Iman Nedhiera


Intensely passionate about photography and other artsy fartsy farts. An avid nature-lover. Highly obsessed with sunny afternoons and evenings, funky-looking clouds, and sunsets. Deeply infatuated with all things old, vintage, and kitschy. Highly sentimental. An enthusiast in baking, photography, and music :)


Monday, November 30
8:49 PM

Okay, I admit, I am miserable. I'm not lonely or anything, it's just that I'm miserable just sitting at home, not being able to go out because nobody sees where I should be other than home. Oh yes, because I'm "too young." Please.

I prefer to be my own company, actually. I find myself content and somewhat calm when I'm by myself, listening to the songs on my iPod, and just lie down and daydream. That's what I did this evening before dusk. I lay myself down at the living hall that faces the garden and I read a book, and occasionally I'd close the book and daydream for a while, all while listening to the complete soundtrack of New Moon. Somehow I find that New Moon's soundtrack is just so calming and so relaxing. With the cool, cloudy weather, which I loved, and the green grass and the green plants that were fixed within my eyesight, I was feeling very calm and content, actually. The greenery just made everything seem cooler.

I am stir crazy. I guess I just feel imprisoned since I'm not going anywhere without a motive. I feel like a prisoner trapped inside my own doom of boredom.

I can't wait to get my passport renewed. And I don't know when the frikkin' hell it's gonna be renewed. I can't wait to fly off to Singapore and stay with my sister there for a week, or until she decides to go home, whichever comes first. I'll most probably be bunking in with my sister and her housemates, and I hear they're pretty cool. One of her housemates even sang me a birthday song, with my sister along, via Skype. Haha, I thought that was pretty cool. I just want to get out of the house so that I won't feel so imprisoned. Hmm, maybe I'll go to Singapore next week. If my passport is renewed by then. Let's just hope so, shall we?

Oh yes, I'm going to Lake Gardens with my bride-to-be sister and my soon-to-be-official-brother-in-law for a jog, or a walk, whatever, on Wednesday. I am excited, really am. Like I said a million times before, I want to get out of the house, and I'm guessing that Lake Gardens is just the perfect place to be for a miserable person like me at the moment. Lush greenery, fresh air, what could be better?

I'm miserable. There, I said it. I am M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. I just want to get out of the house because I feel like a prisoner!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 29
8:06 PM

I am so bored.

So bored that I'd rather chew off my own foot rather than be eaten alive by boredom.

School holidays suck...when you can't drive just for the sake of it and when your friends are all busy with their own plans. School holidays suck...when your family members are literally apart from each other for occupational purposes, and you're left alone at home with nothing interesting to play with, except the laptop, and your phone, and your iPod, and your novels.

I wanna do something interesting! I want to get out of the house and sniff the air. I wanna go jogging and get my fitness back since I've lost my metabolism after cheerleading last year. Well, yeah, I'm trying my best to jog at least three times a my room. How pathetic is that? We have no treadmills, and my father sure won't let me go out jogging around the neighbourhood without any adult supervision, and that leaves me no option but to jog around in my room.

Since I have a lot of time in my hands, I think I'll use it for the benefit of my body. I mean, there's literally nothing else to do at home, since everybody's so busy with work and I'm the only one in the family left to be schooling, so I figured might as well use my time to start working out. I don't want to lose weight -- please, I wouldn't be caught dead if I called myself FAT even though I look like a toothpick -- but I want to gain muscles. I want a healthy heart, and most importantly a healthy body. I just want my fast metabolism back. I feel so unhealthy when I sit myself in front of the computer after having a fulfilling meal.

Long story short, I don't know how I can convince my father to let me go jogging around the neighbourhood. Or the park near my house, which is in walking distance, but I still have to cross two roads to get there. Well, there's a lot of people at the park, I'm pretty sure it's safe there. Maybe someone can just drop me off there, and let me jog or walk or whatever it is I do to get my fitness back. I'm fifteen for God's sake! I mean, I know they're just trying to be protective and all but sometimes I just want to feel like a person of my own. I'm not a kid anymore, and I'm pretty sure I'm matured enough to know the difference between the right and wrongs. Which makes me eligible to go running or jogging in the park, on my own. Because I like to do things alone.

