the calculations.

I've been feeling very lethargic these few days. Especially today. For the second time of the week, I woke up 15 minutes later than I should. It's not like I slept at two in the morning last night, in fact I slept around 12.30. Usually it'd be pretty easy for me to wake up at 6am if I sleep at 12.30am, but I have no clue why nowadays it's been very hard for me to wake up. Okay, maybe not hard hard, just a wee bit tricky alright. But nonetheless, I still managed to get to school in time.

I am so sick of my neighbour. No, neighbourssss. My house is sandwiched between two LOUD and BOISTEROUS dimwitted people. One of my neighbours is a family, and one of them...I don't know. And I probably don't care.

The Chinese family won't stop screaming and yelling at their maids! Yes, MAIDS. They have like two or three maids, and yet the family only consists of five people. FIVE! My goodness. They keep on yelling at their maids, telling them that the work they're doing are wrong, or not up to their standards. I don't get it, you know. Instead of wasting your smelly saliva screaming at your maid, why don't you do the task yourself? Now, doesn't that just solve your problem? Sheesh. Even the bratty kids are telling their maids what to a rude and demanding way. Like as if they're the kings of the world. God, no wonder they all look like fat, stocky pumpkins. Call me bitchy and an unfriendly kind of a neighbour, but seriously, when you can listen to every single word your neighbours scream at their maids, you just want to rip their heads off and make them taste their own medicine.

As for the other house, the house that has been under construction for the past...I don't know, two years, maybe? Let me tell you something, that house has been under renovation for nearly two years. Two years! Always renovating and making loud noises with their steel tools and all that hammering and banging and drilling. I don't really know who resides in that house, heck I don't even think anybody even lives in that house since it's always under renovation. But, anyway, I don't know if this new guy just moved into the house or what, but the house always seems to be occupied. During the day, they'd turn on the TV, or the radio to some crappy music, so loud that I couldn't resist putting up my middle finger whenever I got out of my room and passed the window that overlooked the house. Even when my door is closed, I can still listen to the loud noise they make. And when at night, I don't know why, they'd talk either to each other or on the phone SO LOUD that it would make me feel like as if we've invited a guest over. I don't know what the hell their problem is, I don't know why they just can't seem to shut the hell up and be CONSIDERATE of their NEIGHBOURS. It's really annoying! Especially when you're trying to study.

I hate my neighbours. I really do.

Thursday, May 13
11:56 PM

I don't know why, but I've been very depressed for the past few days. I don't know, maybe it's because of my 'time of the month', but...I don't know. I just feel so emo these days.

I've been listening to the songs I've listened back in 2009 these days. The songs remind me of all the sweet and bitter memories I will definitely cherish for as long as I live. I don't know why I don't know but I just don't know why I seem to be dwelling on the past. I mean, nostalgia can be a very effective anesthetic, it calms your mind and brings you happiness. Okay now I'm sounding like a character out of a fairytale. Brings you happiness *chirpy voice* Haha, okay, ignore.

Like I said, feeling nostalgic can really make you feel calm and sort of happy, I guess. But is too much nostalgia just unhealthy? I don't know.


Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I'm not. Maybe it's these raging hormones.

I love listening to the songs that remind me of 2009. Some remind me of the bitter times I've had, and some remind me of all the good and fun times I've had. Sometimes, even the sweetest memory, can punch me in the heart and slap me in the face, knowing that the memory is still so strong in my mind and yet I can't seem to relive it anymore. Sometimes it's like that. Remembering something so sweet can turn out to be a punch in the chest, a slap in the face, a pain in the butt....okay okay you should probably get it by now.

God, I miss 2009 so badly. I miss my 3T classmates, now scattered and torn apart from each other into their new respective streams and classes. I miss my old friends, I really do. Thinking about them just makes me want to tear up, they were always there to cheer me up. Such great people.