I can't wait for January to come. I can't wait for a new year to come. I'd be sixteen, technically, on the first day of January, the first day of 2010. I can't wait to get my driver's exactly two frikkin' years. Which is true, actually. I'll be legal enough to get my driver's license in about 23 months, just because my birthday is towards the end of the year.

My sister's wedding is in seven weeks. I can't wait for the seven weeks to pass! I'm gonna be one of the four flower girls to walk down the aisle before the bride, a.k.a my sister, walks in. Yay! I'm so excited!

Saturday, November 28
9:11 PM

I finally got to watch New Moon last night with my siblings. And I must say, at least it's a bit better than Twilight, the first movie.

Obviously, there were a lot of cheesy and corny love phrases like "Oh you are my everything," and "I can't live without you," or something like that. God, if you read it in a book, it doesn't sound so cheesy and composed, but when it is translated into a movie, yeah it definitely sounds too choreographed and just unnatural. Okay, so forget about that, I somewhat liked the movie, with the exceptions of some of the lovey-dovey sickening-to-the-stomach scenes. There were more action scenes in this movie, too.

But some of the dialogues were just plain...awkward. I mean, I don't know, I don't know if it's just me or what but when I watched the movie, I thought that some of the dialogues didn't make any sense, or have any relevance to what they were really trying to tell us. And, here's the thing, these people were trying to squish a 500-paged book into a two-hour movie, and yeah it didn't work out so great. There were obviously too much from the book that were cut out from the movie because they needed to find a way to fit those scenes in a two-hour movie, somehow. I guess if you've read the book, you'd understand the movie. But if you haven't, then you'd have a pretty tough time deciphering the whole story.

I kind of like the new director's way of composing the whole movie. I mean, he gave the audiences a whole new environment, in some ways that I can't seem to explain. And, oh, the soundtrack is just amazing! And the score -- as in, the background music in the movie -- is amazing too! There's a lot of indie going on in the soundtrack, but they're somewhat soothing and enlightening, which I can listen to when I go to sleep -- since I have a hard time falling into the blissful oblivion of sleep nowadays. And as for the cinematography? It was excellent. The angles were great...including the part where Jacob takes off his shirt [to reveal those abs] to wipe off a small smudge of blood on Bella's head. That particular scene, and some other scenes, left me laughing at its cheesiness!

Anyway, the ending was downright disappointing. I don't think there is an ending to that movie, or maybe they're trying to hold the suspense until the third movie comes out -- in June. I mean, come on, those two lovebirds were talking, and then, that's it. No epilogue! It was like as if they were forced to cut off a part of that scene just to fit into the whole movie.

I think I liked the movie mainly because of the cinematography and the soundtrack, and also the action scenes. The score of the whole movie kind of sounded a bit like Harry Potter, but it's still great! I really loved the part when that red-haired vampy Victoria is being chased in the woods by the werewolves, with the cool background music and the awesome cinematography, and my favourite part of that scene was when she jumped into the water from a cliff, with the grace of a ballerina. Man, I loved that part.

And did I tell you that Jacob was hot? Oh yes he was! He [and also the rest of his werewolf pack] made Edward look like a chicken. Go Team Jacob!

Overall, I think I'd give it a rating of 6/10 stars. That six comes from the soundtrack, the cinematography, and hey ho, the werewolf pack!

Friday, November 27
2:36 PM

I should've known that the rain was not going to last forever here in KL. Sigh.

Last month was a very wet and rainy month. I liked it, actually. I'm going to miss walking around in a thick sweater and then my feet would be so cold that my toes were on the verge of falling off their sockets.

The past few days have been very hot and I'm not liking it at all, partly because the climate changed drastically dramatic, or dramatically drastic, whatever. One day it was wet and rainy and cold, and the next day, bam! Hot as an oven. I mean, if the weather changed progressively from cold to hot, I wouldn't mind. But I guess that I've been liking the cold weather for the past month too much that the drastic change of the weather turned my shock into something else.

God, I've been sleeping without covering myself with a blanket or a duvet for the past few days, hence exposing my bare skin to those bloodsucking parasites, a.k.a mosquitoes. The night gets hot enough to sweat in your own bed! Well, what to do? Malaysia is unlucky enough to be placed on the equatorial line of the world, the part of the Earth that is closest to the sun. Siiiiggghhhh. I'm already missing the clouds dominating the whole blue sky, not a single speck of the colour blue when you look up, blocking the sun.

I just hate the hot weather. Who doesn't, right? But yeah, despite all that, after about more than a month of cold and rainy days, it's kind of uplifting to see the sun again :)

Wednesday, November 25
10:30 PM

Since I'm quite certain that I'm having a tough time battling this mood swing of mine -- right now I feel utterly selfish, unfriendly, unnecessarily cynical, rebellious, and moody -- and I'm feeling quite bored, I Googled on what to do when you're bored.

Trust me, the results I found cracked me up.

Blink wildly and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out shapes and see if your subconscious is trying to send you a message (perhaps that funny shape is saying, 'send all your money to'?)

See how long you can hold a note
(Amusement Potential: 4-20 minutes)
Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Inhale deeply and then try and make a noise for as long as you can. Earn extra points for making your partner laugh or ending on an amusing note.

Try to not think about penguins
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about penguins anyway.

Use your secret mind power
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.

Pretend you're a robot
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Walk down the street with mechanical movements, adding 'zzzzzt' sounds with each motion. Pretending to have a motor broken in, say, your left hand can add at least 30 seconds more entertainment.

Scratch yourself
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good?

Rate passers by
(Amusement Potential: 10-15 minutes)
Secretly award passers by marks out of ten as you go along, offering (unsaid) expert criticism over their clothing, hairstyle and footwear choices.

Repeat the same word over and over until it loses its meaning
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Pick a random word out of a magazine and say it aloud to yourself until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.

Pinch yourself
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
What is pain? Why is it unpleasant? There's nothing physical about it - it's all in your mind. Plus, after pinching yourself for awhile, boredom will seem nice next to being in pain.

Try to swallow your tongue
(Amusement Potential: 1-2 minutes)
There's not much to say about this one. It is possible, but really stupid.

Pretend to be a car
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Make appropriate revving noises in your head as you walk along and add a racing commentary as you pass strangers in the street. Use blinking eyes as indicators for extra authenticity.

Make Star Trek door noises
(Amusement Potential: 1-2 minutes)
Stand by an electric door to a bank or something and make that silly "Scccccccchwop" sound heard whenever people popped on to the bridge to hang with Captain Kirk.

Look at something for awhile, shut eyes, study after image
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
Another great time waster. It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time. Fun to combine this one with pushing on your eyes.

Get yourself as nauseated as possible
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Best achieved by looking straight up and spinning around. Try to be so dizzy you can't even stand up. This is also entertaining due to the "makes boredom seem a lot better" effect (see "Hurt Yourself").

Invent a weird twitch
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Adopt a bizarre twitch (e.g. flicking your head irregularly, twitching with eye or busting out sporadic cough noises) and try it out when you go shopping.

Make a low buzzing noise
(Amusement Potential: 15-30 minutes)
Hours of fun in libraries! Keeping a totally straight face and looking nonchalant, make a low pitch humming/buzzing noise and see who reacts.

I imagine myself doing all these nonsense, which cracked me up even more!

Have a water gargling contest
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Put a glassful of water in your mouth and see how long you can keep gargling for. Award yourself extra points for loud and amusing gargling noises, and minus points if you laugh.

Stare at the back of someone's head until they turn around
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
This works on the "I have the feeling I'm being watched" principle. Conduct an experiment-does this really work?