I don't even know why I'm still up at this hour. I should be sleeping since I have Physics and Agama papers tomorrow. Sigh, I just needed somewhere to vent out my feelings. It's not that I'm a loner, nooo. It's just that all the people I would vent my feelings to are probably asleep. Or doing something.

Sigh, I guess the remains of 2009 can only be the songs in my iPod. That's why I love music so much. It can remind me so much of all the good, no, great times I've had in the past.

And, who knows? Maybe I'd like to relive this moment, this exact moment, later in the future. It happens, you know.

Wednesday, May 12
2:31 PM


It's midterm. And today is the third day out of the eight.

Anyway I guess the questions in the Agama paper were pretty easy. It's just that I wasn't fully prepared for what was coming, so I couldn't really answer most of the questions. I literally wrote back down the questions on the testpad for the structure questions. My God. It was disastrous!

We had Biology paper 2 today. Sucked like the suck-est sucker in the world. CRITICAL THINKING APEBENDA SOALAN PON TAKDE MAKNA! Seriously!! Since when is biology a thinking subject? It's just a reading subject! You read, and you memorize. It's not physics or chemistry or math. It's BIOLOGY. There's nothing to think of!

I was really frustrated when I sat for the paper. The questions did not make any sense, they weren't specific enough so we didn't know what to write for the answers, and my teacher said you'd have to think a bit because she was the one who prepared the paper. Think WHAT? Equations? Formulas? Many people were really pissed off. Including myself.

I was really prepared for the paper, actually. But it's just that the questions were not making any sense at all! Like I said, they weren't specific, and we didn't know what to write even though we know that the answer would be the right one. It's like asking you what the colour of blood is and when you say red, it'd be wrong, because the answer is crimson. Or maroon. Whatever.

We have Bio 1 and Math tomorrow. I really hope Bio 1 will be a whole lot more logical.


Friday, May 7
6:25 PM

Hahahaha I can't believe I burst out laughing looking at this! I literally let out my voice and laughed. Oh, I just love Patrick!

Today was....a very sweaty day for me. Do you know how many times I had to go up the three flights of stairs this morning? Three. THREE. It was bloody tiring and I was already sweating like a pig. First, I had to walk up two flights of stairs to get to my locker. No problem, I do that every day. Then, since my classmates and I had doubts whether or not we should be at the lab during that first period, I had to run up the three flights of stairs to get to the lab, and I received a message from another girl that 4K was called up to the lab. Okay, fine, so I ran back downstairs to convey the message to my other classmates. Then, for the third time in ten minutes, I had to walk back up those stairs with my heavy backpack that qualified for breaking my spine.

It was just so tiring, and I didn't really have a proper breakfast this morning. All I had was a sausage on a bun, and a glass of water. Not really fit for running up and down the stairs three times. I was also sweating like crazy, and it's very unendurable to sweat furiously in the morning.

Masuk je lab kena marah. What a way to start the day. Sheesh. Menopause lady!

But, anyway, I had a lot of fun after recess today. We had Addmath for four periods; two hours. It was fun, actually. Pn Gan was in a really good mood, hehehe. Honestly, she never fails in making me understand all the concepts of additional mathematics. She was also my math teacher last year, and because of her my grades in math really went up and beyond. She was also the reason why I got an A for math in PMR. Hehehe.

After school finished, I lingered and mingled with my two girls, Tasha and Ash. Ali and Abu. Bonnie and Clyde. Hahaha tetiba je. I feel so blessed having them around me -- Tasha, Ash, this is the part where you say you love me, too! They're always so fun to be with. And hilarious too. Haha.

Anyway, to Tasha and Ash, have fun during the IU day tomorrow! It sucks that I can't go -.-

I'm loving the weather today. It's cloudy and the temperature is definitely lower than yesterday's. Sigh, contentment is always the best feeling in the world, to me la.

Thursday, May 6
5:37 PM

I had a good day, today.