Have a "Who is less competitive" competition
wonder (Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Trying to win at this will make you lose. Trying to lose makes you win which makes you lose. Not trying at all makes you lose which makes you win which makes you lose.

Pick up a dog so it can see things from your point of view
(Amusement Potential: 3-5 minutes)
Think about it: your dog has only seen the house from a viewpoint from 6" to 2' high (15 to 60 cm for all you metric fans). It's never seen the tops of counters, what you keep on your desk, the tops of shelves, etc. Try looking at things from its point of view, too.

Pull out a hair, stick in someone's ear
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
Best done to sleeping people. Added challenge in having no one else around, because then you can't blame it on anyone else. Try to beat your record number of times before the person catches on.

Pour water in hand, make sneeze noise, throw water on back of person's neck
(Amusement Potential: 5-15 minutes)
Always a good gag. For an even bigger reaction out of the person, act like you're not sorry at all for what they think you did. Comment instead on how big that sneeze was or about how there was a lot of mucus in that one.

My God, the more I read this, the more I crack up!

Make prank phone calls
(Amusement Potential: 20-60 minutes)
Very entertaining, but requires discipline. Remember - vulgarities don't make a call funny, but getting the other person to believe a ridiculous story will. Try seeing if you can get them to make noises to 'test' the line. One to get you started off: Call McDonalds with weird complaints about their food.

Pretend all humans will die except for people in room with you
Amusement Potential: 10-20 minutes)
What would you do if this really happened? Would the group stay together, or would there be factions? Who would join what group? Remember, there would only be power for a few days before the plants ran out of fuel or broke. To travel, you would always have to be near cars to siphon gas out of. Best to do with people you know.

Step off a curb with eyes shut, imagine it's a cliff
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
To get any benefit out of this one, you have to have a good imagination. Don't step off immediately, build up to the jump. Study the ravine below. Feel the winds at that altitude. Step off and...AHHHHHH!!!!!

Try and sound Welsh
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
The key to sounding Welsh is to make sure that your voice goes up at the end of the sentence, so that everything sounds like a question. Throw in a superfluous 'isn't it?' at the end of everything you say and you're halfway there. Isn't it?

Aaaand that's when I came across the DISCLAIMER :

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, a lot of these suggestions are really dumb things to do, so don't take them seriously.

And whatever you do, don't be as stupid as this halfwit from New Jersey who mailed us this: "we attempted your 'water drinking contest' we drank 48oz of water each in about 7 min, and 3 seconds later we were puking uncontrollably all over the kitchen. how dare you put this on your web site its very dangerous and health dangering. legal action may take place since you have no warnings on your site explaining you are not responsible for out comes of ''useless games' or the possible risks. please contact me back so we can settle this matter with out involving the law. "

HAHAHAHAH! This is some serious boredom-killing mood-swing fighting article! THANK YOU INTERNET!

Oh and by the way, if you happen to read this while you're feeling just like me, e.g. moody, etc., and you tend to crack up after reading these things, then, YOU ARE WELCOME! :)

1:07 PM

So I was Googling on where I can download My Sister's Keeper, based on the novel that I'm reading now. And then I found this one website, and a video caught my eye. I thought it was pretty hilarious, and that's why I'm sharing it with you :)

Hahaaa, I just love parodies like this!

Let's go eat some people! WOOOOOOOO!

Monday, November 23
9:11 PM

Oh, my weekend was fantabulous! (That's fantastic and fabulous merged together, hehe). I spent the whole Saturday last weekend with my mother, looking for bedding accessories.

Okay, so apparently my sew-my-own-duvet project was bogus, it didn't even happen.



I got a whole lot more than I bargained for! In the end, my dearest mother took me to Midvalley and we roamed the whole shopping complex for a complete bedding set. I'd brought along a hundred bucks with me, and yeah obviously a hundred bucks won't compensate for a queen duvet cover. And that's when my mother stepped in (I didn't even ask).

We went to Jusco, and in the end we bought a comfy duvet and some pillow cases for my bride-to-be sister. Luckily, those items were on a huge sale, and we were there on the second last day! How lucky of us? Um, very.

Then we went to Aussino, and apparently my duvet cover was already displayed in front of the store. We spent about an hour there, choosing for me and also my bride-to-be sister. It took me a while to choose the perfect duvet cover (along with the pillowcases) for my bed because it was really crucial that I got the colours that would compliment my walls. In the end, I picked a very purple-magenta number, and the fabric is silk. What I like about it was that it had different colours, it had magenta and purple and also blood red -- which definitely compensated for what I wanted in the first place. We also got a 30% discount on it! Woohoo!

Okay, so here's the thing, I was intending to pay my mother with the hundred bucks that I'd brought along, but of course, she wouldn't take it. And then guilt started to creep up my veins, eating me alive. And why was I feeling guilty? Well, at first, I wanted to buy some materials to sew my own duvet cover, a project that didn't even happen in the end, and later that day, my mother ended up buying me a duvet cover for my bed. And she won't take my hundred bucks.

My brain was already hatching a plan to sneak into her room and slip my hundred ringgit into her purse. I couldn't do it that night, because she was in her room. So, the next day, when she was watching TV in the living room, I extracted RM150 -- yes, I increased the number to 150 from 100 -- and sneaked into her room, with three fifty ringgit bills in my hand, and slipped it into her purse. I wonder if she realized that the amount of money in her purse has an extra RM150. Hmm. Oh well, I've done my part. I felt really good after that, knowing that I'd compensated at least half of the total price she had to pay. At least.

Oh, I just love to do good deeds. It makes me feel...good :)

Friday, November 20
1:17 PM

Nah, I didn't go out of town (referring to the title of this post), it's just that it's been a while since I've blogged. Ahah.

I'm on my school holidays now -- hooray! -- and yeah evidently I have a lot of free time. Since I'm not the type of person to fill up my time with unproductive activities, I've been thinking of making something of my own. I'm planning to fill up my free time with lots of projects and goals, just to make full use of my FREE time before I migrate to Form 4, where I know it's a lot harder than the lower secondary (Forms 1 2 3).

It all started with a TV show that I watched last night, it was titled Castle. There was this one scene where it showed a girl's bedroom, which looked SO plush and comfortable that I just want to have it all! So, anyway, I saw the dresser in that bedroom, and apparently the girl (or the set crew of that TV show, to be more accurate) has draped a very pretty cloth over her dresser. I decided to copy that, hehe. My dresser is near the window, and by logic it gathers dust more easily. Since I can't bear to see specks of dust on the furniture in my bedroom, I decided that maybe draping a table runner or a small tablecloth over my dresser would solve my paranoia.

And that was when I trotted downstairs into the sewing room where my sister used to sew her skirts and baju kurungs, and I searched for a leftover piece of fabric. When I found one, I decided to borrow the piece of fabric for a while and drape it over my dresser where I keep my perfumes and deodorants and facial creams. The reason why I said I 'borrowed' the fabric is because this Sunday, I'm going to look for colourful fabrics with my dearest mother. I was somehow inspired to make my own pillowcases and a duvet cover for my bed.

Ah, yes, my first project during the school holidays. I am going to make my room more colourful by choosing a lot of colours to compliment my white and magenta walls. Somehow, it just feels more satisfying when you make something for your own good, don't you think?

Oh I'm so excited! I can't wait to drool over various types and colours of the fabrics I'm going to look for, and more importantly, I can't wait to start sewing! Well, my opportunity to carry out this project is just so darn convenient, in spite of the fact that I'm on my school holidays and that my sister knows how to sew! Yippee!

Thursday, November 12
5:51 PM

Heeeey! I'm having a feeling that throughout the whole month of my birthday this year is going to be a blast! Oh, I just love having so many [adult] siblings! Don't you? :)

Anyway, I had a fun time at school yesterday. Us third formers were spending our whole day in school at the hall doing some arts and crafts. Well, I liked to think, since thinking keeps my brain working smoothly and not get rusty over time.