Well, just until a few minutes ago.

Man, everything is being such a pain in the ass at the moment! The weather is incredibly, not hot, it's warm and incredibly humid, despite the big puffs of clouds dominating the sky, my earphones are literally dead -- the sound would only come out from one side -- the sharp pain at the back of my neck is killing me, and did I mention that it is so warm and humid right now?

The weather is being a bitch today. Just when you thought it would rain, the clouds will disappear. Just when you thought it'd be another cool day, the sun would gloriously shine like a show-off. I couldn't care less if the weather is hot and dry, but I really hate it when the air gets very humid and it feels like living in a steamer. Even right now I can feel myself getting slightly sweaty, due to the unendurable humidity of the air. I hate getting sweaty just moments after showering. Especially after washing my hair -.-

I just found out that my earphones are retarded. Like I said, the sound would only come out from one side, and it's very annoying to listen to your favourite songs with just one ear. I need to buy a new one, which probably costs my weekly allowance.


Even the laptop is being a pain.


Anyway, I had a good time at school today. Especially during Chemistry, when something 'exploded'. We were in the lab, doing an experiment. My particular group was, in fact, very unlucky. We were instructed to melt some lead (II) bromide until it becomes a silvery molten liquid, and then after it has melted, we had to place a couple of electrodes in it.

So we did all of that aaanndddd, suddenly the molten liquid gave a small explosion, the tiny cup that contained the liquid exploded as well and shattered, and the whole bunsen burner was on fire. The bunsen burner was on fire! All we saw was a huge ball of fire. For a few seconds we just stood there staring at the burning bunsen burner, our expressions clearly portrayed that we were panicked and appalled. Luckily Tasha was there and shouted to turn off the bunsen burner. And the funny thing is, the incident happened to only our group, not the other seven groups. We didn't know how it happened, but our teacher said that we were heating the substance for too long. We had a different theory; maybe there was a tiny hole in the gas pipe, causing some gas to leak, hence causing the minor explosion. But we couldn't tell for sure.

Luckily my classmate who took care of the electrodes didn't stand too close, or else she would've gotten hurt. But she did get affected by it. A small amount of the molten silver liquid found its way to her pinafore. And poor Myrrah, her baju kurung was affected, too.

Man, that was a really scary experience. Just imagine what would've happened if Tasha didn't instruct us to turn off the bunsen burner immediately, since a fire can spread in just a matter of minutes.

But still, it was cool to see the molten lead harden and sort of crystallize where it was spilled. It kind of looked like a silvery-gold crystal, in the shape of someone's barf. But nonetheless, it was sort of cool.

Wednesday, May 5
7:15 PM

Hmm, what's to update?

Nothing much.

A couple of days ago I was hit by the flu, but it wasn't so bad. My nose was blocked, but it wasn't runny. It took me quite some time to sleep, since I couldn't breathe so well due to the blockage in my nose. But, nonetheless, it didn't kill me.

Anyway I'm feeling better now. Today was the first day of the week that I showed up in school. I skipped school for the past two days to rest at home. Hihi.

The midterm exam will start next week, and honestly, I'm not quite "in the mood" yet. I'm like, what, midterm is next week? Uuuuhh, okay. I'm not nervous, I'm not scared, in fact I'm just feeling indifferent about it. I'm neither excited nor am I scared. Haha. But, at least I've started doing my revision...since a few days ago. I don't know why, but nowadays I'm always in the mood to revise my notes and do lots of exercises. Nowadays it's just so easy to open my revision books and study. And, no, I never look at the textbooks the Kementerian provided us with. They're all crap. Like they expect us to understand the whole thing in just one sentence -.-

And that's where revision books come in handy.

Ooh I can't wait to practise my addmath later! Wippeedoo!

I should be running along now. I'm waiting for Maghrib, and after that I'm gonna help my father cook dinner for the two of us. Hehe. Another father-daughter bonding time!


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