I brought a short, fat jar for the arts and crafts. Obviously, I was going to decorate it using my own ingenious creativity that works in harmony with my brain. I only brought a jar, and yes I was kind of stupid to not bring anything to decorate it with.

Luckily, though, Pn Saadiah brought some laces and patterned tissue papers and glue and acrylic paint and etcetera. And let me tell you something here, I made do with whatever I had. And the result? Hehe, let's just say I was/am pretty satisfied with it, although I still want to add some more things to make my fat jar prettier.

Tadaaaaa! Yes, that blue pattern on the lid is actually a piece of tissue paper, glued to the lid, obviously. Everything that I used to decorate my lovely fat jar came from Pn Saadiah's big box of everything. Well, it looked like a big box of everything. There were scissors and hot glue gun and laces and satin and even some sponge. There were ribbons and acrylic paint, too. I had fun decorating my fat jar, and hey, it took me a lot of patience. Especially the black swirls on the sides of the jar, now that took me a lot of patience, perspiration, and concentration. Not to mention clumsiness, hihi.

There are flaws, of course, on that jar. But hey, it's handmade and somehow I like to have a little bit of flaw on in everything I do, even though I'm one hell of a perfectionist. It makes things more...interesting. I mean, come on, something too perfect can become a bore!

Tuesday, November 10
7:14 PM

I can't imagine how flattered I am right now, today. I've been receiving a whole lot of birthday wishes from everyone, including those whom I've never met before, from school to Facebook to MySpace. Hehe.

At first, I thought that there wouldn't be so many wishes, but when I checked my Facebook, I've received countless wishes! I'm just so flattered that I thanked each one of them, and halfway through I got tired of typing the same thing already. Haha.

Anyway, I just want to say, Thank you thank you thank you very much for the wishes! You have no idea how blissful I am right now. Dozens of thank yous to everyone who've wished me!

I just love birthdays. Don't you? :)

Monday, November 9
10:12 PM

You know what, my birthday is tomorrow, and I'm feeling so stressed right now.

Why? Because of the goddamn ants in my room. Honestly, my room is spic and span, clean! I don't have any sweets wrappers lying around, I've recently thrown away my rubbish bag and it is so impeccable that my rubbish bin is empty. I've searched literally every corner of my room, every nook and cranny, just to find where the source of the ants are coming from.

I am so deranged right now. Next to my bed, on my bedside table, there's a huge can of pesticide. I've been using it for the past week just to get rid of the annoying ants, and let me tell you something...THEY KEEP COMING BACK! I have no idea where the hell the came from, and WHAT exactly it is they're trying to make out of my room. I see them running around in circles, which makes it even harder for me to locate where they actually came from.

And oh alas, juuuust when I think that I've found the spot where they came from, where they "originated", they keep coming back. It's so annoying, that when I wake up in the morning, I see this trail of ants coming from the corner of my room. It usually starts from my door, and then the trail continues until it reaches the bottom of my bed, and out to the little veranda that joins my room to my brother's room. I think I've found the source of the ants, but then I could be wrong, like always.

Since I found the trail of ants after I had a quick shower just now, I had sprayed the entire population of the ants that domiciled my room with the pesticide. And now, some of my bedroom tiles are wet with the pesticide, and my room smells foul. God, I just hate ants. Nothing aggravates me more than seeing a huge population of ants domiciling my room. It's just so annoying and when you step on them, the corpses tend to stick to your feet. I HATE when that happens!

I hate ants. They're assholes. People usually say they're "smart" by cooperating and all but they're just a bunch of retards. When they're threatened, they run around in circles. Like that's gonna help. And when they're dead and get squished? Oh, you can't imagine how horrendous the smell is!
I am just so mad right now. I hope that the ants will be gone for good, even if it means I have to scrub the floors again.

Sunday, November 8
8:07 PM

I can't believe it's already Sunday. To make things worse, it's a Sunday night, which means that the moment I wake up from the sweet, sweet oblivion of sleep tomorrow morning, it would be Monday. A godawful Monday. A Monday where I have to wake up early in the morning, hit the showers, and go to school for the first time in the week. Monday. I hate that word. Mondaaaay. It feels like acid in my mouth. I HATE MONDAYS!

I had fun, today. My Sunday was a Funday! My brother and my sister took me out to Pavilion as an early birthday treat for me. It was actually my brother's idea to get me out of the house to get my birthday present, but to make things merrier we'd invited Kakcik the Makcik along. When I went to Pavilion, I was surprised that there weren't many rems there. There were a few, but otherwise the crowd was...normal. No 'community-garbage' there.

I wanted to get a perfume, actually. But when I browsed through the selections of perfumes in Parkson and in Tangs with my two siblings, I grew more and more bored. I didn't know what smell would suit me, I didn't know if I should get a floral scent or a fruity scent...I just didn't know. So in the end I ended up with no perfumes. I'm still too young for a perfume, anyway. After all, it's also like finding the right pair of jeans, if you know what I mean :)

We browsed through the clothing stores, that was my second option for a birthday present. We went to the Padini Concept Store, where my brother bought something for himself in the end, and then we went to Bossini, and that was basically it. We walked a lot, just window-shopping. In the end, since all the apparel stores were pretty darn pricey, I ended up at the Times bookstore. I walked away with two new books, a carefully written number by Jodi Picoult, and a new author that I've never read before, Harlan Coben.

Boring for a birthday gift? I don't think so. I like books, in fact I wouldn't mind if my desk is a messy domicile for books, and my closet to be more of a haven of books rather than clothes.....And plus, I wouldn't have known what osteogenesis imperfecta meant, a disease that lacks of collagen that causes the bones to break easily, if it weren't for Jodi Picoult. It might be irrelevant to me now, but it's good to know :) I just love books. Sometimes they tend to give you a lot of information. I love the smell of the pages as I flip through. I love to touch the well taken care of spine that never creases even after reading it a gazillion times. I love it when my books age, and then the margins of the pages tend to grow yellower, and the covers of the books tend to have creases and an occasional rip here and there. Oh yes, I just finished a whole paragraph about my passion for books. And I can go on and on and on....

My birthday is in two days! Yippeekayay! I had a really good time today, and last night when I went to dinner at TGIF at The Curve with my family, with the exception of Kak Lea since she's in Singapore. Hehe.

I am so tired now. I am dreading to go to school tomorrow, but I have to since I have some work of my own to be completed. I. Hate. Mondays! In spite of the looooooooong assembly that goes on for what seems like an infinity to me, endless, I really hate Mondays. I think that's pretty clear.

Friday, November 6
4:50 PM

Mental note to self : Take sarcastic statements literally. Oh, I'm so freaking jealous *rolls eyes*

Anyway, my birthday is in four days! Hehe, you can tell I'm excited. And, and, and....I'm going to celebrate my birthday twice with my family! Muahaha, I hope. Tomorrow night I'll be dining at Chilis with my family, except that Kak Lea won't be around since she's busy in Singapore. Oh well. Hihi.

I've been skipping school for the past four days including today. Honestly, this week's activities for the third formers are pretty boring. I mean, come on, Kursus Solat? HELLO, reality check, I know how to do my prayers correctly, thank you very much! But, yeah, I'm sure the teachers' intentions are for the better.

I miss Putri, the erratic friend of mine. I haven't seen her since Monday this week, since she's all the way in London on a holiday. My God, I envy her right now. I wished that I could choke her to death and just grab her ticket and fly off to London. Hahaha. Yeesh, I'm not that inhuman -.-" I can't wait for her to come back, though. Luckily she'll be here for my birthdaaaaayyy! I hope. That's what she said. Haha.

I'm starting to get anxious about my PMR results. The what ifs are starting to conquer my head right now. What if I'd studied harder? What if I'd studied way earlier before the big exam? What if, what if, what if....? Yeah, pretty stressful actually. But I'm trying to tell myself to just forget about it for the moment and be prepared for the worst when the time comes. I mean, come on, I've just finished a stressful (not to mention wickedly tricky) exam, and the last thing I want to do is to think about it. Sigh. It's next month :/

Should I be scared? Should I be freaking scared and horrified and become a coward? Na'uh, I shouldn't. Why? Because I know I've done my best, I've cracked my brain until all my knowledge have oozed out of its shell, and transferred it to the answer sheets. And I shouldn't be so cowardly because in many ways, I'm mentally stronger than you think I am. Ha.

Tear me apart, shoot me with a gun, stab my back with a knife, the only thing you'd accomplish is disappointment in a retarded, self-absorbed creature. Whoops. Did my back hurt your knife? :)

Monday, November 2
3:57 PM

Aloha! I have some good news and also bad news to convey to you. Hehe. The good news is...MY WISH LIST IS HEREEEEE! Ceh, haha.

Anyway, I've been dreaming of having some of these stuff for my birthday. I'm not expecting much this year, because I know that if I expect too much, become too much of an optimist, I won't be prepared for the worst, well, something like that. I just hate being an optimist over something and then I'm being let down in the end.

So, yeah, here we go. Just for your reference, hihi. I've listed them down according to priority, which means that the lower the number, the higher the priority :)

10. A new pair of blue jeans, boot-cut (I'm a size 0!) :D

9. A new phone, please!

8. Something cool to spruce up my room.

Am I being too demanding?

7. A baby-tee with sarcastic slogans on them, heh heh. That's how I rollllll!

6. A red scarf.

5. An iPod cover!!!! Or an iPod sock!

4. Low-heeled boots. I've always wanted them!


Okay, not exactly winter boots, but something like that. My God, have you tried them? They. Are. So. Comfortable! I've always wanted them, did I mention that?

Anyway, moving on.

3. A trip to an ice-cream parlor; Gelato Fruity, and a hunger-satisfying ice-cream!

2. MOVIES! A trip to watch Jennifer's Body at the movies! And a merry celebration :)

And the numero uno thing I really want for my birthday?


Well, at least as a belated birthday present anyway...

1. 8A'S PMR! Or at least 6A's, please. Not less than that.

Haha. So, there you go. Like I said, I'm not expecting anything, that's just for fun (and for reference, heh heh).

Fun's over. Time to deliver the bad news...well, at least to the school's alumni, anyway. I don't think I'll be attending the school's 110th celebration dinner this Sunday. Apparently I thought that the price for one frikkin' table for 10pax was RM1000, but I was wrong. It's actually a jawdropping RM1.5K.

My parents were OK with paying a grand for a table at the dinner, but when I just informed my father about the actual price, he flat out said that he can't afford it. Okay, I admit, we're not poor, but we're not exactly rich either. We're just somewhere in the middle, I'm being honest, not modest here. I don't blame him anyway. I wouldn't mind going to this dinner, but I wouldn't mind not going, too.

I think the price is a bit too expensive. Okay, a lot too expensive. RM150 per person, RM1.5K for a table for 10pax. I think that's just too much, in my opinion. In fact, my father said that the price for one normal table -- hey, there's a platinum table that costs 50K okay! -- would be adequate for the whole family to go out and eat at an expensive hotel, like Meridien or Westin or something. Haha, can you believe that? I've calculated the price for seven people -- me including my family members -- and it summed up to RM1050. Even when we go out for an expensive dinner at a really posh and expensive place, I never recalled hitting that number in the bill!

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be badmouthing my school. But I'm not. I'm just furious that the price is so high, no wonder they still have about twenty tables to sell, and the dinner is this Sunday. Sigh. What to do.

On the other hand...I'd definitely go for an expensive dinner at Meridien, or Westin, with the whole family! That is, if it is confirmed. Haha. Oh well.

See ya chikas! I'm so excited for my birthday! Weeeeee!

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